For all support please note that the tables WILL be changed, almost certainly without keeping backwards compatibility. Therefore you should keep your history files after import so you can re-import when necessary. Should you lose history files and need a "database updater" let me know. If support for another site/game would encourage you to help with this software please let me know at IMPORTANT: git10 and below contain at least one significant bug that cause wrong data to be displayed. I wrote a new query script for testing so I can track this down. Holdem/Omaha ring games on PokerStars ====================================== Works, quite well tested, works in table viewer and is useful now. Functionality is quite limited so far though. This includes the holdem/omaha parts of HORSE, HOSE and any other mixed game Stud/Razz ring games on PokerStars ================================== Broken - used to work, hardly tested. Needs to be updated to new infrastructure using a HudData table rather than hands_players_flags. Will fix this shortly. A note on No Limit and Pot Limit ================================ Fpdb fully supports NL/PL, however currently only as far as it does limit games. So it'll tell you how often a player has bet, but not how much. But the mate I'm writing this for doesnt play NL/PL (and neither do I) so volunteers would be most welcome. Tournaments/SnGs ================ Broken - used to work, hardly tested. Needs to be updated to new infrastructure.. Not sure when I'll fix this, volunteers welcome :) Independent of the current broken state at the moment tourney support would only show information as if a tourney is a ring game - but it's not. If you play tournaments and would like to help improving this let me know, I probably won't bother. Full Tilt Poker =============== Not sure - it should import them, but I believe the table viewer won't work. Should only take minutes to fix this so I'll probably do it soon. Other Sites =========== Patches/Volunteers welcome. GUI === Alpha - the infrastructure stands and is fast enough, now "just" need to add more functionality. HUD === Not started - volunteers welcome. I found a *nix utility based on xlib that does half the work for this (most of the other half is already in the table viewer), see There's also a python implementation of xlib which should run even on Windows. Packaging ========= Gentoo GNU/Linux: I'll make ebuilds, if you want one now let me know. Other free/libre systems (e.g. other GNU/Linux-Distros, *BSD, and I'd love to help in getting this to work on any Hurd based system): Let me know what you use (Distribution, version and CPU type) and I'll make a package. Windows/MacOSX: Manual installation of dependencies for now, integrated installer would be nice - volunteers welcome, but I'll do it eventually in any case. Regression Testing ================== The query scripts are done-ish, need to verify more data so it can be used in automated regression testing. Legal ===== General: This will offer more or less the same kind of functionality as HM and PT so there shouldn't be any problem on any site that allows tracking. PS: I have asked them and they said that due to the fast changing nature of pre-release software they don't review that. However, looking at their posted guidelines we're fine FTP: I sent them an email and what I described there was ok for them. I will write them again for "certification" on release of 1.0 To avoid any misunderstandings, PS and FTP obviously do not sponsor, endorse, or support fpdb. They allow using it, that's all. Any problems with fpdb should be reported to us, not the poker site. A note on viewing/tracking mucked hands. Many people will say this is cheating. I agree. However, I don't make the rules on these sites. The sites that store mucked hands into the history file clearly think that being able to see other people's mucked hands is ok. This software - like HM and PT - merely takes info provided by the poker site and makes it more easily accessible. Apparently PS has now turned this off :) License ======= Trademarks of third parties have been used under Fair Use or similar laws. Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 as published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be found in fdl-1.2.txt The program itself is licensed under AGPLv3, see agpl-3.0.txt