#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2008-2010, Ray E. Barker # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ######################################################################## """Hud_main.py Main for FreePokerTools HUD. """ # TODO allow window resizing # TODO hud to echo, but ignore non numbers # TODO no stat window for hero # TODO things to add to config.xml # Standard Library modules import sys import os import Options import traceback (options, argv) = Options.fpdb_options() import thread import time import string import re # pyGTK modules import pygtk import gtk import gobject # FreePokerTools modules import Configuration import Database from HandHistoryConverter import getTableTitleRe # get the correct module for the current os if os.name == 'posix': import XTables as Tables elif os.name == 'nt': import WinTables as Tables #import Tables import Hud import locale lang=locale.getdefaultlocale()[0][0:2] print "lang:", lang if lang=="en": def _(string): return string else: import gettext try: trans = gettext.translation("fpdb", localedir="locale", languages=[lang]) trans.install() except IOError: def _(string): return string # get config and set up logger c = Configuration.Config(file=options.config, dbname=options.dbname) log = Configuration.get_logger("logging.conf", "hud", log_dir=c.dir_log, log_file='HUD-log.txt') class HUD_main(object): """A main() object to own both the read_stdin thread and the gui.""" # This class mainly provides state for controlling the multiple HUDs. def __init__(self, db_name = 'fpdb'): print _("\nHUD_main: starting ...") self.db_name = db_name self.config = c print _("Logfile is ") + os.path.join(self.config.dir_log, 'HUD-log.txt') log.info(_("HUD_main starting: using db name = %s") % (db_name)) try: if not options.errorsToConsole: fileName = os.path.join(self.config.dir_log, 'HUD-errors.txt') print _("Note: error output is being diverted to:\n")+fileName \ + _("\nAny major error will be reported there _only_.\n") log.info(_("Note: error output is being diverted to:")+fileName) log.info(_("Any major error will be reported there _only_.")) errorFile = open(fileName, 'w', 0) sys.stderr = errorFile sys.stderr.write(_("HUD_main: starting ...\n")) self.hud_dict = {} self.hud_params = self.config.get_hud_ui_parameters() # a thread to read stdin gobject.threads_init() # this is required thread.start_new_thread(self.read_stdin, ()) # starts the thread # a main window self.main_window = gtk.Window() self.main_window.connect("client_moved", self.client_moved) self.main_window.connect("client_resized", self.client_resized) self.main_window.connect("client_destroyed", self.client_destroyed) self.main_window.connect("game_changed", self.game_changed) self.main_window.connect("table_changed", self.table_changed) self.main_window.connect("destroy", self.destroy) self.vb = gtk.VBox() self.label = gtk.Label(_('Closing this window will exit from the HUD.')) self.vb.add(self.label) self.main_window.add(self.vb) self.main_window.set_title(_("HUD Main Window")) self.main_window.show_all() gobject.timeout_add(100, self.check_tables) except: log.error( "*** Exception in HUD_main.init() *** " ) for e in traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]): log.error(e) def client_moved(self, widget, hud): print hud, hud.table.name, "moved", hud.table.x, hud.table.y def client_resized(self, widget, hud): print _("Client resized") def client_destroyed(self, widget, hud): # call back for terminating the main eventloop self.kill_hud(None, hud.table.name) def game_changed(self, widget, hud): print _("Game changed.") def table_changed(self, widget, hud): print _("Table changed.") self.kill_hud(None, hud.table.name) def destroy(self, *args): # call back for terminating the main eventloop log.info(_("Terminating normally.")) gtk.main_quit() def kill_hud(self, event, table): # called by an event in the HUD, to kill this specific HUD if table in self.hud_dict: self.hud_dict[table].kill() self.hud_dict[table].main_window.destroy() self.vb.remove(self.hud_dict[table].tablehudlabel) del(self.hud_dict[table]) self.main_window.resize(1,1) def check_tables(self): for hud in self.hud_dict.keys(): self.hud_dict[hud].table.check_table(self.hud_dict[hud]) return True def create_HUD(self, new_hand_id, table, table_name, max, poker_game, type, stat_dict, cards): """type is "ring" or "tour" used to set hud_params""" def idle_func(): gtk.gdk.threads_enter() try: table.gdkhandle = gtk.gdk.window_foreign_new(table.number) newlabel = gtk.Label("%s - %s" % (table.site, table_name)) self.vb.add(newlabel) newlabel.show() self.main_window.resize_children() self.hud_dict[table_name].tablehudlabel = newlabel self.hud_dict[table_name].create(new_hand_id, self.config, stat_dict, cards) for m in self.hud_dict[table_name].aux_windows: m.create() m.update_gui(new_hand_id) self.hud_dict[table_name].update(new_hand_id, self.config) self.hud_dict[table_name].reposition_windows() except: log.error( "*** Exception in HUD_main::idle_func() *** " + str(sys.exc_info()) ) for e in traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]): log.error(e) finally: gtk.gdk.threads_leave() return False self.hud_dict[table_name] = Hud.Hud(self, table, max, poker_game, self.config, self.db_connection) self.hud_dict[table_name].table_name = table_name self.hud_dict[table_name].stat_dict = stat_dict self.hud_dict[table_name].cards = cards # set agg_bb_mult so that aggregate_tour and aggregate_ring can be ignored, # agg_bb_mult == 1 means no aggregation after these if statements: if type == "tour" and self.hud_params['aggregate_tour'] == False: self.hud_dict[table_name].hud_params['agg_bb_mult'] = 1 elif type == "ring" and self.hud_params['aggregate_ring'] == False: self.hud_dict[table_name].hud_params['agg_bb_mult'] = 1 if type == "tour" and self.hud_params['h_aggregate_tour'] == False: self.hud_dict[table_name].hud_params['h_agg_bb_mult'] = 1 elif type == "ring" and self.hud_params['h_aggregate_ring'] == False: self.hud_dict[table_name].hud_params['h_agg_bb_mult'] = 1 # sqlcoder: I forget why these are set to true (aren't they ignored from now on?) # but I think it's needed: self.hud_params['aggregate_ring'] = True self.hud_params['h_aggregate_ring'] = True # so maybe the tour ones should be set as well? does this fix the bug I see mentioned? self.hud_params['aggregate_tour'] = True self.hud_params['h_aggregate_tour'] = True [aw.update_data(new_hand_id, self.db_connection) for aw in self.hud_dict[table_name].aux_windows] gobject.idle_add(idle_func) def update_HUD(self, new_hand_id, table_name, config): """Update a HUD gui from inside the non-gui read_stdin thread.""" # This is written so that only 1 thread can touch the gui--mainly # for compatibility with Windows. This method dispatches the # function idle_func() to be run by the gui thread, at its leisure. def idle_func(): gtk.gdk.threads_enter() try: self.hud_dict[table_name].update(new_hand_id, config) # The HUD could get destroyed in the above call ^^, which leaves us with a KeyError here vv # if we ever get an error we need to expect ^^ then we need to handle it vv - Eric [aw.update_gui(new_hand_id) for aw in self.hud_dict[table_name].aux_windows] except KeyError: pass finally: gtk.gdk.threads_leave() return False gobject.idle_add(idle_func) def read_stdin(self): # This is the thread function """Do all the non-gui heavy lifting for the HUD program.""" # This db connection is for the read_stdin thread only. It should not # be passed to HUDs for use in the gui thread. HUD objects should not # need their own access to the database, but should open their own # if it is required. self.db_connection = Database.Database(self.config) # get hero's screen names and player ids self.hero, self.hero_ids = {}, {} found = False while 1: # wait for a new hand number on stdin new_hand_id = sys.stdin.readline() t0 = time.time() t1 = t2 = t3 = t4 = t5 = t6 = t0 new_hand_id = string.rstrip(new_hand_id) log.debug(_("Received hand no %s") % new_hand_id) if new_hand_id == "": # blank line means quit self.destroy() break # this thread is not always killed immediately with gtk.main_quit() if not found: for site in self.config.get_supported_sites(): result = self.db_connection.get_site_id(site) if result: site_id = result[0][0] self.hero[site_id] = self.config.supported_sites[site].screen_name self.hero_ids[site_id] = self.db_connection.get_player_id(self.config, site, self.hero[site_id]) if self.hero_ids[site_id] is not None: found = True else: self.hero_ids[site_id] = -1 # get basic info about the new hand from the db # if there is a db error, complain, skip hand, and proceed log.info(_("HUD_main.read_stdin: hand processing starting ...")) try: (table_name, max, poker_game, type, site_id, site_name, num_seats, tour_number, tab_number) = \ self.db_connection.get_table_info(new_hand_id) except Exception: log.error(_("db error: skipping %s" % new_hand_id)) continue t1 = time.time() if type == "tour": # hand is from a tournament temp_key = tour_number else: temp_key = table_name # Update an existing HUD if temp_key in self.hud_dict: # get stats using hud's specific params and get cards self.db_connection.init_hud_stat_vars( self.hud_dict[temp_key].hud_params['hud_days'] , self.hud_dict[temp_key].hud_params['h_hud_days']) t2 = time.time() stat_dict = self.db_connection.get_stats_from_hand(new_hand_id, type, self.hud_dict[temp_key].hud_params ,self.hero_ids[site_id], num_seats) t3 = time.time() try: self.hud_dict[temp_key].stat_dict = stat_dict except KeyError: # HUD instance has been killed off, key is stale log.error(_('hud_dict[%s] was not found\n') % temp_key) log.error(_('will not send hand\n')) # Unlocks table, copied from end of function self.db_connection.connection.rollback() return cards = self.db_connection.get_cards(new_hand_id) t4 = time.time() comm_cards = self.db_connection.get_common_cards(new_hand_id) t5 = time.time() if comm_cards != {}: # stud! cards['common'] = comm_cards['common'] self.hud_dict[temp_key].cards = cards [aw.update_data(new_hand_id, self.db_connection) for aw in self.hud_dict[temp_key].aux_windows] self.update_HUD(new_hand_id, temp_key, self.config) # Or create a new HUD else: # get stats using default params--also get cards self.db_connection.init_hud_stat_vars( self.hud_params['hud_days'], self.hud_params['h_hud_days'] ) stat_dict = self.db_connection.get_stats_from_hand(new_hand_id, type, self.hud_params ,self.hero_ids[site_id], num_seats) cards = self.db_connection.get_cards(new_hand_id) comm_cards = self.db_connection.get_common_cards(new_hand_id) if comm_cards != {}: # stud! cards['common'] = comm_cards['common'] table_kwargs = dict(table_name = table_name, tournament = tour_number, table_number = tab_number) tablewindow = Tables.Table(self.config, site_name, **table_kwargs) if tablewindow is None: # If no client window is found on the screen, complain and continue if type == "tour": table_name = "%s %s" % (tour_number, tab_number) log.error(_("HUD create: table name %s not found, skipping.") % table_name) else: tablewindow.max = max tablewindow.site = site_name # Test that the table window still exists if hasattr(tablewindow, 'number'): self.create_HUD(new_hand_id, tablewindow, temp_key, max, poker_game, type, stat_dict, cards) else: log.error(_('Table "%s" no longer exists\n') % table_name) t6 = time.time() log.info(_("HUD_main.read_stdin: hand read in %4.3f seconds (%4.3f,%4.3f,%4.3f,%4.3f,%4.3f,%4.3f)") % (t6-t0,t1-t0,t2-t0,t3-t0,t4-t0,t5-t0,t6-t0)) self.db_connection.connection.rollback() if type == "tour": tablewindow.check_table_no() if __name__== "__main__": # start the HUD_main object hm = HUD_main(db_name = options.dbname) # start the event loop gtk.main()