#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Configuration.py Handles fpdb/fpdb-hud configuration files. """ # Copyright 2008-2011, Ray E. Barker # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ######################################################################## # Standard Library modules from __future__ import with_statement import L10n _ = L10n.get_translation() import os import sys import inspect import string import traceback import shutil import locale import re import xml.dom.minidom from xml.dom.minidom import Node import logging, logging.config import ConfigParser # logging has been set up in fpdb.py or HUD_main.py, use their settings: log = logging.getLogger("config") ############################################################################## # Functions for finding config files and setting up logging # Also used in other modules that use logging. def get_default_config_path(): """Returns the path where the fpdb config file _should_ be stored.""" if os.name == 'posix': if (os.uname()[0]=="Darwin"): config_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".fpdb") else: config_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), '.fpdb') elif os.name == 'nt': config_path = os.path.join(unicode(os.environ[u"APPDATA"], "latin-1"), u"fpdb") #print u"path after joining in get_default_config_path:",config_path else: config_path = False try: os.mkdir(config_path) except: pass return config_path def get_exec_path(): """Returns the path to the fpdb(dir|.exe) file we are executing""" if hasattr(sys, "frozen"): # compiled by py2exe return os.path.dirname(sys.executable) else: return os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]) # should be path to /fpdb def get_config(file_name, fallback = True): """Looks in cwd and in self.default_config_path for a config file.""" # look for example file even if not used here, path is returned to caller config_found,example_found,example_copy = False,False,False config_path, example_path = None,None exec_dir = get_exec_path() if file_name == 'logging.conf' and not hasattr(sys, "frozen"): config_path = os.path.join(exec_dir, 'pyfpdb', file_name) else: config_path = os.path.join(exec_dir, file_name) #print "config_path=", config_path if os.path.exists(config_path): # there is a file in the cwd config_found = True # so we use it else: # no file in the cwd, look where it should be in the first place default_dir = get_default_config_path() config_path = os.path.join(default_dir, file_name) #print "config path 2=", config_path if os.path.exists(config_path): config_found = True #TODO: clean up the example path loading to ensure it behaves the same on all OSs # Example configuration for debian package if os.name == 'posix': # If we're on linux, try to copy example from the place # debian package puts it; get_default_config_path() creates # the config directory for us so there's no need to check it # again example_path = '/usr/share/python-fpdb/' + file_name + '.example' if not os.path.exists(example_path): if os.path.exists(file_name + '.example'): example_path = file_name + '.example' else: example_path = "pyfpdb/" + file_name + '.example' if not config_found and fallback: try: shutil.copyfile(example_path, config_path) example_copy = True msg = _("Config file has been created at %s.") % (config_path+"\n") logging.info(msg) except IOError: try: example_path = file_name + '.example' shutil.copyfile(example_path, config_path) example_copy = True msg = _("Config file has been created at %s.") % (config_path+"\n") logging.info(msg) except IOError: pass # OK, fall back to the .example file, should be in the start dir elif os.path.exists(file_name + ".example"): try: #print "" example_path = file_name + ".example" check_dir(default_dir) if not config_found and fallback: shutil.copyfile(example_path, config_path) example_copy = True msg = _("No %s found\n in %s\n or %s") % (file_name, exec_dir, default_dir) \ + " " + _("Config file has been created at %s.") % (config_path+"\n") print msg logging.info(msg) except: print _("Error copying .example config file, cannot fall back. Exiting."), "\n" sys.stderr.write(_("Error copying .example config file, cannot fall back. Exiting.")+"\n") sys.stderr.write( str(sys.exc_info()) ) sys.exit() elif fallback: print _("No %s found, cannot fall back. Exiting.") % file_name, "\n" sys.stderr.write((_("No %s found, cannot fall back. Exiting.") % file_name) + "\n") sys.exit() #print "get_config: returning "+str( (config_path,example_copy,example_path) ) return (config_path,example_copy,example_path) def get_logger(file_name, config = "config", fallback = False, log_dir=None, log_file=None): (conf_file,copied,example_file) = get_config(file_name, fallback = fallback) if log_dir is None: log_dir = os.path.join(get_exec_path(), u'log') #print "\nget_logger: checking log_dir:", log_dir check_dir(log_dir) if log_file is None: file = os.path.join(log_dir, 'fpdb-log.txt') else: file = os.path.join(log_dir, log_file) if conf_file: try: file = file.replace('\\', '\\\\') # replace each \ with \\ # print " ="+file+" "+ str(type(file))+" len="+str(len(file))+"\n" logging.config.fileConfig(conf_file, {"logFile":file}) log = logging.getLogger(config) log.debug("%s logger initialised" % config) return log except: pass log = logging.basicConfig(filename=file, level=logging.INFO) log = logging.getLogger() # but it looks like default is no output :-( maybe because all the calls name a module? log.debug(_("Default logger initialised for %s") % file) #print(_("Default logger initialised for %s") % file) return log def check_dir(path, create = True): """Check if a dir exists, optionally creates if not.""" if os.path.exists(path): if os.path.isdir(path): return path else: return False if create: msg = _("Creating directory: '%s'") % (path) print msg log.info(msg) os.mkdir(path)#, "utf-8")) else: return False ######################################################################## # application wide consts APPLICATION_NAME_SHORT = 'fpdb' APPLICATION_VERSION = 'xx.xx.xx' DATABASE_TYPE_POSTGRESQL = 'postgresql' DATABASE_TYPE_SQLITE = 'sqlite' DATABASE_TYPE_MYSQL = 'mysql' DATABASE_TYPES = ( DATABASE_TYPE_POSTGRESQL, DATABASE_TYPE_SQLITE, DATABASE_TYPE_MYSQL, ) LOCALE_ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding() if LOCALE_ENCODING in ("US-ASCII", "", None): LOCALE_ENCODING = "cp1252" if (os.uname()[0]!="Darwin"): print _("Default encoding set to US-ASCII, defaulting to CP1252 instead."), _("Please report this problem.") # needs LOCALE_ENCODING (above), imported for sqlite setup in Config class below FROZEN = hasattr(sys, "frozen") EXEC_PATH = get_exec_path() import Charset ######################################################################## def string_to_bool(string, default=True): """converts a string representation of a boolean value to boolean True or False @param string: (str) the string to convert @param default: value to return if the string can not be converted to a boolean value """ string = string.lower() if string in ('1', 'true', 't'): return True elif string in ('0', 'false', 'f'): return False return default class Layout: def __init__(self, node): self.max = int( node.getAttribute('max') ) if node.hasAttribute('fav_seat'): self.fav_seat = int( node.getAttribute('fav_seat') ) if node.hasAttribute('name'): self.name = node.getAttribute('name') else: self.name = None self.width = int( node.getAttribute('width') ) self.height = int( node.getAttribute('height') ) self.location = [] self.location = map(lambda x: None, range(self.max+1)) # fill array with max seats+1 empty entries for location_node in node.getElementsByTagName('location'): if location_node.getAttribute('seat') != "": self.location[int( location_node.getAttribute('seat') )] = (int( location_node.getAttribute('x') ), int( location_node.getAttribute('y'))) elif location_node.getAttribute('common') != "": self.common = (int( location_node.getAttribute('x') ), int( location_node.getAttribute('y'))) def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, 'name'): name = self.name + ", " else: name = "" temp = " Layout = %s%d max, width= %d, height = %d" % (name, self.max, self.width, self.height) if hasattr(self, 'fav_seat'): temp = temp + ", fav_seat = %d\n" % self.fav_seat else: temp = temp + "\n" if hasattr(self, "common"): temp = temp + " Common = (%d, %d)\n" % (self.common[0], self.common[1]) temp = temp + " Locations = " for i in range(1, len(self.location)): temp = temp + "(%d,%d)" % self.location[i] return temp + "\n" class Email: def __init__(self, node): self.node = node self.host= node.getAttribute("host") self.username = node.getAttribute("username") self.password = node.getAttribute("password") self.useSsl = node.getAttribute("useSsl") self.folder = node.getAttribute("folder") self.fetchType = node.getAttribute("fetchType") def __str__(self): return " fetchType=%s\n host = %s\n username = %s\n password = %s\n useSsl = %s\n folder = %s\n" \ % (self.fetchType, self.host, self.username, self.password, self.useSsl, self.folder) class Site: def __init__(self, node): def normalizePath(path): "Normalized existing pathes" if os.path.exists(path): return os.path.abspath(path) return path self.site_name = node.getAttribute("site_name") self.table_finder = node.getAttribute("table_finder") self.screen_name = node.getAttribute("screen_name") self.site_path = normalizePath(node.getAttribute("site_path")) self.HH_path = normalizePath(node.getAttribute("HH_path")) self.decoder = node.getAttribute("decoder") self.hudopacity = node.getAttribute("hudopacity") self.hudbgcolor = node.getAttribute("bgcolor") self.hudfgcolor = node.getAttribute("fgcolor") self.converter = node.getAttribute("converter") self.aux_window = node.getAttribute("aux_window") self.font = node.getAttribute("font") self.font_size = node.getAttribute("font_size") self.use_frames = node.getAttribute("use_frames") self.enabled = string_to_bool(node.getAttribute("enabled"), default=True) self.xpad = node.getAttribute("xpad") self.ypad = node.getAttribute("ypad") self.xshift = node.getAttribute("xshift") self.yshift = node.getAttribute("yshift") self.layout = {} self.emails = {} for layout_node in node.getElementsByTagName('layout'): lo = Layout(layout_node) self.layout[lo.max] = lo for email_node in node.getElementsByTagName('email'): email = Email(email_node) self.emails[email.fetchType] = email # Site defaults self.xpad = 1 if self.xpad == "" else int(self.xpad) self.ypad = 0 if self.ypad == "" else int(self.ypad) self.xshift = 1 if self.xshift == "" else int(self.xshift) self.yshift = 0 if self.yshift == "" else int(self.yshift) self.font_size = 7 if self.font_size == "" else int(self.font_size) self.hudopacity = 1.0 if self.hudopacity == "" else float(self.hudopacity) if self.use_frames == "": self.use_frames = False if self.font == "": self.font = "Sans" if self.hudbgcolor == "": self.hudbgcolor = "#000000" if self.hudfgcolor == "": self.hudfgcolor = "#FFFFFF" def __str__(self): temp = "Site = " + self.site_name + "\n" for key in dir(self): if key.startswith('__'): continue if key == 'layout': continue value = getattr(self, key) if callable(value): continue temp = temp + ' ' + key + " = " + str(value) + "\n" for layout in self.layout: temp = temp + "%s" % self.layout[layout] return temp class Stat: def __init__(self): pass def __str__(self): temp = " stat_name = %s, row = %d, col = %d, tip = %s, click = %s, popup = %s\n" % (self.stat_name, self.row, self.col, self.tip, self.click, self.popup) return temp class Game: def __init__(self, node): self.game_name = node.getAttribute("game_name") self.rows = int( node.getAttribute("rows") ) self.cols = int( node.getAttribute("cols") ) self.xpad = node.getAttribute("xpad") self.ypad = node.getAttribute("ypad") self.xshift = node.getAttribute("xshift") self.yshift = node.getAttribute("yshift") # Defaults if self.xpad == "": self.xpad = 1 else: self.xpad = int(self.xpad) if self.ypad == "": self.ypad = 0 else: self.ypad = int(self.ypad) if self.xshift == "": self.xshift = 1 else: self.xshift = int(self.xshift) if self.yshift == "": self.yshift = 0 else: self.yshift = int(self.yshift) aux_text = node.getAttribute("aux") aux_list = aux_text.split(',') for i in range(0, len(aux_list)): aux_list[i] = aux_list[i].strip() self.aux = aux_list self.stats = {} for stat_node in node.getElementsByTagName('stat'): stat = Stat() stat.stat_name = stat_node.getAttribute("stat_name") stat.row = int( stat_node.getAttribute("row") ) stat.col = int( stat_node.getAttribute("col") ) stat.tip = stat_node.getAttribute("tip") stat.click = stat_node.getAttribute("click") stat.popup = stat_node.getAttribute("popup") stat.hudprefix = stat_node.getAttribute("hudprefix") stat.hudsuffix = stat_node.getAttribute("hudsuffix") stat.hudcolor = stat_node.getAttribute("hudcolor") stat.stat_loth = stat_node.getAttribute("stat_loth") stat.stat_hith = stat_node.getAttribute("stat_hith") stat.stat_locolor = stat_node.getAttribute("stat_locolor") stat.stat_hicolor = stat_node.getAttribute("stat_hicolor") self.stats[stat.stat_name] = stat def __str__(self): temp = "Game = " + self.game_name + "\n" temp = temp + " rows = %d\n" % self.rows temp = temp + " cols = %d\n" % self.cols temp = temp + " xpad = %d\n" % self.xpad temp = temp + " ypad = %d\n" % self.ypad temp = temp + " xshift = %d\n" % self.xshift temp = temp + " yshift = %d\n" % self.yshift temp = temp + " aux = %s\n" % self.aux for stat in self.stats.keys(): temp = temp + "%s" % self.stats[stat] return temp class Database: def __init__(self, node): self.db_name = node.getAttribute("db_name") self.db_desc = node.getAttribute("db_desc") self.db_server = node.getAttribute("db_server").lower() self.db_ip = node.getAttribute("db_ip") self.db_user = node.getAttribute("db_user") self.db_pass = node.getAttribute("db_pass") self.db_selected = string_to_bool(node.getAttribute("default"), default=False) log.debug("Database db_name:'%(name)s' db_server:'%(server)s' db_ip:'%(ip)s' db_user:'%(user)s' db_pass (not logged) selected:'%(sel)s'" \ % { 'name':self.db_name, 'server':self.db_server, 'ip':self.db_ip, 'user':self.db_user, 'sel':self.db_selected} ) def __str__(self): temp = 'Database = ' + self.db_name + '\n' for key in dir(self): if key.startswith('__'): continue value = getattr(self, key) if callable(value): continue temp = temp + ' ' + key + " = " + repr(value) + "\n" return temp class Aux_window: def __init__(self, node): for (name, value) in node.attributes.items(): setattr(self, name, value) self.layout = {} for layout_node in node.getElementsByTagName('layout'): lo = Layout(layout_node) self.layout[lo.max] = lo def __str__(self): temp = 'Aux = ' + self.name + "\n" for key in dir(self): if key.startswith('__'): continue if key == 'layout': continue value = getattr(self, key) if callable(value): continue temp = temp + ' ' + key + " = " + value + "\n" for layout in self.layout: temp = temp + "%s" % self.layout[layout] return temp class HHC: def __init__(self, node): self.site = node.getAttribute("site") self.converter = node.getAttribute("converter") self.summaryImporter = node.getAttribute("summaryImporter") def __str__(self): return "%s:\tconverter: '%s' summaryImporter: '%s'" % (self.site, self.converter, self.summaryImporter) class Popup: def __init__(self, node): self.name = node.getAttribute("pu_name") self.pu_stats = [] for stat_node in node.getElementsByTagName('pu_stat'): self.pu_stats.append(stat_node.getAttribute("pu_stat_name")) def __str__(self): temp = "Popup = " + self.name + "\n" for stat in self.pu_stats: temp = temp + " " + stat return temp + "\n" class Import: def __init__(self, node): self.node = node self.interval = node.getAttribute("interval") self.sessionTimeout = node.getAttribute("sessionTimeout") self.ResultsDirectory = node.getAttribute("ResultsDirectory") self.hhBulkPath = node.getAttribute("hhBulkPath") self.saveActions = string_to_bool(node.getAttribute("saveActions") , default=False) self.cacheSessions = string_to_bool(node.getAttribute("cacheSessions") , default=False) self.callFpdbHud = string_to_bool(node.getAttribute("callFpdbHud") , default=False) self.fastStoreHudCache = string_to_bool(node.getAttribute("fastStoreHudCache"), default=False) self.saveStarsHH = string_to_bool(node.getAttribute("saveStarsHH") , default=False) def __str__(self): return " interval = %s\n callFpdbHud = %s\n saveActions = %s\n fastStoreHudCache = %s\nResultsDirectory = %s" \ % (self.interval, self.callFpdbHud, self.saveActions, self.cacheSessions, self.sessionTimeout, self.fastStoreHudCache, self.ResultsDirectory) class HudUI: def __init__(self, node): self.node = node self.label = node.getAttribute('label') # self.hud_style = node.getAttribute('stat_range') self.hud_days = node.getAttribute('stat_days') self.aggregate_ring = string_to_bool(node.getAttribute('aggregate_ring_game_stats')) self.aggregate_tour = string_to_bool(node.getAttribute('aggregate_tourney_stats')) self.agg_bb_mult = node.getAttribute('aggregation_level_multiplier') # self.h_hud_style = node.getAttribute('hero_stat_range') self.h_hud_days = node.getAttribute('hero_stat_days') self.h_aggregate_ring = string_to_bool(node.getAttribute('aggregate_hero_ring_game_stats')) self.h_aggregate_tour = string_to_bool(node.getAttribute('aggregate_hero_tourney_stats')) self.h_agg_bb_mult = node.getAttribute('hero_aggregation_level_multiplier') def __str__(self): return " label = %s\n" % self.label class General(dict): def __init__(self): super(General, self).__init__() def add_elements(self, node): # day_start - number n where 0.0 <= n < 24.0 representing start of day for user # e.g. user could set to 4.0 for day to start at 4am local time # [ HH_bulk_path was here - now moved to import section ] for (name, value) in node.attributes.items(): log.debug(_("config.general: adding %s = %s") % (name,value)) self[name] = value try: self["version"]=int(self["version"]) except KeyError: self["version"]=0 self["ui_language"]="system" self["config_difficulty"]="expert" def get_defaults(self): self["version"]=0 self["ui_language"]="system" self["config_difficulty"]="expert" self["config_wrap_len"]="-1" self["day_start"]="5" def __str__(self): s = "" for k in self: s = s + " %s = %s\n" % (k, self[k]) return(s) class GUICashStats(list): """ ... """ def __init__(self): super(GUICashStats, self).__init__() def add_elements(self, node): # is this needed? for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE: col_name, col_title, disp_all, disp_posn, field_format, field_type, xalignment=None, None, True, True, "%s", "str", 0.0 if child.hasAttribute('col_name'): col_name = child.getAttribute('col_name') if child.hasAttribute('col_title'): col_title = child.getAttribute('col_title') if child.hasAttribute('disp_all'): disp_all = string_to_bool(child.getAttribute('disp_all')) if child.hasAttribute('disp_posn'): disp_posn = string_to_bool(child.getAttribute('disp_posn')) if child.hasAttribute('field_format'): field_format = child.getAttribute('field_format') if child.hasAttribute('field_type'): field_type = child.getAttribute('field_type') try: if child.hasAttribute('xalignment'): xalignment = float(child.getAttribute('xalignment')) except ValueError: print _("bad number in xalignment was ignored") log.info(_("bad number in xalignment was ignored")) self.append( [col_name, col_title, disp_all, disp_posn, field_format, field_type, xalignment] ) def get_defaults(self): """A list of defaults to be called, should there be no entry in config""" # SQL column name, display title, display all, display positional, format, type, alignment defaults = [ [u'game', u'Game', True, True, u'%s', u'str', 0.0], [u'hand', u'Hand', False, False, u'%s', u'str', 0.0], [u'plposition', u'Posn', False, False, u'%s', u'str', 1.0], [u'pname', u'Name', False, False, u'%s', u'str', 0.0], [u'n', u'Hds', True, True, u'%1.0f', u'str', 1.0], [u'avgseats', u'Seats', False, False, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'vpip', u'VPIP', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'pfr', u'PFR', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'pf3', u'PF3', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'aggfac', u'AggFac', True, True, u'%2.2f', u'str', 1.0], [u'aggfrq', u'AggFreq', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'conbet', u'ContBet', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'rfi', u'RFI', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'steals', u'Steals', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'saw_f', u'Saw_F', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'sawsd', u'SawSD', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'wtsdwsf', u'WtSDwsF', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'wmsd', u'W$SD', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'flafq', u'FlAFq', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'tuafq', u'TuAFq', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'rvafq', u'RvAFq', True, True, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'pofafq', u'PoFAFq', False, False, u'%3.1f', u'str', 1.0], [u'net', u'Net($)', True, True, u'%6.2f', u'cash', 1.0], [u'bbper100', u'bb/100', True, True, u'%4.2f', u'str', 1.0], [u'rake', u'Rake($)', True, True, u'%6.2f', u'cash', 1.0], [u'bb100xr', u'bbxr/100', True, True, u'%4.2f', u'str', 1.0], [u'variance', u'Variance', True, True, u'%5.2f', u'str', 1.0] ] for col in defaults: self.append (col) # def __str__(self): # s = "" # for l in self: # s = s + " %s = %s\n" % (k, self[k]) # return(s) class RawHands: def __init__(self, node=None): if node==None: self.save="error" self.compression="none" #print _("missing config section raw_hands") else: save=node.getAttribute("save") if save in ("none", "error", "all"): self.save=save else: print (_("Invalid config value for %s, defaulting to %s") % (raw_hands.save, "\"error\"")) self.save="error" compression=node.getAttribute("compression") if save in ("none", "gzip", "bzip2"): self.compression=compression else: print (_("Invalid config value for %s, defaulting to %s") % (raw_hands.compression, "\"none\"")) self.compression="none" #end def __init__ def __str__(self): return " save= %s, compression= %s\n" % (self.save, self.compression) #end class RawHands class RawTourneys: def __init__(self, node=None): if node==None: self.save="error" self.compression="none" #print _("missing config section raw_tourneys") else: save=node.getAttribute("save") if save in ("none", "error", "all"): self.save=save else: print (_("Invalid config value for %s, defaulting to %s") % (raw_tourneys.save, "\"error\"")) self.save="error" compression=node.getAttribute("compression") if save in ("none", "gzip", "bzip2"): self.compression=compression else: print (_("Invalid config value for %s, defaulting to %s") % (raw_tourneys.compression, "\"none\"")) self.compression="none" #end def __init__ def __str__(self): return " save= %s, compression= %s\n" % (self.save, self.compression) #end class RawTourneys class Config: def __init__(self, file = None, dbname = ''): # "file" is a path to an xml file with the fpdb/HUD configuration # we check the existence of "file" and try to recover if it doesn't exist # self.default_config_path = self.get_default_config_path() self.example_copy = False if file is not None: # config file path passed in file = os.path.expanduser(file) if not os.path.exists(file): print _("Configuration file %s not found. Using defaults.") % (file) sys.stderr.write(_("Configuration file %s not found. Using defaults.") % (file)) file = None self.example_copy,example_file = True,None if file is None: (file,self.example_copy,example_file) = get_config("HUD_config.xml", True) self.file = file self.dir_self = get_exec_path() # self.dir_config = os.path.dirname(self.file) self.dir_config = get_default_config_path() self.dir_log = os.path.join(self.dir_config, u'log') self.dir_database = os.path.join(self.dir_config, u'database') self.log_file = os.path.join(self.dir_log, u'fpdb-log.txt') log = get_logger("logging.conf", "config", log_dir=self.dir_log) self.supported_sites = {} self.supported_games = {} self.supported_databases = {} # databaseName --> Database instance self.aux_windows = {} self.hhcs = {} self.popup_windows = {} self.db_selected = None # database the user would like to use self.general = General() self.emails = {} self.gui_cash_stats = GUICashStats() self.site_ids = {} # site ID list from the database added,n = 1,0 # use n to prevent infinite loop if add_missing_elements() fails somehow while added > 0 and n < 2: n = n + 1 log.info(_("Reading configuration file %s") % file) #print (("\n"+_("Reading configuration file %s")+"\n") % file) try: doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file) self.doc = doc self.file_error = None except: log.error((_("Error parsing %s.") % (file)) + _("See error log file.")) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) self.file_error = sys.exc_info()[1] # we could add a parameter to decide whether to return or read a line and exit? return #print "press enter to continue" #sys.stdin.readline() #sys.exit() #ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 511, column 4 #sys.exc_info = (, ExpatError('not well-formed (invalid token): line 511, # column 4',), ) if (not self.example_copy) and (example_file is not None): # reads example file and adds missing elements into current config added = self.add_missing_elements(doc, example_file) if doc.getElementsByTagName("general") == []: self.general.get_defaults() for gen_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("general"): self.general.add_elements(node=gen_node) # add/overwrite elements in self.general if doc.getElementsByTagName("gui_cash_stats") == []: self.gui_cash_stats.get_defaults() for gcs_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("gui_cash_stats"): self.gui_cash_stats.add_elements(node=gcs_node) # add/overwrite elements in self.gui_cash_stats # s_sites = doc.getElementsByTagName("supported_sites") for site_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("site"): site = Site(node = site_node) self.supported_sites[site.site_name] = site # s_games = doc.getElementsByTagName("supported_games") for game_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("game"): game = Game(node = game_node) self.supported_games[game.game_name] = game # parse databases defined by user in the section # the user may select the actual database to use via commandline or by setting the selected="bool" # attribute of the tag. if no database is explicitely selected, we use the first one we come across # s_dbs = doc.getElementsByTagName("supported_databases") #TODO: do we want to take all tags or all tags contained in # ..this may break stuff for some users. so leave it unchanged for now untill there is a decission for db_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("database"): db = Database(node=db_node) if db.db_name in self.supported_databases: raise ValueError("Database names must be unique") if self.db_selected is None or db.db_selected: self.db_selected = db.db_name db_node.setAttribute("default", "True") self.supported_databases[db.db_name] = db #TODO: if the user may passes '' (empty string) as database name via command line, his choice is ignored # ..when we parse the xml we allow for ''. there has to be a decission if to allow '' or not if dbname and dbname in self.supported_databases: self.db_selected = dbname #NOTE: fpdb can not handle the case when no database is defined in xml, so we throw an exception for now if self.db_selected is None: raise ValueError('There must be at least one database defined') # s_dbs = doc.getElementsByTagName("mucked_windows") for aw_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("aw"): aw = Aux_window(node = aw_node) self.aux_windows[aw.name] = aw # s_dbs = doc.getElementsByTagName("mucked_windows") for hhc_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("hhc"): hhc = HHC(node = hhc_node) self.hhcs[hhc.site] = hhc # s_dbs = doc.getElementsByTagName("popup_windows") for pu_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("pu"): pu = Popup(node = pu_node) self.popup_windows[pu.name] = pu for imp_node in doc.getElementsByTagName("import"): imp = Import(node = imp_node) self.imp = imp for hui_node in doc.getElementsByTagName('hud_ui'): hui = HudUI(node = hui_node) self.ui = hui db = self.get_db_parameters() if db['db-password'] == 'YOUR MYSQL PASSWORD': df_file = self.find_default_conf() if df_file is None: # this is bad pass else: df_parms = self.read_default_conf(df_file) self.set_db_parameters(db_name = 'fpdb', db_ip = df_parms['db-host'], db_user = df_parms['db-user'], db_pass = df_parms['db-password']) self.save(file=os.path.join(self.dir_config, "HUD_config.xml")) if doc.getElementsByTagName("raw_hands") == []: self.raw_hands = RawHands() for raw_hands_node in doc.getElementsByTagName('raw_hands'): self.raw_hands = RawHands(raw_hands_node) if doc.getElementsByTagName("raw_tourneys") == []: self.raw_tourneys = RawTourneys() for raw_tourneys_node in doc.getElementsByTagName('raw_tourneys'): self.raw_tourneys = RawTourneys(raw_tourneys_node) #print "" #end def __init__ def add_missing_elements(self, doc, example_file): """ Look through example config file and add any elements that are not in the config May need to add some 'enabled' attributes to turn things off - can't just delete a config section now because this will add it back in""" nodes_added = 0 try: example_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(example_file) except: log.error((_("Error parsing example configuration file %s.") % (example_file)) + _("See error log file.")) return nodes_added for cnode in doc.getElementsByTagName("FreePokerToolsConfig"): for example_cnode in example_doc.childNodes: if example_cnode.localName == "FreePokerToolsConfig": for e in example_cnode.childNodes: #print "nodetype", e.nodeType, "name", e.localName, "found", len(doc.getElementsByTagName(e.localName)) if e.nodeType == e.ELEMENT_NODE and doc.getElementsByTagName(e.localName) == []: new = doc.importNode(e, True) # True means do deep copy t_node = self.doc.createTextNode(" ") cnode.appendChild(t_node) cnode.appendChild(new) t_node = self.doc.createTextNode("\r\n\r\n") cnode.appendChild(t_node) print "... adding missing config section: " + e.localName nodes_added = nodes_added + 1 if nodes_added > 0: print "Added %d missing config sections\n" % nodes_added self.save() return nodes_added def find_default_conf(self): if os.name == 'posix': config_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), '.fpdb', 'default.conf') elif os.name == 'nt': config_path = os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], 'fpdb', 'default.conf') else: config_path = False if config_path and os.path.exists(config_path): file = config_path else: file = None return file def get_doc(self): return self.doc def get_site_node(self, site): for site_node in self.doc.getElementsByTagName("site"): if site_node.getAttribute("site_name") == site: return site_node def getEmailNode(self, siteName, fetchType): siteNode = self.get_site_node(siteName) for emailNode in siteNode.getElementsByTagName("email"): if emailNode.getAttribute("fetchType") == fetchType: print "found emailNode" return emailNode break #end def getEmailNode def getGameNode(self,gameName): """returns DOM game node for a given game""" for gameNode in self.doc.getElementsByTagName("game"): #print "getGameNode gameNode:",gameNode if gameNode.getAttribute("game_name") == gameName: return gameNode #end def getGameNode def get_aux_node(self, aux): for aux_node in self.doc.getElementsByTagName("aw"): if aux_node.getAttribute("name") == aux: return aux_node def get_db_node(self, db_name): for db_node in self.doc.getElementsByTagName("database"): if db_node.getAttribute("db_name") == db_name: return db_node return None def get_layout_node(self, site_node, layout): for layout_node in site_node.getElementsByTagName("layout"): if layout_node.getAttribute("max") is None: return None if int( layout_node.getAttribute("max") ) == int( layout ): return layout_node def get_location_node(self, layout_node, seat): if seat == "common": for location_node in layout_node.getElementsByTagName("location"): if location_node.hasAttribute("common"): return location_node else: for location_node in layout_node.getElementsByTagName("location"): if int( location_node.getAttribute("seat") ) == int( seat ): return location_node def save(self, file = None): if file is None: file = self.file try: shutil.move(file, file+".backup") except: pass with open(file, 'w') as f: #self.doc.writexml(f) f.write( self.wrap_long_lines( self.doc.toxml() ) ) def wrap_long_lines(self, s): lines = [ self.wrap_long_line(l) for l in s.splitlines() ] return('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') def wrap_long_line(self, l): if 'config_wrap_len' in self.general: wrap_len = int(self.general['config_wrap_len']) else: wrap_len = -1 # < 0 means no wrap if wrap_len >= 0 and len(l) > wrap_len: m = re.compile('\s+\S+\s+') mo = m.match(l) if mo: indent_len = mo.end() #print "indent = %s (%s)" % (indent_len, l[0:indent_len]) indent = '\n' + ' ' * indent_len m = re.compile('(\S+="[^"]+"\s+)') parts = [x for x in m.split(l[indent_len:]) if x] if len(parts) > 1: #print "parts =", parts l = l[0:indent_len] + indent.join(parts) return(l) else: return(l) def editEmail(self, siteName, fetchType, newEmail): emailNode = self.getEmailNode(siteName, fetchType) emailNode.setAttribute("host", newEmail.host) emailNode.setAttribute("username", newEmail.username) emailNode.setAttribute("password", newEmail.password) emailNode.setAttribute("folder", newEmail.folder) emailNode.setAttribute("useSsl", newEmail.useSsl) #end def editEmail def edit_layout(self, site_name, max, width = None, height = None, fav_seat = None, locations = None): site_node = self.get_site_node(site_name) layout_node = self.get_layout_node(site_node, max) # TODO: how do we support inserting new layouts? if layout_node is None: return for i in range(1, max + 1): location_node = self.get_location_node(layout_node, i) location_node.setAttribute("x", str( locations[i-1][0] )) location_node.setAttribute("y", str( locations[i-1][1] )) self.supported_sites[site_name].layout[max].location[i] = ( locations[i-1][0], locations[i-1][1] ) def edit_site(self, site_name, enabled, screen_name, history_path): site_node = self.get_site_node(site_name) site_node.setAttribute("enabled", enabled) site_node.setAttribute("screen_name", screen_name) site_node.setAttribute("HH_path", history_path) def editStats(self, gameName, statArray): """replaces stat selection for the given gameName with the given statArray""" gameNode = self.getGameNode(gameName) statNodes = gameNode.getElementsByTagName("stat") for node in statNodes: gameNode.removeChild(node) gameNode.setAttribute("rows", str(len(statArray))) gameNode.setAttribute("cols", str(len(statArray[0]))) for rowNumber in range(len(statArray)): for columnNumber in range(len(statArray[rowNumber])): newStat=self.doc.createElement("stat") newAttrStatName=self.doc.createAttribute("stat_name") newStat.setAttributeNode(newAttrStatName) newStat.setAttribute("stat_name", statArray[rowNumber][columnNumber]) newAttrStatName=self.doc.createAttribute("row") newStat.setAttributeNode(newAttrStatName) newStat.setAttribute("row", str(rowNumber)) newAttrStatName=self.doc.createAttribute("col") newStat.setAttributeNode(newAttrStatName) newStat.setAttribute("col", str(columnNumber)) newAttrStatName=self.doc.createAttribute("click") newStat.setAttributeNode(newAttrStatName) newStat.setAttribute("click", "tog_decorate") newAttrStatName=self.doc.createAttribute("popup") newStat.setAttributeNode(newAttrStatName) newStat.setAttribute("popup", "default") newAttrStatName=self.doc.createAttribute("tip") newStat.setAttributeNode(newAttrStatName) newStat.setAttribute("tip", "tip1") gameNode.appendChild(newStat) statNodes = gameNode.getElementsByTagName("stat") #TODO remove this line? #end def editStats def edit_aux_layout(self, aux_name, max, width = None, height = None, locations = None): aux_node = self.get_aux_node(aux_name) layout_node = self.get_layout_node(aux_node, max) if layout_node is None: print "aux node not found" return print "editing locations =", locations for (i, pos) in locations.iteritems(): location_node = self.get_location_node(layout_node, i) location_node.setAttribute("x", str( locations[i][0] )) location_node.setAttribute("y", str( locations[i][1] )) if i == "common": self.aux_windows[aux_name].layout[max].common = ( locations[i][0], locations[i][1] ) else: self.aux_windows[aux_name].layout[max].location[i] = ( locations[i][0], locations[i][1] ) #NOTE: we got a nice Database class, so why map it again here? # user input validation should be done when initializing the Database class. this allows to give appropriate feddback when something goes wrong # try ..except is evil here. it swallows all kinds of errors. dont do this # naming database types 2, 3, 4 on the fly is no good idea. i see this all over the code. better use some globally defined consts (see DATABASE_TYPE_*) # i would like to drop this method entirely and replace it by get_selected_database() or better get_active_database(), returning one of our Database instances # thus we can drop self.db_selected (holding database name) entirely and replace it with self._active_database = Database, avoiding to define the same # thing multiple times def get_db_parameters(self): db = {} name = self.db_selected # TODO: What's up with all the exception handling here?! try: db['db-databaseName'] = name except: pass try: db['db-desc'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_desc except: pass try: db['db-host'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_ip except: pass try: db['db-user'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_user except: pass try: db['db-password'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_pass except: pass try: db['db-server'] = self.supported_databases[name].db_server except: pass db['db-backend'] = self.get_backend(self.supported_databases[name].db_server) return db def set_db_parameters(self, db_name = 'fpdb', db_ip = None, db_user = None, db_pass = None, db_desc = None, db_server = None, default = "False"): db_node = self.get_db_node(db_name) default = default.lower() defaultb = string_to_bool(default, False) if db_node != None: if db_desc is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_desc", db_desc) if db_ip is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_ip", db_ip) if db_user is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_user", db_user) if db_pass is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_pass", db_pass) if db_server is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_server", db_server) if defaultb or self.db_selected == db_name: db_node.setAttribute("default", "True") for dbn in self.doc.getElementsByTagName("database"): if dbn.getAttribute('db_name') != db_name and dbn.hasAttribute("default"): dbn.removeAttribute("default") elif db_node.hasAttribute("default"): db_node.removeAttribute("default") if self.supported_databases.has_key(db_name): if db_desc is not None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_desc = db_desc if db_ip is not None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_ip = db_ip if db_user is not None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_user = db_user if db_pass is not None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_pass = db_pass if db_server is not None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_server = db_server self.supported_databases[db_name].db_selected = defaultb if defaultb: self.db_selected = db_name return def add_db_parameters(self, db_name = 'fpdb', db_ip = None, db_user = None, db_pass = None, db_desc = None, db_server = None, default = "False"): default = default.lower() defaultb = string_to_bool(default, False) if db_name in self.supported_databases: raise ValueError("Database names must be unique") db_node = self.get_db_node(db_name) if db_node is None: for db_node in self.doc.getElementsByTagName("supported_databases"): # should only be one supported_databases element, use last one if there are several suppdb_node = db_node t_node = self.doc.createTextNode(" ") suppdb_node.appendChild(t_node) db_node = self.doc.createElement("database") suppdb_node.appendChild(db_node) t_node = self.doc.createTextNode("\r\n ") suppdb_node.appendChild(t_node) db_node.setAttribute("db_name", db_name) if db_desc is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_desc", db_desc) if db_ip is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_ip", db_ip) if db_user is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_user", db_user) if db_pass is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_pass", db_pass) if db_server is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_server", db_server) if defaultb: db_node.setAttribute("default", "True") for dbn in self.doc.getElementsByTagName("database"): if dbn.getAttribute('db_name') != db_name and dbn.hasAttribute("default"): dbn.removeAttribute("default") elif db_node.hasAttribute("default"): db_node.removeAttribute("default") else: if db_desc is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_desc", db_desc) if db_ip is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_ip", db_ip) if db_user is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_user", db_user) if db_pass is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_pass", db_pass) if db_server is not None: db_node.setAttribute("db_server", db_server) if defaultb or self.db_selected == db_name: db_node.setAttribute("default", "True") elif db_node.hasAttribute("default"): db_node.removeAttribute("default") if self.supported_databases.has_key(db_name): if db_desc is not None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_desc = db_desc if db_ip is not None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_ip = db_ip if db_user is not None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_user = db_user if db_pass is not None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_pass = db_pass if db_server is not None: self.supported_databases[db_name].dp_server = db_server self.supported_databases[db_name].db_selected = defaultb else: db = Database(node=db_node) self.supported_databases[db.db_name] = db if defaultb: self.db_selected = db_name return def get_backend(self, name): """Returns the number of the currently used backend""" if name == DATABASE_TYPE_MYSQL: ret = 2 elif name == DATABASE_TYPE_POSTGRESQL: ret = 3 elif name == DATABASE_TYPE_SQLITE: ret = 4 # sqlcoder: this assignment fixes unicode problems for me with sqlite (windows, cp1252) # feel free to remove or improve this if you understand the problems # better than me (not hard!) Charset.not_needed1, Charset.not_needed2, Charset.not_needed3 = True, True, True else: raise ValueError('Unsupported database backend: %s' % self.supported_databases[name].db_server) return ret def getDefaultSite(self): "Returns first enabled site or None" for site_name,site in self.supported_sites.iteritems(): if site.enabled: return site_name return None # Allow to change the menu appearance def get_hud_ui_parameters(self): hui = {} default_text = 'FPDB Menu - Right click\nLeft-Drag to Move' try: hui['label'] = self.ui.label if self.ui.label == '': # Empty menu label is a big no-no hui['label'] = default_text except: hui['label'] = default_text try: hui['hud_style'] = self.ui.hud_style except: hui['hud_style'] = 'A' # default is show stats for All-time, also S(session) and T(ime) try: hui['hud_days'] = int(self.ui.hud_days) except: hui['hud_days'] = 90 try: hui['aggregate_ring'] = self.ui.aggregate_ring except: hui['aggregate_ring'] = False try: hui['aggregate_tour'] = self.ui.aggregate_tour except: hui['aggregate_tour'] = True try: hui['agg_bb_mult'] = self.ui.agg_bb_mult except: hui['agg_bb_mult'] = 1 try: hui['seats_style'] = self.ui.seats_style except: hui['seats_style'] = 'A' # A / C / E, use A(ll) / C(ustom) / E(xact) seat numbers try: hui['seats_cust_nums'] = self.ui.seats_cust_nums except: hui['seats_cust_nums'] = ['n/a', 'n/a', (2,2), (3,4), (3,5), (4,6), (5,7), (6,8), (7,9), (8,10), (8,10)] # Hero specific try: hui['h_hud_style'] = self.ui.h_hud_style except: hui['h_hud_style'] = 'S' try: hui['h_hud_days'] = int(self.ui.h_hud_days) except: hui['h_hud_days'] = 30 try: hui['h_aggregate_ring'] = self.ui.h_aggregate_ring except: hui['h_aggregate_ring'] = False try: hui['h_aggregate_tour'] = self.ui.h_aggregate_tour except: hui['h_aggregate_tour'] = True try: hui['h_agg_bb_mult'] = self.ui.h_agg_bb_mult except: hui['h_agg_bb_mult'] = 1 try: hui['h_seats_style'] = self.ui.h_seats_style except: hui['h_seats_style'] = 'A' # A / C / E, use A(ll) / C(ustom) / E(xact) seat numbers try: hui['h_seats_cust_nums'] = self.ui.h_seats_cust_nums except: hui['h_seats_cust_nums'] = ['n/a', 'n/a', (2,2), (3,4), (3,5), (4,6), (5,7), (6,8), (7,9), (8,10), (8,10)] return hui def get_import_parameters(self): imp = {} try: imp['callFpdbHud'] = self.imp.callFpdbHud except: imp['callFpdbHud'] = True try: imp['interval'] = self.imp.interval except: imp['interval'] = 10 # ResultsDirectory is the local cache for downloaded results # NOTE: try: except: doesn'tseem to be triggering # using if instead if self.imp.ResultsDirectory != '': imp['ResultsDirectory'] = self.imp.ResultsDirectory else: imp['ResultsDirectory'] = "~/.fpdb/Results/" # hhBulkPath is the default location for bulk imports (if set) try: imp['hhBulkPath'] = self.imp.hhBulkPath except: imp['hhBulkPath'] = "" try: imp['saveActions'] = self.imp.saveActions except: imp['saveActions'] = False try: imp['cacheSessions'] = self.imp.cacheSessions except: imp['cacheSessions'] = False try: imp['sessionTimeout'] = self.imp.sessionTimeout except: imp['sessionTimeout'] = 30 try: imp['saveStarsHH'] = self.imp.saveStarsHH except: imp['saveStarsHH'] = False try: imp['fastStoreHudCache'] = self.imp.fastStoreHudCache except: imp['fastStoreHudCache'] = True return imp def get_default_paths(self, site = None): if site is None: site = self.getDefaultSite() paths = {} try: path = os.path.expanduser(self.supported_sites[site].HH_path) assert(os.path.isdir(path) or os.path.isfile(path)) # maybe it should try another site? paths['hud-defaultPath'] = paths['bulkImport-defaultPath'] = path if self.imp.hhBulkPath: paths['bulkImport-defaultPath'] = self.imp.hhBulkPath except AssertionError: paths['hud-defaultPath'] = paths['bulkImport-defaultPath'] = "** ERROR DEFAULT PATH IN CONFIG DOES NOT EXIST **" return paths def get_frames(self, site = "PokerStars"): if site not in self.supported_sites: return False return self.supported_sites[site].use_frames == True def get_default_colors(self, site = "PokerStars"): colors = {} if site not in self.supported_sites or self.supported_sites[site].hudopacity == "": colors['hudopacity'] = 0.90 else: colors['hudopacity'] = float(self.supported_sites[site].hudopacity) if site not in self.supported_sites or self.supported_sites[site].hudbgcolor == "": colors['hudbgcolor'] = "#FFFFFF" else: colors['hudbgcolor'] = self.supported_sites[site].hudbgcolor if site not in self.supported_sites or self.supported_sites[site].hudfgcolor == "": colors['hudfgcolor'] = "#000000" else: colors['hudfgcolor'] = self.supported_sites[site].hudfgcolor return colors def get_default_font(self, site='PokerStars'): font = "Sans" font_size = "8" site = self.supported_sites.get(site, None) if site is not None: if site.font: font = site.font if site.font_size: font_size = site.font_size return font, font_size def get_locations(self, site_name="PokerStars", max=8): site = self.supported_sites.get(site_name, None) if site is not None: location = site.layout.get(max, None) if location is not None: return location.location return ( ( 0, 0), (684, 61), (689, 239), (692, 346), (586, 393), (421, 440), (267, 440), ( 0, 361), ( 0, 280), (121, 280), ( 46, 30) ) def get_aux_locations(self, aux = "mucked", max = "9"): try: locations = self.aux_windows[aux].layout[max].location except: locations = ( ( 0, 0), (684, 61), (689, 239), (692, 346), (586, 393), (421, 440), (267, 440), ( 0, 361), ( 0, 280), (121, 280), ( 46, 30) ) return locations def get_supported_sites(self, all=False): """Returns the list of supported sites.""" if all: return self.supported_sites.keys() else: return [site_name for (site_name, site) in self.supported_sites.items() if site.enabled] def get_site_parameters(self, site): """Returns a dict of the site parameters for the specified site""" parms = {} parms["converter"] = self.supported_sites[site].converter parms["decoder"] = self.supported_sites[site].decoder parms["hudbgcolor"] = self.supported_sites[site].hudbgcolor parms["hudfgcolor"] = self.supported_sites[site].hudfgcolor parms["hudopacity"] = self.supported_sites[site].hudopacity parms["screen_name"] = self.supported_sites[site].screen_name parms["site_path"] = self.supported_sites[site].site_path parms["table_finder"] = self.supported_sites[site].table_finder parms["HH_path"] = self.supported_sites[site].HH_path parms["site_name"] = self.supported_sites[site].site_name parms["aux_window"] = self.supported_sites[site].aux_window parms["font"] = self.supported_sites[site].font parms["font_size"] = self.supported_sites[site].font_size parms["enabled"] = self.supported_sites[site].enabled parms["xpad"] = self.supported_sites[site].xpad parms["ypad"] = self.supported_sites[site].ypad parms["xshift"] = self.supported_sites[site].xshift parms["yshift"] = self.supported_sites[site].yshift return parms def set_site_parameters(self, site_name, converter = None, decoder = None, hudbgcolor = None, hudfgcolor = None, hudopacity = None, screen_name = None, site_path = None, table_finder = None, HH_path = None, enabled = None, font = None, font_size = None): """Sets the specified site parameters for the specified site.""" site_node = self.get_site_node(site_name) if db_node is not None: if converter is not None: site_node.setAttribute("converter", converter) if decoder is not None: site_node.setAttribute("decoder", decoder) if hudbgcolor is not None: site_node.setAttribute("hudbgcolor", hudbgcolor) if hudfgcolor is not None: site_node.setAttribute("hudfgcolor", hudfgcolor) if hudopacity is not None: site_node.setAttribute("hudopacity", hudopacity) if screen_name is not None: site_node.setAttribute("screen_name", screen_name) if site_path is not None: site_node.setAttribute("site_path", site_path) if table_finder is not None: site_node.setAttribute("table_finder", table_finder) if HH_path is not None: site_node.setAttribute("HH_path", HH_path) if enabled is not None: site_node.setAttribute("enabled", enabled) if font is not None: site_node.setAttribute("font", font) if font_size is not None: site_node.setAttribute("font_size", font_size) return def set_site_ids(self, sites): self.site_ids = dict(sites) def get_site_id(self, site): return( self.site_ids[site] ) def get_aux_windows(self): """Gets the list of mucked window formats in the configuration.""" return self.aux_windows.keys() def get_aux_parameters(self, name): """Gets a dict of mucked window parameters from the named mw.""" param = {} if self.aux_windows.has_key(name): for key in dir(self.aux_windows[name]): if key.startswith('__'): continue value = getattr(self.aux_windows[name], key) if callable(value): continue param[key] = value return param return None def get_game_parameters(self, name): """Get the configuration parameters for the named game.""" param = {} if self.supported_games.has_key(name): param['game_name'] = self.supported_games[name].game_name param['rows'] = self.supported_games[name].rows param['cols'] = self.supported_games[name].cols param['xpad'] = self.supported_games[name].xpad param['ypad'] = self.supported_games[name].ypad param['xshift'] = self.supported_games[name].xshift param['yshift'] = self.supported_games[name].yshift param['aux'] = self.supported_games[name].aux return param def get_supported_games(self): """Get the list of supported games.""" sg = [] for game in self.supported_games.keys(): sg.append(self.supported_games[game].game_name) return sg def execution_path(self, filename): """Join the fpdb path to filename.""" return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(sys._getframe(0))), filename) def get_general_params(self): return( self.general ) def get_gui_cash_stat_params(self): return( self.gui_cash_stats ) if __name__== "__main__": c = Config() print "\n----------- SUPPORTED SITES -----------" for s in c.supported_sites.keys(): print c.supported_sites[s] print "----------- END SUPPORTED SITES -----------" print "\n----------- SUPPORTED GAMES -----------" for game in c.supported_games.keys(): print c.supported_games[game] print "----------- END SUPPORTED GAMES -----------" print "\n----------- SUPPORTED DATABASES -----------" for db in c.supported_databases.keys(): print c.supported_databases[db] print "----------- END SUPPORTED DATABASES -----------" print "\n----------- AUX WINDOW FORMATS -----------" for w in c.aux_windows.keys(): print c.aux_windows[w] print "----------- END AUX WINDOW FORMATS -----------" print "\n----------- HAND HISTORY CONVERTERS -----------" for w in c.hhcs.keys(): print c.hhcs[w] print "----------- END HAND HISTORY CONVERTERS -----------" print "\n----------- POPUP WINDOW FORMATS -----------" for w in c.popup_windows.keys(): print c.popup_windows[w] print "----------- END POPUP WINDOW FORMATS -----------" print "\n----------- IMPORT -----------" # print c.imp # Need to add an str method for imp to print print "----------- END IMPORT -----------" c.edit_layout("PokerStars", 6, locations=( (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6) )) c.save(file="testout.xml") print "db = ", c.get_db_parameters() # print "imp = ", c.get_import_parameters() print "paths = ", c.get_default_paths("PokerStars") print "colors = ", c.get_default_colors("PokerStars") print "locs = ", c.get_locations("PokerStars", 8) for mw in c.get_aux_windows(): print c.get_aux_parameters(mw) print "mucked locations =", c.get_aux_locations('mucked', 9) # c.edit_aux_layout('mucked', 9, locations = [(487, 113), (555, 469), (572, 276), (522, 345), # (333, 354), (217, 341), (150, 273), (150, 169), (230, 115)]) # print "mucked locations =", c.get_aux_locations('mucked', 9) for site in c.supported_sites.keys(): print "site = ", site, print c.get_site_parameters(site) print c.get_default_font(site) for game in c.get_supported_games(): print c.get_game_parameters(game) for hud_param, value in c.get_hud_ui_parameters().iteritems(): print "hud param %s = %s" % (hud_param, value) print "start up path = ", c.execution_path("") print "gui_cash_stats =", c.gui_cash_stats try: from xml.dom.ext import PrettyPrint for site_node in c.doc.getElementsByTagName("site"): PrettyPrint(site_node, stream=sys.stdout, encoding="utf-8") except: print "xml.dom.ext needs PyXML to be installed!" print "FROZEN =", FROZEN print "EXEC_PATH =", EXEC_PATH print "press enter to end" sys.stdin.readline()