<?php require 'header.php'; require 'sidebar.php'; ?> <div id="main"> <h1>Contact</h1> <p>The best means of contact are on the <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/fpdb/">sourceforge page</a>: Use the bug, feature request or patch functions or just post in the forum. The forum requires a sourceforge account, but bug, feature request and patches don't seem to.</p> <p>We also have a mailing list, to subscribe please <a href="https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/fpdb-main">click here</a>. This is used for development purposes and you can also ask for help using the mailing list.</p> <p>To be informed of fpdb updates please visit <a href="https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=226872">the sf download page</a> and click on the little envelope with a plus sign in the line of the package that you want be informed off. For Windows user that will be both, Linux users should only subscribe to fpdb itself. This requires a sourceforge account, sorry.</p> <p>Alternatively feel free to contact me directly:</p> <p>mail: steffen(at)sycamoretest.info<br> jabber/xmpp/Google Talk: steffen-laptop-temp(at)sycamoretest.info (don't email that)<br> ICQ: 7806355<br> MSN: steffen(at)sycamoretest.info</p> </div> <?php require 'footer.php'; ?>