#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright 2010 Maxime Grandchamp #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt. import L10n _ = L10n.get_translation() from Hand import * import Configuration import Database import SQL import fpdb_import import Filters import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import math import gobject class GuiReplayer: def __init__(self, config, querylist, mainwin, options = None, debug=True): self.debug = debug self.conf = config self.main_window = mainwin self.sql = querylist # These are temporary variables until it becomes possible # to select() a Hand object from the database self.filename="regression-test-files/cash/Stars/Flop/NLHE-FR-USD-0.01-0.02-201005.microgrind.txt" self.site="PokerStars" if options.filename != None: self.filename = options.filename if options.sitename != None: self.site = options.sitename self.db = Database.Database(self.conf, sql=self.sql) filters_display = { "Heroes" : True, "Sites" : False, "Games" : False, "Limits" : False, "LimitSep" : False, "LimitType" : False, "Type" : False, "Seats" : False, "SeatSep" : False, "Dates" : True, "Groups" : False, "GroupsAll" : False, "Button1" : True, "Button2" : False } self.filters = Filters.Filters(self.db, self.conf, self.sql, display = filters_display) #self.filters.registerButton1Name(_("Import Hand")) #self.filters.registerButton1Callback(self.importhand) #self.filters.registerButton2Name(_("temp")) #self.filters.registerButton2Callback(self.temp()) # hierarchy: self.mainHBox / self.hpane / self.replayBox / self.area self.mainHBox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.mainHBox.show() self.leftPanelBox = self.filters.get_vbox() self.hpane = gtk.HPaned() self.hpane.pack1(self.leftPanelBox) self.mainHBox.add(self.hpane) self.replayBox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.replayBox.show() self.hpane.pack2(self.replayBox) self.hpane.show() self.area=gtk.DrawingArea() self.pangolayout = self.area.create_pango_layout("") self.area.connect("expose-event", self.area_expose) self.style = self.area.get_style() self.gc = self.style.fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] self.area.show() self.replayBox.pack_start(self.area) gobject.timeout_add(1000,self.draw_action) self.MyHand = self.importhand() self.table = Table(self.area, self.MyHand).table self.maxseats=self.MyHand.maxseats if self.MyHand.gametype['currency']=="USD": #TODO: check if there are others .. self.currency="$" elif self.MyHand.gametype['currency']=="EUR": self.currency="€" self.actions=[] #create list with all actions if isinstance(self.MyHand, HoldemOmahaHand): if self.MyHand.gametype['category'] == 'holdem': self.play_holdem() self.action_number=0 self.action_level=0 self.pot=0 def area_expose(self, area, event): self.style = self.area.get_style() self.gc = self.style.fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] playerid='999' #makes sure we have an error if player is not recognised for i in range(0,len(self.table)): #surely there must be a better way to find the player id in the table... if self.table[i]['name']==self.actions[self.action_number][1]: playerid=i if self.actions[self.action_number][2]=="folds": self.table[playerid]["status"]="folded" if self.actions[self.action_number][3]: self.table[playerid]["stack"] -= Decimal(self.actions[self.action_number][3]) #decreases stack if player bets self.pot += Decimal(self.actions[self.action_number][3]) #increase pot self.table[playerid]["chips"] += Decimal(self.actions[self.action_number][3]) #increase player's chips on table cm = self.gc.get_colormap() #create colormap toi be able to play with colours color = cm.alloc_color("black") #defaults to black self.gc.set_foreground(color) self.area.window.draw_arc(self.gc, 0, 125, 125, 300, 300, 0, 360*64) #table for i in self.table: if self.table[i]["status"]=="folded": color = cm.alloc_color("grey") #player has folded => greyed out self.gc.set_foreground(color) else: color = cm.alloc_color("black") #player is live self.gc.set_foreground(color) self.pangolayout.set_text(self.table[i]["name"]+self.table[i]["holecards"]) #player names + holecards self.area.window.draw_layout(self.gc, self.table[i]["x"],self.table[i]["y"], self.pangolayout) self.pangolayout.set_text('$'+str(self.table[i]["stack"])) #player stacks self.area.window.draw_layout(self.gc, self.table[i]["x"]+10,self.table[i]["y"]+20, self.pangolayout) color = cm.alloc_color("green") self.gc.set_foreground(color) self.pangolayout.set_text(self.currency+str(self.pot)) #displays pot self.area.window.draw_layout(self.gc,270,270, self.pangolayout) if self.actions[self.action_number][0]>1: #displays flop self.pangolayout.set_text(self.MyHand.board['FLOP'][0]+" "+self.MyHand.board['FLOP'][1]+" "+self.MyHand.board['FLOP'][2]) self.area.window.draw_layout(self.gc,210,240, self.pangolayout) if self.actions[self.action_number][0]>2: #displays turn self.pangolayout.set_text(self.MyHand.board['TURN'][0]) self.area.window.draw_layout(self.gc,270,240, self.pangolayout) if self.actions[self.action_number][0]>3: #displays river self.pangolayout.set_text(self.MyHand.board['RIVER'][0]) self.area.window.draw_layout(self.gc,290,240, self.pangolayout) color = cm.alloc_color("red") #highlights the action self.gc.set_foreground(color) self.pangolayout.set_text(self.actions[self.action_number][2]) #displays action self.area.window.draw_layout(self.gc, self.table[playerid]["x"]+10,self.table[playerid]["y"]+35, self.pangolayout) if self.actions[self.action_number][3]: #displays amount self.pangolayout.set_text(self.currency+self.actions[self.action_number][3]) self.area.window.draw_layout(self.gc, self.table[playerid]["x"]+10,self.table[playerid]["y"]+55, self.pangolayout) color = cm.alloc_color("black") #we don't want to draw the filters and others in red self.gc.set_foreground(color) def play_holdem(self): actions=('BLINDSANTES','PREFLOP','FLOP','TURN','RIVER') for action in actions: for i in range(0,len(self.MyHand.actions[action])): player=self.MyHand.actions[action][i][0] act=self.MyHand.actions[action][i][1] try: amount=str(self.MyHand.actions[action][i][2]) except: amount='' #no amount self.actions.append([actions.index(action),player,act,amount]) #create table with all actions def draw_action(self): if self.action_number==len(self.actions)-1: #no more actions, we exit the loop return False if self.actions[self.action_number][0]!=self.action_level: #have we changed street ? self.action_level=self.actions[self.action_number][0] #record the new street if self.action_level>1: #we don't want to refresh if simply moving from antes/blinds to preflop action alloc = self.area.get_allocation() rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, alloc.width, alloc.height) self.area.window.invalidate_rect(rect, True) #make sure we refresh the whole screen self.action_number+=1 if self.area.window: playerid='999' #makes sure we have an error if player is not recognised for i in range(0,len(self.table)): #surely there must be a better way to find the player id in the table... if self.table[i]['name']==self.actions[self.action_number][1]: playerid=i rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(self.table[playerid]["x"],self.table[playerid]["y"],100,100) self.area.window.invalidate_rect(rect, True) #refresh player area of the screen rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(270,270,100,50) self.area.window.invalidate_rect(rect, True) #refresh pot area self.area.window.process_updates(True) print "draw action: ",self.action_number,self.actions[self.action_number][1],self.actions[self.action_number][2],self.actions[self.action_number][3] return True def get_vbox(self): """returns the vbox of this thread""" return self.mainHBox def importhand(self, handnumber=1): """Temporary function that grabs a Hand object from a specified file. Obviously this will be replaced by a function to select a hand from the db in the not so distant future. This code has been shamelessly stolen from Carl """ if False: settings = {} settings.update(self.conf.get_db_parameters()) settings.update(self.conf.get_import_parameters()) settings.update(self.conf.get_default_paths()) importer = fpdb_import.Importer(False, settings, self.conf, None) importer.setDropIndexes("don't drop") importer.setFailOnError(True) importer.setThreads(-1) importer.setCallHud(False) importer.setFakeCacheHHC(True) print "DEBUG: self.filename: '%s' self.site: '%s'" %(self.filename, self.site) importer.addBulkImportImportFileOrDir(self.filename, site=self.site) (stored, dups, partial, errs, ttime) = importer.runImport() hhc = importer.getCachedHHC() handlist = hhc.getProcessedHands() return handlist[0] else: # Fetch hand info # We need at least sitename, gametype, handid # for the Hand.__init__ ####### Shift this section in Database.py for all to use ###### handid = 1 q = self.sql.query['get_gameinfo_from_hid'] q = q.replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']) c = self.db.get_cursor() c.execute(q, (handid,)) res = c.fetchone() gametype = {'category':res[1],'base':res[2],'type':res[3],'limitType':res[4],'hilo':res[5],'sb':res[6],'bb':res[7], 'currency':res[10]} #FIXME: smallbet and bigbet are res[8] and res[9] respectively ###### End section ######## print "DEBUG: gametype: %s" % gametype if gametype['base'] == 'hold': h = HoldemOmahaHand(config = self.conf, hhc = None, sitename=res[0], gametype = gametype, handText=None, builtFrom = "DB", handid=handid) h.select(self.db, handid) elif gametype['base'] == 'stud': print "DEBUG: Create stud hand here" elif gametype['base'] == 'draw': print "DEBUG: Create draw hand here" return h def temp(self): pass class Table: def __init__(self, darea, hand): self.darea = darea self.hand = hand #self.pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(darea, width, height, depth=-1) self.table = {} for i in range(0, hand.maxseats): # radius: 200, center: 250,250 x= int (round(250+200*math.cos(2*i*math.pi/hand.maxseats))) y= int (round(250+200*math.sin(2*i*math.pi/hand.maxseats))) try: self.table[i]={"name":self.hand.players[i][1],"stack":Decimal(self.hand.players[i][2]),"x":x,"y":y,"chips":0,"status":"live"} #save coordinates of each player try: self.table[i]['holecards']=self.hand.holecards["PREFLOP"][self.hand.players[i][1]][1]+' '+self.hand.holecards["PREFLOP"][self.hand.players[i][1]][2] print "holecards: ",self.table[i]['holecards'] except: self.table[i]['holecards']='' except IndexError: #if seat is empty print "seat ",i+1," out of ", hand.maxseats," empty" print "DEBUG: table: %s" % self.table def draw(self): draw_players() draw_pot() draw_community_cards() class Player: def __init__(self, name, stack, position): self.active = True self.stack = stack self.position = position self.name = name x = 0 y = 0 def draw(self): draw_name() draw_stack() draw_cards() class Pot: def __init__(self, hand): self.total = 0.0 def draw(self): pass class CommunityCards: def __init__(self, hand): self.pixbuf = self.gen_pixbuf_from_file(PATH_TO_THE_FILE) def draw(self): pass def main(argv=None): """main can also be called in the python interpreter, by supplying the command line as the argument.""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] def destroy(*args): # call back for terminating the main eventloop gtk.main_quit() import Options (options, argv) = Options.fpdb_options() if options.usage == True: #Print usage examples and exit sys.exit(0) if options.sitename: options.sitename = Options.site_alias(options.sitename) if options.sitename == False: usage() config = Configuration.Config(file = "HUD_config.test.xml") db = Database.Database(config) sql = SQL.Sql(db_server = 'sqlite') main_window = gtk.Window() main_window.connect('destroy', destroy) replayer = GuiReplayer(config, sql, main_window, options=options, debug=True) main_window.add(replayer.get_vbox()) main_window.set_default_size(800,800) main_window.show() gtk.main() if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())