#!/usr/bin/python <<<<<<< HEAD:pyfpdb/HandHistoryConverter.py # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ======= >>>>>>> 1efdd7fc68d3c9ce013f4d42730bece8075e2272:pyfpdb/HandHistoryConverter.py #Copyright 2008 Carl Gherardi #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #In the "official" distribution you can find the license in #agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package. import Hand import Tourney import re import sys import traceback from optparse import OptionParser import os import os.path import xml.dom.minidom import codecs from decimal import Decimal import operator from xml.dom.minidom import Node import time import datetime from Exceptions import FpdbParseError import gettext gettext.install('fpdb') import logging, logging.config import ConfigParser try: logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.join(sys.path[0],"logging.conf")) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: # debian package path logging.config.fileConfig('/usr/share/python-fpdb/logging.conf') log = logging.getLogger("parser") import pygtk import gtk class HandHistoryConverter(): READ_CHUNK_SIZE = 10000 # bytes to read at a time from file in tail mode # filetype can be "text" or "xml" # so far always "text" # subclass HHC_xml for xml parsing filetype = "text" # codepage indicates the encoding of the text file. # cp1252 is a safe default # "utf_8" is more likely if there are funny characters codepage = "cp1252" def __init__(self, in_path = '-', out_path = '-', follow=False, index=0, autostart=True): """\ in_path (default '-' = sys.stdin) out_path (default '-' = sys.stdout) follow : whether to tail -f the input""" log.info("HandHistory init - %s subclass, in_path '%s'; out_path '%s'" % (self.sitename, in_path, out_path) ) self.index = 0 self.in_path = in_path self.out_path = out_path self.processedHands = [] # Tourney object used to store TourneyInfo when called to deal with a Summary file self.tourney = None if in_path == '-': self.in_fh = sys.stdin if out_path == '-': self.out_fh = sys.stdout else: # TODO: out_path should be sanity checked. out_dir = os.path.dirname(self.out_path) if not os.path.isdir(out_dir) and out_dir != '': try: os.makedirs(out_dir) except: # we get a WindowsError here in Windows.. pretty sure something else for Linux :D log.error("Unable to create output directory %s for HHC!" % out_dir) print "*** ERROR: UNABLE TO CREATE OUTPUT DIRECTORY", out_dir # TODO: pop up a box to allow person to choose output directory? # TODO: shouldn't that be done when we startup, actually? else: log.info("Created directory '%s'" % out_dir) try: self.out_fh = codecs.open(self.out_path, 'w', 'cp1252') except: log.error("out_path %s couldn't be opened" % (self.out_path)) else: log.debug("out_path %s opened as %s" % (self.out_path, self.out_fh)) self.follow = follow self.compiledPlayers = set() self.maxseats = 10 self.status = True self.parsedObjectType = "HH" #default behaviour : parsing HH files, can be "Summary" if the parsing encounters a Summary File if autostart: self.start() def __str__(self): return """ HandHistoryConverter: '%(sitename)s' filetype '%(filetype)s' in_path '%(in_path)s' out_path '%(out_path)s' follow '%(follow)s' """ % locals() def start(self): """Process a hand at a time from the input specified by in_path. If in follow mode, wait for more data to turn up. Otherwise, finish at EOF. """ while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration(False) starttime = time.time() if not self.sanityCheck(): log.warning("Failed sanity check") return try: numHands = 0 numErrors = 0 if self.follow: #TODO: See how summary files can be handled on the fly (here they should be rejected as before) log.info("Tailing '%s'" % self.in_path) for handText in self.tailHands(): try: self.processHand(handText) numHands+=1 except FpdbParseError, e: numErrors+=1 log.warning("Failed to convert hand %s" % e.hid) log.debug(handText) else: handsList = self.allHandsAsList() log.info("Parsing %d hands" % len(handsList)) # Determine if we're dealing with a HH file or a Summary file # quick fix : empty files make the handsList[0] fail ==> If empty file, go on with HH parsing if len(handsList) == 0 or self.isSummary(handsList[0]) == False: self.parsedObjectType = "HH" for handText in handsList: try: self.processedHands.append(self.processHand(handText)) except FpdbParseError, e: numErrors+=1 log.warning("Failed to convert hand %s" % e.hid) log.debug(handText) numHands = len(handsList) endtime = time.time() log.info("Read %d hands (%d failed) in %.3f seconds" % (numHands, numErrors, endtime - starttime)) else: self.parsedObjectType = "Summary" summaryParsingStatus = self.readSummaryInfo(handsList) endtime = time.time() if summaryParsingStatus : log.info("Summary file '%s' correctly parsed (took %.3f seconds)" % (self.in_path, endtime - starttime)) else : log.warning("Error converting summary file '%s' (took %.3f seconds)" % (self.in_path, endtime - starttime)) except IOError, ioe: log.exception("Error converting '%s'" % self.in_path) finally: if self.out_fh != sys.stdout: self.out_fh.close() def tailHands(self): """Generator of handTexts from a tailed file: Tail the in_path file and yield handTexts separated by re_SplitHands. This requires a regex that greedily groups and matches the 'splitter' between hands, which it expects to find at self.re_TailSplitHands -- see for e.g. Everleaf.py. """ if self.in_path == '-': raise StopIteration interval = 1.0 # seconds to sleep between reads for new data fd = codecs.open(self.in_path,'r', self.codepage) data = '' while 1: where = fd.tell() newdata = fd.read(self.READ_CHUNK_SIZE) if not newdata: fd_results = os.fstat(fd.fileno()) try: st_results = os.stat(self.in_path) except OSError: st_results = fd_results if st_results[1] == fd_results[1]: time.sleep(interval) fd.seek(where) else: log.debug("%s changed inode numbers from %d to %d" % (self.in_path, fd_results[1], st_results[1])) fd = codecs.open(self.in_path, 'r', self.codepage) fd.seek(where) else: # yield hands data = data + newdata result = self.re_TailSplitHands.split(data) result = iter(result) data = '' # --x data (- is bit of splitter, x is paragraph) yield,...,keep # [,--,x] result of re.split (with group around splitter) # ,x our output: yield nothing, keep x # # --x--x [,--,x,--,x] x,x # -x--x [-x,--,x] x,x # x- [x-] ,x- # x-- [x,--,] x,-- # x--x [x,--,x] x,x # x--x-- [x,--,x,--,] x,x,-- # The length is always odd. # 'odd' indices are always splitters. # 'even' indices are always paragraphs or '' # We want to discard all the '' # We want to discard splitters unless the final item is '' (because the splitter could grow with new data) # We want to yield all paragraphs followed by a splitter, i.e. all even indices except the last. for para in result: try: result.next() splitter = True except StopIteration: splitter = False if splitter: # para is followed by a splitter if para: yield para # para not '' else: data = para # keep final partial paragraph def allHandsAsList(self): """Return a list of handtexts in the file at self.in_path""" #TODO : any need for this to be generator? e.g. stars support can email one huge file of all hands in a year. Better to read bit by bit than all at once. self.readFile() self.obs = self.obs.strip() self.obs = self.obs.replace('\r\n', '\n') if self.obs == "" or self.obs == None: log.info("Read no hands.") return [] return re.split(self.re_SplitHands, self.obs) def processHand(self, handText): gametype = self.determineGameType(handText) log.debug("gametype %s" % gametype) hand = None if gametype is None: l = None gametype = "unmatched" # TODO: not ideal, just trying to not error. # TODO: Need to count failed hands. else: # See if gametype is supported. type = gametype['type'] base = gametype['base'] limit = gametype['limitType'] l = [type] + [base] + [limit] if l in self.readSupportedGames(): if gametype['base'] == 'hold': log.debug("hand = Hand.HoldemOmahaHand(self, self.sitename, gametype, handtext)") hand = Hand.HoldemOmahaHand(self, self.sitename, gametype, handText) elif gametype['base'] == 'stud': hand = Hand.StudHand(self, self.sitename, gametype, handText) elif gametype['base'] == 'draw': hand = Hand.DrawHand(self, self.sitename, gametype, handText) else: log.info("Unsupported game type: %s" % gametype) if hand: # uncomment these to calculate some stats # print hand # hand.stats.getStats(hand) hand.writeHand(self.out_fh) return hand else: log.info("Unsupported game type: %s" % gametype) # TODO: pity we don't know the HID at this stage. Log the entire hand? # From the log we can deduce that it is the hand after the one before :) # These functions are parse actions that may be overridden by the inheriting class # This function should return a list of lists looking like: # return [["ring", "hold", "nl"], ["tour", "hold", "nl"]] # Showing all supported games limits and types def readSupportedGames(self): abstract # should return a list # type base limit # [ ring, hold, nl , sb, bb ] # Valid types specified in docs/tabledesign.html in Gametypes def determineGameType(self, handText): abstract """return dict with keys/values: 'type' in ('ring', 'tour') 'limitType' in ('nl', 'cn', 'pl', 'cp', 'fl') 'base' in ('hold', 'stud', 'draw') 'category' in ('holdem', 'omahahi', omahahilo', 'razz', 'studhi', 'studhilo', 'fivedraw', '27_1draw', '27_3draw', 'badugi') 'hilo' in ('h','l','s') 'smallBlind' int? 'bigBlind' int? 'smallBet' 'bigBet' 'currency' in ('USD', 'EUR', 'T$', ) or None if we fail to get the info """ #TODO: which parts are optional/required? # Read any of: # HID HandID # TABLE Table name # SB small blind # BB big blind # GAMETYPE gametype # YEAR MON DAY HR MIN SEC datetime # BUTTON button seat number def readHandInfo(self, hand): abstract # Needs to return a list of lists in the format # [['seat#', 'player1name', 'stacksize'] ['seat#', 'player2name', 'stacksize'] [...]] def readPlayerStacks(self, hand): abstract def compilePlayerRegexs(self): abstract """Compile dynamic regexes -- these explicitly match known player names and must be updated if a new player joins""" # Needs to return a MatchObject with group names identifying the streets into the Hand object # so groups are called by street names 'PREFLOP', 'FLOP', 'STREET2' etc # blinds are done seperately def markStreets(self, hand): abstract #Needs to return a list in the format # ['player1name', 'player2name', ...] where player1name is the sb and player2name is bb, # addtional players are assumed to post a bb oop def readBlinds(self, hand): abstract def readAntes(self, hand): abstract def readBringIn(self, hand): abstract def readButton(self, hand): abstract def readHeroCards(self, hand): abstract def readPlayerCards(self, hand, street): abstract def readAction(self, hand, street): abstract def readCollectPot(self, hand): abstract def readShownCards(self, hand): abstract # Some sites do odd stuff that doesn't fall in to the normal HH parsing. # e.g., FTP doesn't put mixed game info in the HH, but puts in in the # file name. Use readOther() to clean up those messes. def readOther(self, hand): pass # Some sites don't report the rake. This will be called at the end of the hand after the pot total has been calculated # an inheriting class can calculate it for the specific site if need be. def getRake(self, hand): hand.rake = hand.totalpot - hand.totalcollected # * Decimal('0.05') # probably not quite right def sanityCheck(self): """Check we aren't going to do some stupid things""" #TODO: the hhbase stuff needs to be in fpdb_import sane = False base_w = False #~ #Check if hhbase exists and is writable #~ #Note: Will not try to create the base HH directory #~ if not (os.access(self.hhbase, os.W_OK) and os.path.isdir(self.hhbase)): #~ print "HH Sanity Check: Directory hhbase '" + self.hhbase + "' doesn't exist or is not writable" #~ else: #~ #Check if hhdir exists and is writable #~ if not os.path.isdir(self.hhdir): #~ # In first pass, dir may not exist. Attempt to create dir #~ print "Creating directory: '%s'" % (self.hhdir) #~ os.mkdir(self.hhdir) #~ sane = True #~ elif os.access(self.hhdir, os.W_OK): #~ sane = True #~ else: #~ print "HH Sanity Check: Directory hhdir '" + self.hhdir + "' or its parent directory are not writable" # Make sure input and output files are different or we'll overwrite the source file if True: # basically.. I don't know sane = True if(self.in_path != '-' and self.out_path == self.in_path): print "HH Sanity Check: output and input files are the same, check config" sane = False return sane # Functions not necessary to implement in sub class def setFileType(self, filetype = "text", codepage='utf8'): self.filetype = filetype self.codepage = codepage #This function doesn't appear to be used def splitFileIntoHands(self): hands = [] self.obs = self.obs.strip() list = self.re_SplitHands.split(self.obs) list.pop() #Last entry is empty for l in list: # print "'" + l + "'" hands = hands + [Hand.Hand(self.sitename, self.gametype, l)] return hands def __listof(self, x): if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): return x else: return [x] def readFile(self): """Open in_path according to self.codepage. Exceptions caught further up""" if(self.filetype == "text"): if self.in_path == '-': # read from stdin log.debug("Reading stdin with %s" % self.codepage) # is this necessary? or possible? or what? in_fh = codecs.getreader('cp1252')(sys.stdin) else: for kodec in self.__listof(self.codepage): #print "trying", kodec try: in_fh = codecs.open(self.in_path, 'r', kodec) in_fh.seek(self.index) log.debug("Opened in_path: '%s' with %s" % (self.in_path, kodec)) self.obs = in_fh.read() self.index = in_fh.tell() in_fh.close() break except: pass else: print "unable to read file with any codec in list!", self.in_path elif(self.filetype == "xml"): doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename) self.doc = doc def guessMaxSeats(self, hand): """Return a guess at max_seats when not specified in HH.""" mo = self.maxOccSeat(hand) if mo == 10: return 10 #that was easy if hand.gametype['base'] == 'stud': if mo <= 8: return 8 else: return mo if hand.gametype['base'] == 'draw': if mo <= 6: return 6 else: return mo if mo == 2: return 2 if mo <= 6: return 6 return 10 def maxOccSeat(self, hand): max = 0 for player in hand.players: if player[0] > max: max = player[0] return max def getStatus(self): #TODO: Return a status of true if file processed ok return self.status def getProcessedHands(self): return self.processedHands def getProcessedFile(self): return self.out_path def getLastCharacterRead(self): return self.index def isSummary(self, topline): return " Tournament Summary " in topline def getParsedObjectType(self): return self.parsedObjectType #returns a status (True/False) indicating wether the parsing could be done correctly or not def readSummaryInfo(self, summaryInfoList): abstract def getTourney(self): return self.tourney