* Modified re_HandInfo regex to take into account Matrix Tournament Hands Histories
* Add Regex for Tourney Summaries files parsing
* New methods : readSummaryInfo, determineTourneyType, getPlayersPositionsAndWinnings
* Add a Tourney object in the attributes to allow storing the summary info retrieved and the ability to hand it over after parsing
* Add a new attribut parsedObjectType (string : "HH" or "Summary")
* In follow = False mode : read the first line to swicth between HH & Summary parsing
* TO DO : Deal with parsing summary files in follow = True mode
* New methods added : isSummary, getParsedObjectType (to be called in fpdb_import), readSummaryInfo : abstract (to be implemented in each specific HHC), getTourney (returns the new attribute)
new file:
* New object
* Lots of attributes regarding the tourney info (buy-in, fee, entries, speed, Rebuy/add-on info, starting chips, KnockOut info, isHeadsUp, isShootout, isMatrix, ...
* List of players with finishing positions (when available) and winnings (when available)
* Methods :
** addPlayer(self, rank, name, winnings)
** incrementPlayerWinnings(self, name, additionnalWinnings): used for KO tourneys when KO occured (for Hero only)
** calculatePayinAmount : unused yet, should be necessary for DB storage
** some Hand methods copied that are still to be done including : assemble and insert
** TO DO : write the insert method for the object to be stored in DB. This will have to deal with the fact that the DB write can occur both before (Bulk Import) or after the HH file info has been stored (tourney might or might not already exist)
* import_file_dict modified :
** after the construction of the hhc, it now calls the new getParsedObjectType method of HHC in order to know what has been parsed by the HHC
** If it's a hand history file (actual expected behaviour) : do as before
** If it's a summary file, gets the tourney object that has been built from the hhc and calls the insert method on it (similar to NEWIMPORT=True for HH)
Database: Add Absolute to sites
GuiPlayerStats: set avgseats to False
Hand: Add Absolute to SITEIDS list
fpdb_import: check for presence of settings['dropHudCache'] before testing it, to keep command line import from erroring
Added getSqlPlayerIDs to - returns a hash {playername:sqlid}
Function uses a caching hash in to reduce the number of round trips to the database needed just to fetch the player ids for later inserts.
Need to do a performance comparison on a larger import.
EverleafToFpdb: remove DEBUG XXXXXXX line
FulltiltToFpdb: pass on converting tournament hands
Hand: add Hand.fee var that Database is looking for
fpdb_import: clean up file update scan code, queue files that have changed in the last 60 seconds for the next importer pass, instead of locking it up reading them now (not that this does anything since FT no longer updates the mtime until it closes the table, but maybe it works with Stars or others)
Doesn't actually do much cleanup.
Intend on moving all db functions into and and
providing and API, the functionality of fpdb_simple et all to shift into
the HHC