Party hhc: cleand, added getTableTitleRe

This commit is contained in:
grindi 2009-11-08 23:09:14 +03:00
parent dbaf4dbdbc
commit d888b7d463

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@ -26,29 +26,21 @@ from HandHistoryConverter import *
# PartyPoker HH Format
class PartyPokerParseError(FpdbParseError):
"Usage: raise PartyPokerParseError(<msg>[, hh=<hh>][, hid=<hid>])"
class FpdbParseError(FpdbParseError):
"Usage: raise FpdbParseError(<msg>[, hh=<hh>][, hid=<hid>])"
def __init__(self, msg='', hh=None, hid=None):
if hh is not None:
msg += "\n\nHand history attached below:\n" + self.wrapHh(hh)
return super(PartyPokerParseError, self).__init__(msg, hid=hid)
return super(FpdbParseError, self).__init__(msg, hid=hid)
def wrapHh(self, hh):
return ("%(DELIMETER)s\n%(HH)s\n%(DELIMETER)s") % \
{'DELIMETER': '#'*50, 'HH': hh}
class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
# Class Variables
sitename = "PartyPoker"
codepage = "cp1252"
siteId = 9 # TODO: automate; it's a class variable so shouldn't hit DB too often
filetype = "text" # "text" or "xml". I propose we subclass HHC to HHC_Text and HHC_XML.
siteId = 9
filetype = "text"
sym = {'USD': "\$", }
# Static regexes
@ -86,15 +78,15 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
re_HandInfo = re.compile("""
(?P<TTYPE>[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)\s+
(?: \#|\(|)(?P<TABLE>\d+)\)?\s+
(?:[^ ]+\s+\#(?P<MTTTABLE>\d+).+)? # table number for mtt
\((?P<PLAY>Real|Play)\s+Money\)\s+ # FIXME: check if play money is correct
(?P<TABLE_TYPE>[^#()]+)\s+ # Regular, Speed, etc
(?P<TABLE_ID_WRAPPER>\(|\#| ) # \# means sng, ( - mtt, nothing - cash game
(?P<TABLE_ID>\d+) \)? \s+ # it's global unique id for this table
(?:Table\s+\#(?P<TABLE_NUM>\d+).+)? # table num for mtt tournaments
# re_TotalPlayers = re.compile("^Total\s+number\s+of\s+players\s*:\s*(?P<MAXSEATS>\d+)", re.MULTILINE)
re_CountedSeats = re.compile("^Total\s+number\s+of\s+players\s*:\s*(?P<COUNTED_SEATS>\d+)", re.MULTILINE)
re_SplitHands = re.compile('\x00+')
re_TailSplitHands = re.compile('(\x00+)')
lineSplitter = '\n'
@ -131,16 +123,12 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
'CUR': hand.gametype['currency'] if hand.gametype['currency']!='T$' else ''}
for key in ('CUR_SYM', 'CUR'):
subst[key] = re.escape(subst[key])
log.debug("player_re: '%s'" % subst['PLYR'])
log.debug("CUR_SYM: '%s'" % subst['CUR_SYM'])
log.debug("CUR: '%s'" % subst['CUR'])
self.re_PostSB = re.compile(
r"^%(PLYR)s posts small blind \[%(CUR_SYM)s(?P<SB>[.0-9]+) ?%(CUR)s\]\." % subst,
r"^%(PLYR)s posts small blind \[%(CUR_SYM)s(?P<SB>[,.0-9]+) ?%(CUR)s\]\." % subst,
self.re_PostBB = re.compile(
r"^%(PLYR)s posts big blind \[%(CUR_SYM)s(?P<BB>[.0-9]+) ?%(CUR)s\]\." % subst,
r"^%(PLYR)s posts big blind \[%(CUR_SYM)s(?P<BB>[.,0-9]+) ?%(CUR)s\]\." % subst,
# NOTE: comma is used as a fraction part delimeter in re below
self.re_PostDead = re.compile(
r"^%(PLYR)s posts big blind \+ dead \[(?P<BBNDEAD>[.,0-9]+) ?%(CUR_SYM)s\]\." % subst,
@ -195,8 +183,6 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
gametype dict is:
{'limitType': xxx, 'base': xxx, 'category': xxx}"""
log.debug(PartyPokerParseError().wrapHh( handText ))
info = {}
m = self._getGameType(handText)
if m is None:
@ -213,22 +199,16 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
for expectedField in ['LIMIT', 'GAME']:
if mg[expectedField] is None:
raise PartyPokerParseError(
"Cannot fetch field '%s'" % expectedField,
hh = handText)
raise FpdbParseError( "Cannot fetch field '%s'" % expectedField)
info['limitType'] = limits[mg['LIMIT'].strip()]
raise PartyPokerParseError(
"Unknown limit '%s'" % mg['LIMIT'],
hh = handText)
raise FpdbParseError("Unknown limit '%s'" % mg['LIMIT'])
(info['base'], info['category']) = games[mg['GAME']]
raise PartyPokerParseError(
"Unknown game type '%s'" % mg['GAME'],
hh = handText)
raise FpdbParseError("Unknown game type '%s'" % mg['GAME'])
if 'TOURNO' in mg:
info['type'] = 'tour'
@ -251,23 +231,21 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
raise PartyPokerParseError("Cannot read HID for current hand", hh=hand.handText)
raise FpdbParseError("Cannot read HID for current hand")
raise PartyPokerParseError("Cannot read Handinfo for current hand",
hh=hand.handText, hid = info['HID'])
raise FpdbParseError("Cannot read Handinfo for current hand", hid = info['HID'])
raise PartyPokerParseError("Cannot read GameType for current hand",
hh=hand.handText, hid = info['HID'])
raise FpdbParseError("Cannot read GameType for current hand", hid = info['HID'])
# m =
# if m: info.update(m.groupdict())
m =
if m: info.update(m.groupdict())
# FIXME: it's dirty hack
@ -294,6 +272,7 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
if key == 'DATETIME':
#Saturday, July 25, 07:53:52 EDT 2009
#Thursday, July 30, 21:40:41 MSKS 2009
#Sunday, October 25, 13:39:07 MSK 2009
m2 ="\w+, (?P<M>\w+) (?P<D>\d+), (?P<H>\d+):(?P<MIN>\d+):(?P<S>\d+) (?P<TZ>[A-Z]+) (?P<Y>\d+)", info[key])
# we cant use '%B' due to locale problems
months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April','May', 'June',
@ -307,21 +286,28 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
if key == 'HID':
hand.handid = info[key]
if key == 'TABLE':
hand.tablename = info[key]
if key == 'BUTTON':
hand.buttonpos = info[key]
if key == 'TOURNO':
hand.tourNo = info[key]
if key == 'TABLE_ID_WRAPPER':
if info[key] == '#':
# FIXME: there is no such property in Hand class
self.isSNG = True
if key == 'BUYIN':
# FIXME: it's dirty hack T_T
# code below assumes that tournament rake is equal to zero
cur = info[key][0] if info[key][0] not in '0123456789' else ''
hand.buyin = info[key] + '+%s0' % cur
if key == 'TABLE_ID':
hand.tablename = info[key]
if key == 'TABLE_NUM':
# FIXME: there is no such property in Hand class
hand.table_num = info[key]
if key == 'COUNTED_SEATS':
hand.counted_seats = info[key]
if key == 'LEVEL':
hand.level = info[key]
if key == 'PLAY' and info['PLAY'] != 'Real':
# if realy there's no play money hh on party
# if realy party doesn's save play money hh
hand.gametype['currency'] = 'play'
def readButton(self, hand):
@ -406,8 +392,6 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
blind = smartMin(, playersMap[bigBlindSeat][1])
hand.addBlind(playersMap[bigBlindSeat][0], 'big blind', blind)
def readHeroCards(self, hand):
# we need to grab hero's cards
for street in ('PREFLOP',):
@ -418,7 +402,6 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
newcards = renderCards('NEWCARDS'))
hand.addHoleCards(street, hand.hero, closed=newcards, shown=False, mucked=False, dealt=True)
def readAction(self, hand, street):
m = self.re_Action.finditer(hand.streets[street])
for action in m:
@ -453,10 +436,9 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
elif actionType == 'checks':
hand.addCheck( street, playerName )
raise PartyPokerParseError(
raise FpdbParseError(
"Unimplemented readAction: '%s' '%s'" % (playerName,actionType,),
hid = hand.hid, hh = hand.handText )
hid = hand.hid, )
def readShowdownActions(self, hand):
# all action in readShownCards
@ -475,6 +457,17 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
hand.addShownCards(cards=cards,'PNAME'), shown=True, mucked=mucked)
def getTableTitleRe(type, table_name=None, tournament = None, table_number=None):
"Returns string to search in windows titles"
if type=="tour":
print 'party', 'getTableTitleRe', "%s.+Table\s#%s" % (table_name, table_number)
return "%s.+Table\s#%s" % (table_name, table_number)
print 'party', 'getTableTitleRe', table_number
return table_name
def ringBlinds(ringLimit):
"Returns blinds for current limit in cash games"
ringLimit = float(clearMoneyString(ringLimit))