playerstats: refine postgres query to stop divide by zero errors and

format figures properly
This commit is contained in:
sqlcoder 2008-12-13 14:33:12 +00:00
parent 6e72d602e9
commit c533822c96

View File

@ -754,10 +754,17 @@ class FpdbSQLQueries:
,hprof2.sum_profit/100 as Net
,(hprof2.sum_profit/stats.bigBlind)/(stats.n/100) as BBlPer100
,hprof2.profitperhand as Profitperhand
/* if you have handsactions data the next 3 fields should give same answer as
following 3 commented out fields */
/*,to_char(hprof2.sum_profit/100.0,'9G999G990D00') AS Net
,to_char((hprof2.sum_profit/(stats.bigBlind+0.0)) / (stats.n/100.0), '990D00')
AS BBper100
,hprof2.profitperhand AS Profitperhand
,hprof2.variance as Variance
(select gt.base
@ -767,17 +774,33 @@ class FpdbSQLQueries:
,sum(HDs) as n
,round(100*sum(street0VPI)/sum(HDs)) as vpip
,round(100*sum(street0Aggr)/sum(HDs)) as pfr
,round(100*sum(street1Seen)/sum(HDs)) AS saw_f
,round(100*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(HDs)) AS sawsd
,round(100*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(street1Seen)) AS wtsdwsf
,round(100*sum(wonAtSD)/sum(sawShowdown)) AS wmsd
,round(100*sum(street1Aggr)/sum(street1Seen)) AS FlAFq
,round(100*sum(street2Aggr)/sum(street2Seen)) AS TuAFq
,round(100*sum(street3Aggr)/sum(street3Seen)) AS RvAFq
/(sum(street1Seen)+sum(street2Seen)+sum(street3Seen))) AS PFAFq
,to_char(100.0*sum(street0VPI)/sum(HDs),'90D0') AS vpip
,to_char(100.0*sum(street0Aggr)/sum(HDs),'90D0') AS pfr
,to_char(100.0*sum(street1Seen)/sum(HDs),'90D0') AS saw_f
,to_char(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(HDs),'90D0') AS sawsd
,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then 'oo'
else to_char(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(street1Seen),'90D0')
end AS wtsdwsf
,case when sum(sawShowdown) = 0 then 'oo'
else to_char(100.0*sum(wonAtSD)/sum(sawShowdown),'90D0')
end AS wmsd
,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then 'oo'
else to_char(100.0*sum(street1Aggr)/sum(street1Seen),'90D0')
end AS FlAFq
,case when sum(street2Seen) = 0 then 'oo'
else to_char(100.0*sum(street2Aggr)/sum(street2Seen),'90D0')
end AS TuAFq
,case when sum(street3Seen) = 0 then 'oo'
else to_char(100.0*sum(street3Aggr)/sum(street3Seen),'90D0')
end AS RvAFq
,case when sum(street1Seen)+sum(street2Seen)+sum(street3Seen) = 0 then 'oo'
else to_char(100.0*(sum(street1Aggr)+sum(street2Aggr)+sum(street3Aggr))
end AS PoFAFq
,to_char(sum(totalProfit)/100.0,'9G999G990D00') AS Net
,to_char((sum(totalProfit)/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) / (sum(HDs)/100.0), '990D00')
AS BBper100
,to_char(sum(totalProfit) / (sum(HDs)+0.0), '990D0000') AS Profitperhand
from Gametypes gt
inner join Sites s on s.Id = gt.siteId
inner join HudCache hc on hc.gameTypeId = gt.Id
@ -801,8 +824,8 @@ class FpdbSQLQueries:
SUM(ha.amount) as costs,
hp.winnings - SUM(ha.amount) as profit
from HandsPlayers hp
inner join Hands h ON = hp.handId
left join HandsActions ha ON ha.handPlayerId =
inner join Hands h ON ( = hp.handId)
left join HandsActions ha ON (ha.handPlayerId =
where hp.playerId in <player_test>
and hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL
group by hp.handId, h.gameTypeId, hp.position, hp.winnings