This commit is contained in:
Eric Blade 2009-09-15 22:04:37 -05:00
parent a566d52b9a
commit ba663c231c

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@ -184,14 +184,14 @@ def createArrays(category, seats, card_values, card_suits, antes, winnings,
for j in xrange (seats): #second dimension arrays: players
for j in xrange(seats): # second dimension arrays: players
# if (category=="holdem" or category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"):
# pass
if category=="razz" or category=="studhi" or category=="studhilo":#need to fill card arrays.
if category == "razz" or category == "studhi" or category == "studhilo": #need to fill card arrays.
for i in xrange(seats):
for j in xrange(7):
@ -201,25 +201,24 @@ def createArrays(category, seats, card_values, card_suits, antes, winnings,
#end def createArrays
def fill_board_cards(board_values, board_suits):
#fill up the two board card arrays
while (len(board_values)<5):
""" fill up the two board card arrays """
while len(board_values) < 5:
#end def fill_board_cards
def fillCardArrays(player_count, base, category, card_values, card_suits):
"""fills up the two card arrays"""
if (category=="holdem"):
if category == "holdem":
cardCount = 2
elif (category=="omahahi" or category=="omahahilo"):
elif category == "omahahi" or category == "omahahilo":
cardCount = 4
elif base=="stud":
elif base == "stud":
cardCount = 7
raise FpdbError("invalid category:", category)
for i in xrange(player_count):
while (len(card_values[i]) < cardCount):
while len(card_values[i]) < cardCount:
#end def fillCardArrays
@ -230,12 +229,12 @@ def filterAnteBlindFold(hand):
#todo: this'll only get rid of one ante folder, not multiple ones
#todo: in tourneys this should not be removed but
#print "start of filterAnteBlindFold"
pre3rd = []
for i, line in enumerate(hand):
if line.startswith("*** 3") or line.startswith("*** HOLE"):
pre3rd = hand[0:i]
foldeeName = None
for line in pre3rd:
if line.endswith("folds") or line.endswith("is sitting out") or line.endswith(" stands up"): #found ante fold or timeout
pos = line.find(" folds")
@ -251,26 +250,25 @@ def filterAnteBlindFold(hand):
pos2 = line.find(" (")
foldeeName = line[pos1:pos2]
if foldeeName!=None:
if foldeeName is not None:
#print "filterAnteBlindFold, foldeeName:",foldeeName
for i, line in enumerate(hand):
if foldeeName in line:
hand[i] = None
return [line for line in hand if line]
#end def filterAnteFold
def stripEOLspaces(str):
return str.rstrip()
#removes useless lines as well as trailing spaces
def filterCrap(hand, isTourney):
#remove two trailing spaces at end of line
""" removes useless lines as well as trailing spaces """
#remove trailing spaces at end of line
hand = [line.rstrip() for line in hand]
#print "hand after trailing space removal in filterCrap:",hand
#general variable position word filter/string filter
for i in xrange (len(hand)):
for i in xrange(len(hand)):
if hand[i].startswith("Board ["):
hand[i] = False
elif hand[i].find(" out of hand ")!=-1:
@ -347,15 +345,16 @@ def filterCrap(hand, isTourney):
hand[i] = False
elif (hand[i].endswith(" is sitting out")):
hand[i] = False
# python docs say this is identical to filter(None, list)
# which removes all false items from the passed list (hand)
hand = [line for line in hand if line]
hand = [line for line in hand if line] # python docs say this is identical to filter(None, list)
#print "done with filterCrap, hand:", hand
return hand
#end filterCrap
#takes a poker float (including , for thousand seperator and converts it to an int
def float2int(string):
""" takes a poker float (including , for thousand seperator) and
converts it to an int """
# Note that this automagically assumes US style currency formatters
pos = string.find(",")
if pos != -1: #remove , the thousand seperator
string = "%s%s" % (string[0:pos], string[pos+1:])
@ -368,56 +367,46 @@ def float2int(string):
if pos == -1: #no decimal point - was in full dollars - need to multiply with 100
result *= 100
return result
#end def float2int
ActionLines = ( "calls $", ": calls ", "brings in for", "completes it to", "posts small blind",
"posts the small blind", "posts big blind", "posts the big blind",
"posts small & big blinds", "posts $", "posts a dead", "bets $",
": bets ", " raises")
ActionLines = ( "calls $", ": calls ", "brings in for", "completes it to",
"posts small blind", "posts the small blind", "posts big blind",
"posts the big blind", "posts small & big blinds", "posts $",
"posts a dead", "bets $", ": bets ", " raises")
#returns boolean whether the passed line is an action line
def isActionLine(line):
if (line.endswith("folds")):
if line.endswith("folds"):
return True
elif (line.endswith("checks")):
elif line.endswith("checks"):
return True
elif (line.startswith("Uncalled bet")):
elif line.startswith("Uncalled bet"):
return True
# searches for each member of ActionLines being in line, returns true
# on first match .. neat func
return any(x for x in ActionLines if x in line)
# return bool([ x for x in ActionLines if x in line])
# ret = any(True for searchstr in ActionLines if searchstr in line)
# ret = len( [ x for x in ActionLines if line.find(x) > -1] ) > 0
# ret = any(searchstr in line for searchstr in ActionLines)
#end def isActionLine
#returns whether this is a duplicate
def isAlreadyInDB(db, gametypeID, siteHandNo):
#print "isAlreadyInDB gtid,shand:",gametypeID, siteHandNo
c = db.get_cursor()
c.execute( db.sql.query['isAlreadyInDB'], (gametypeID, siteHandNo))
c.execute(db.sql.query['isAlreadyInDB'], (gametypeID, siteHandNo))
result = c.fetchall()
if (len(result)>=1):
if len(result) >= 1:
raise DuplicateError ("dupl")
#end isAlreadyInDB
def isRebuyOrAddon(topline):
"""isRebuyOrAddon not implemented yet"""
return False
#end def isRebuyOrAddon
#returns whether the passed topline indicates a tournament or not
def isTourney(topline):
return "Tournament" in topline
#end def isTourney
WinLines = ( "wins the pot", "ties for the ", "wins side pot", "wins the low main pot", "wins the high main pot",
"wins the low",
"wins the high pot", "wins the high side pot", "wins the main pot", "wins the side pot", "collected" )
#returns boolean whether the passed line is a win line
def isWinLine(line):
""" returns boolean whether the passed line is a win line """
return any(x for x in WinLines if x in line)
#end def isWinLine
#returns the amount of cash/chips put into the put in the given action line
def parseActionAmount(line, atype, isTourney):
@ -426,7 +415,8 @@ def parseActionAmount(line, atype, isTourney):
#elif (line.endswith(", and is all in")):
# line=line[:-15]
if line.endswith(", and is capped"):#ideally we should recognise this as an all-in if category is capXl
#ideally we should recognise this as an all-in if category is capXl
if line.endswith(", and is capped"):
if line.endswith(" and is capped"):
@ -439,9 +429,9 @@ def parseActionAmount(line, atype, isTourney):
pos1 = line.find("(") + 1
pos2 = line.find(")")
amount = float2int(line[pos1:pos2])
elif atype == "bet" and line.find(": raises $")!=-1 and line.find("to $")!=-1:
pos=line.find("to $")+4
elif atype == "bet" and ": raises $" in line and "to $" in line:
pos = line.find("to $")+4
amount = float2int(line[pos:])
if not isTourney:
pos = line.rfind("$")+1
@ -489,7 +479,6 @@ def parseActionLine(base, isTourney, line, street, playerIDs, names, action_type
tmp=(playerIDs[playerno], atype)
#end def parseActionLine
def goesAllInOnThisLine(line):
"""returns whether the player went all-in on this line and removes the all-in text from the line."""
@ -501,7 +490,6 @@ def goesAllInOnThisLine(line):
line = line[:-15]
isAllIn = True
return (line, isAllIn)
#end def goesAllInOnThisLine
#returns the action type code (see table design) of the given action line
ActionTypes = { 'brings in for' :"blind",
@ -530,7 +518,6 @@ def parseActionType(line):
if x in line:
return ActionTypes[x]
raise FpdbError ("failed to recognise actiontype in parseActionLine in: "+line)
#end def parseActionType
#parses the ante out of the given line and checks which player paid it, updates antes accordingly.
def parseAnteLine(line, isTourney, names, antes):
@ -547,15 +534,12 @@ def parseAnteLine(line, isTourney, names, antes):
pos1 = line.rfind("ante") + 5
pos2 = line.find(" ", pos1)
antes[i] += int(line[pos1:pos2])
#print "parseAnteLine line: ", line, "antes[i]", antes[i], "antes", antes
#end def parseAntes
#returns the buyin of a tourney in cents
def parseBuyin(topline):
pos1 = topline.find("$")+1
pos2 = topline.find("+")
return float2int(topline[pos1:pos2])
#end def parseBuyin
#parses a card line and changes the passed arrays accordingly
#todo: reorganise this messy method
@ -568,8 +552,9 @@ def parseCardLine(category, street, line, names, cardValues, cardSuits, boardVal
for i in (pos, pos+3):
if len(cardValues[playerNo]) !=2:
if cardValues[playerNo][0]==cardValues[playerNo][2] and cardSuits[playerNo][1]==cardSuits[playerNo][3]: #two tests will do
if len(cardValues[playerNo]) != 2:
if (cardValues[playerNo][0] == cardValues[playerNo][2] and
cardSuits[playerNo][1] == cardSuits[playerNo][3]):
@ -580,13 +565,14 @@ def parseCardLine(category, street, line, names, cardValues, cardSuits, boardVal
if (len(cardValues[playerNo])!=4):
if cardValues[playerNo][0]==cardValues[playerNo][4] and cardSuits[playerNo][3]==cardSuits[playerNo][7]: #two tests will do
if (cardValues[playerNo][0] == cardValues[playerNo][4] and
cardSuits[playerNo][3] == cardSuits[playerNo][7]): #two tests will do
cardValues[playerNo] = cardValues[playerNo][0:4]
cardSuits[playerNo] = cardSuits[playerNo][0:4]
print "line:",line,"cardValues[playerNo]:",cardValues[playerNo]
raise FpdbError("read too many/too few holecards in parseCardLine")
elif category=="razz" or category=="studhi" or category=="studhilo":
elif category == "razz" or category == "studhi" or category == "studhilo":
if "shows" not in line and "mucked" not in line:
#print "parseCardLine(in stud if), street:", street
if line[pos+2]=="]": #-> not (hero and 3rd street)
@ -631,7 +617,6 @@ def parseCardLine(category, street, line, names, cardValues, cardSuits, boardVal
#print boardValues
raise FpdbError ("unrecognised line:"+line)
#end def parseCardLine
def parseCashesAndSeatNos(lines):
"""parses the startCashes and seatNos of each player out of the given lines and returns them as a dictionary of two arrays"""
@ -647,7 +632,6 @@ def parseCashesAndSeatNos(lines):
pos2=lines[i].find(" in chips")
return {'startCashes':cashes, 'seatNos':seatNos}
#end def parseCashesAndSeatNos
#returns the buyin of a tourney in cents
def parseFee(topline):
@ -655,7 +639,6 @@ def parseFee(topline):
pos2=topline.find(" ", pos1)
return float2int(topline[pos1:pos2])
#end def parsefee
#returns a datetime object with the starttime indicated in the given topline
def parseHandStartTime(topline):
@ -688,10 +671,9 @@ def parseHandStartTime(topline):
result = datetime.datetime(int('YEAR')), int('MON')), int('DAY')), int('HR')), int('MIN')), int('SEC')))
if not isUTC: #these use US ET
result += datetime.timedelta(hours=5)
return result
#end def parseHandStartTime
#parses the names out of the given lines and returns them as an array
def findName(line):
@ -701,13 +683,11 @@ def findName(line):
def parseNames(lines):
return [findName(line) for line in lines]
#end def parseNames
def parsePositions(hand, names):
positions = [-1 for i in names]
sb, bb = -1, -1
#find blinds
for line in hand:
if sb == -1 and "small blind" in line and "dead small blind" not in line:
sb = line
@ -735,10 +715,7 @@ def parsePositions(hand, names):
#fill up rest of array
if sbExists:
arraypos = sb-1
arraypos = bb-1
arraypos = sb - 1 if sbExists else bb - 1
while arraypos >= 0 and arraypos != bb:
@ -754,20 +731,18 @@ def parsePositions(hand, names):
positions[i] = 9
i -= 1
### RHH - Changed to set the null seats before BB to "9"
if sbExists:
i = sb-1
i = bb-1
i = sb - 1 if sbExists else bb - 1
while positions[i] < 0:
if (bb!=0 or (bb==0 and sbExists==False) or (bb == 1 and sb != arraypos) ):
while (arraypos>bb and arraypos > sb):
while (arraypos > bb and arraypos > sb):
positions[arraypos] = distFromBtn
arraypos -= 1
distFromBtn += 1
if any(p == -1 for p in positions):
print "parsePositions names:",names
@ -775,21 +750,18 @@ def parsePositions(hand, names):
raise FpdbError ("failed to read positions")
# print str(positions), "\n"
return positions
#end def parsePositions
#simply parses the rake amount and returns it as an int
def parseRake(line):
pos = line.find("Rake")+6
rake = float2int(line[pos:])
return rake
#end def parseRake
def parseSiteHandNo(topline):
"""returns the hand no assigned by the poker site"""
pos1 = topline.find("#")+1
pos2 = topline.find(":")
return topline[pos1:pos2]
#end def parseSiteHandNo
def parseTableLine(base, line):
"""returns a dictionary with maxSeats and tableName"""
@ -804,11 +776,10 @@ def parseTableLine(base, line):
#returns the hand no assigned by the poker site
def parseTourneyNo(topline):
pos1=topline.find("Tournament #")+12
pos2=topline.find(",", pos1)
pos1 = topline.find("Tournament #")+12
pos2 = topline.find(",", pos1)
#print "parseTourneyNo pos1:",pos1," pos2:",pos2, " result:",topline[pos1:pos2]
return topline[pos1:pos2]
#end def parseTourneyNo
#parses a win/collect line. manipulates the passed array winnings, no explicit return
def parseWinLine(line, names, winnings, isTourney):
@ -819,12 +790,11 @@ def parseWinLine(line, names, winnings, isTourney):
if isTourney:
pos1 = line.rfind("collected ") + 10
pos2 = line.find(" ", pos1)
winnings[i] += int(line[pos1:pos2])
pos1 = line.rfind("$") + 1
pos2 = line.find(" ", pos1)
winnings[i] += float2int(line[pos1:pos2])
#end def parseWinLine
#returns the category (as per database) string for the given line
def recogniseCategory(line):
@ -844,7 +814,6 @@ def recogniseCategory(line):
return "studhilo"
raise FpdbError("failed to recognise category, line:"+line)
#end def recogniseCategory
#returns the int for the gametype_id for the given line
def recogniseGametypeID(backend, db, cursor, topline, smallBlindLine, site_id, category, isTourney):#todo: this method is messy
@ -853,50 +822,50 @@ def recogniseGametypeID(backend, db, cursor, topline, smallBlindLine, site_id, c
#note: the below variable names small_bet and big_bet are misleading, in NL/PL they mean small/big blind
if isTourney:
if (topline[pos1]=="H" or topline[pos1]=="O" or topline[pos1]=="R" or topline[pos1]=="S" or topline[pos1+2]=="C"):
pos1=topline.find("(", pos1)+1
pos2=topline.find("/", pos1)
type = "tour"
pos1 = topline.find("(")+1
if(topline[pos1] == "H" or topline[pos1] == "O" or
topline[pos1] == "R" or topline[pos1]=="S" or
topline[pos1+2] == "C"):
pos1 = topline.find("(", pos1)+1
pos2 = topline.find("/", pos1)
small_bet = int(topline[pos1:pos2])
type = "ring"
pos1 = topline.find("$")+1
pos2 = topline.find("/$")
small_bet = float2int(topline[pos1:pos2])
pos1 = pos2+2
if isTourney:
pos1 -= 1
pos2 = topline.find(")")
if pos2<=pos1:
pos2=topline.find(")", pos1)
if pos2 <= pos1:
pos2 = topline.find(")", pos1)
if isTourney:
big_bet = int(topline[pos1:pos2])
big_bet = float2int(topline[pos1:pos2])
if (topline.find("No Limit")!=-1):
if (topline.find("Cap No")!=-1):
elif (topline.find("Pot Limit")!=-1):
if (topline.find("Cap Pot")!=-1):
if 'No Limit' in topline:
limit_type = "nl" if 'Cap No' not in topline else "cn"
elif 'Pot Limit' in topline:
limit_type = "pl" if 'Cap Pot' not in topline else "cp"
limit_type = "fl"
#print "recogniseGametypeID small_bet/blind:",small_bet,"big bet/blind:", big_bet,"limit type:",limit_type
if (limit_type=="fl"):
cursor.execute ( db.sql.query['getGametypeFL']
, (site_id, type, category, limit_type, small_bet, big_bet))
if limit_type == "fl":
cursor.execute(db.sql.query['getGametypeFL'], (site_id, type, category,
limit_type, small_bet,
cursor.execute ( db.sql.query['getGametypeNL']
, (site_id, type, category, limit_type, small_bet, big_bet))
cursor.execute(db.sql.query['getGametypeNL'], (site_id, type, category,
limit_type, small_bet,
result = cursor.fetchone()
#print "recgt1 result=",result
#print "recgt1 ret=",ret