So close, yet so far. Need to calculate rake to output the side pots

line correctly.
This commit is contained in:
Matt Turnbull 2008-12-19 03:01:45 +00:00
parent 7803f52307
commit b37ddc5ace

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@ -307,8 +307,13 @@ Add a raise on [street] by [player] to [amountTo]
self.totalpot = 0
#print "[POT] stack list"
#print dict([(player[1], Decimal(player[2])) for player in self.players])
players_who_act_preflop = set([x[0] for x in self.actions['PREFLOP']])
self.pot = Pot(players_who_act_preflop)
for street in self.actions:
#for street in self.actions:
for street in [x for x in self.streetList if x in self.actions]:
uncalled = 0
calls = [0]
for act in self.actions[street]:
@ -317,18 +322,30 @@ Add a raise on [street] by [player] to [amountTo]
uncalled = Decimal(act[2]) # only the last bet or raise can be uncalled
calls = [0]
print "uncalled: ", uncalled
self.pot.addMoney(act[0], Decimal(act[2]))
elif act[1] == 'raises': # [name, 'raises', amountby, amountto, amountcalled]
print "calls %s and raises %s to %s" % (act[4],act[2],act[3])
self.totalpot += Decimal(act[2]) + Decimal(act[4])
calls = [0]
uncalled = Decimal(act[2])
print "uncalled: ", uncalled
self.pot.addMoney(act[0], Decimal(act[2])+Decimal(act[4]))
elif act[1] == 'calls': # [name, 'calls', amount]
self.totalpot += Decimal(act[2])
calls = calls + [Decimal(act[2])]
print "calls:", calls
self.pot.addMoney(act[0], Decimal(act[2]))
elif act[1] == 'posts':
self.totalpot += Decimal(act[3])
self.pot.addMoney(act[0], Decimal(act[3]))
if act[2] == 'big blind':
# the bb gets called by out-of-blinds posts; but sb+bb only calls bb
if uncalled == Decimal(act[3]): # a bb is already posted
@ -343,14 +360,15 @@ Add a raise on [street] by [player] to [amountTo]
uncalled = Decimal(act[3])
calls = [0]
elif act[1] == 'folds':
if uncalled > 0 and max(calls+[0]) < uncalled:
print "DEBUG returning some bet, calls:", calls
print "DEBUG returned: %.2f from %.2f" % ((uncalled - max(calls)), self.totalpot,)
self.totalpot -= (uncalled - max(calls))
print "DEBUG new totalpot:", self.totalpot
print "DEBUG new", self.pot
if self.totalcollected is None:
self.totalcollected = 0;
@ -446,7 +464,8 @@ Map the tuple self.gametype onto the pokerstars string describing it
print >>fh, "DEBUG: what do they show"
print >>fh, _("*** SUMMARY ***")
print >>fh, _("Total pot $%s | Rake $%.2f" % (self.totalpot, self.rake)) # TODO: side pots
print >>fh, "%s | Rake $%.2f" % (self.pot, self.rake)
#print >>fh, _("Total pot $%s | Rake $%.2f" % (self.totalpot, self.rake)) # TODO: side pots
board = []
for s in self.board.values():
@ -544,3 +563,128 @@ Map the tuple self.gametype onto the pokerstars string describing it
class FpdbParseError(Exception): pass
class Pot(object):
def __init__(self, contenders):
self.contenders = contenders
self.committed = dict([(player,Decimal(0)) for player in contenders]) = Decimal(0)
def addFold(self, player):
def addMoney(self, player, amount):
self.committed[player] += amount
def __str__(self): = sum(self.committed.values())
committed = sorted([ (v,k) for (k,v) in self.committed.items()])
lastbet = committed[-1][0] - committed[-2][0]
if lastbet > 0: # uncalled
returnto = committed[-1][1]
#print "returning %f to %s" % (lastbet, returnto) -= lastbet
self.committed[returnto] -= lastbet
# now: for those contenders still contending..
commitsall = sorted([(v,k) for (k,v) in self.committed.items() if v >0])
pots = []
while len(commitsall) > 0:
commitslive = [(v,k) for (v,k) in commitsall if k in self.contenders]
v1 = commitslive[0][0]
pots += [sum([min(v,v1) for (v,k) in commitsall])]
#print "all: ", commitsall
#print "live:", commitslive
commitsall = [((v-v1),k) for (v,k) in commitsall if v-v1 >0]
#print "[**]", pots
# TODO: I think rake gets taken out of the pots.
# so it goes:
# total pot x. main pot y, side pot z. | rake r
# and y+z+r = x
# for example:
# Total pot $124.30 Main pot $98.90. Side pot $23.40. | Rake $2
# so....... that's tricky.
if len(pots) == 1:
return "Main pot $%.2f" % pots[0]
elif len(pots) == 2:
return "Main pot $%.2f, side pot $%2.f" % (pots[0],pots[1])
elif len(pots) == 3:
return "Main pot $%.2f, side pot-1 $%2.f, side pot-2 $.2f" % (pots[0],pots[1],pots[2])
return "too many pots.. fix me"
#def addMoney(self, player, amount):
#uncalled = max(self.committed.values()) - self.committed[player]
#if self.cap:
#overflow = self.committed[player] + amount - self.cap
#if overflow > 0: += amount - overflow
#self.committed[player] = self.cap
#self.sidepot.addMoney(player, overflow)
## because it was capped, we can only be calling here.
#self.committed[player] += amount += amount
## no player is currently all-in.
#self.committed[player] += amount += amount
## is this a new uncalled bet?
#r = amount - uncalled
#if r > 0:
#self.uncalled = (player, r)
#self.calls = [0]
#self.calls.append(amount + r)
## is this player all-in?
#if self.committed[player] == self.stacks[player]:
#self.cap = self.stacks[player]
#contenders = self.contenders[:]
#sidepotstacks = dict([(player, self.stacks[player]-self.committed[player]) for player in contenders])
#self.sidepot = Pot(contenders, sidepotstacks, self.sidepotnum+1)
#elif self.committed[player] > self.stacks[player]:
#print "ERROR %s problem" % (player,)
#print self.committed[player], self.stacks[player]
#raise FpdbParseError
#def returnUncalled(self):
#print "[POT]"
#print "last bet", self.uncalled
#print "calls:", self.calls
#if self.uncalled:
#if max(self.calls) < self.uncalled[1]: -= self.uncalled[1]
#print "returned", self.uncalled[0],self.uncalled[1]-max(self.calls), "from", self.uncalled[1]
#def __str__(self):
#total =
#if self.sidepotnum == 0:
#return "Main pot $%.2f%s" %(total, self.sidepot or '' )
#elif self.sidepotnum > 0:
#if self.sidepot:
#return ", side pot-%d $%.2f%s" % (self.sidepotnum, total, self.sidepot)
#return ", side pot $%.2f." % (total,)