gettextify filters

This commit is contained in:
steffen123 2010-08-15 05:36:32 +02:00
parent d8993ea0ec
commit b360628583

View File

@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
self.display = display
# text used on screen stored here so that it can be configured
self.filterText = {'limitsall':'All', 'limitsnone':'None', 'limitsshow':'Show _Limits'
,'seatsbetween':'Between:', 'seatsand':'And:', 'seatsshow':'Show Number of _Players'
,'playerstitle':'Hero:', 'sitestitle':'Sites:', 'gamestitle':'Games:'
,'limitstitle':'Limits:', 'seatstitle':'Number of Players:'
,'groupstitle':'Grouping:', 'posnshow':'Show Position Stats:'
,'groupsall':'All Players'
,'limitsFL':'FL', 'limitsNL':'NL', 'limitsPL':'PL', 'ring':'Ring', 'tour':'Tourney'
self.filterText = {'limitsall':_('All'), 'limitsnone':_('None'), 'limitsshow':_('Show _Limits')
,'seatsbetween':_('Between:'), 'seatsand':_('And:'), 'seatsshow':_('Show Number of _Players')
,'playerstitle':_('Hero:'), 'sitestitle':_('Sites:'), 'gamestitle':_('Games:')
,'limitstitle':_('Limits:'), 'seatstitle':_('Number of Players:')
,'groupstitle':_('Grouping:'), 'posnshow':_('Show Position Stats:')
,'groupsall':_('All Players')
,'limitsFL':'FL', 'limitsNL':'NL', 'limitsPL':'PL', 'ring':_('Ring'), 'tour':_('Tourney')
gen = self.conf.get_general_params()
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
if len(result) == 1:
self.siteid[site] = result[0][0]
print "Either 0 or more than one site matched (%s) - EEK" % site
print _("Either 0 or more than one site matched (%s) - EEK") % site
# For use in date ranges.
self.start_date = gtk.Entry(max=12)
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
#end def registerButton2Callback
def cardCallback(self, widget, data=None):
log.debug( "%s was toggled %s" % (data, ("OFF", "ON")[widget.get_active()]) )
log.debug( _("%s was toggled %s") % (data, (_("OFF"), _("ON"))[widget.get_active()]) )
def createPlayerLine(self, hbox, site, player):
log.debug('add:"%s"' % player)
@ -380,19 +380,19 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
def __set_site_select(self, w, site):
#print w.get_active()
self.sites[site] = w.get_active()
log.debug("self.sites[%s] set to %s" %(site, self.sites[site]))
log.debug(_("self.sites[%s] set to %s") %(site, self.sites[site]))
#end def __set_site_select
def __set_game_select(self, w, game):
#print w.get_active()[game] = w.get_active()
log.debug("[%s] set to %s" %(game,[game]))
log.debug(_("[%s] set to %s") %(game,[game]))
#end def __set_game_select
def __set_limit_select(self, w, limit):
#print "__set_limit_select: limit =", limit, w.get_active()
self.limits[limit] = w.get_active()
log.debug("self.limit[%s] set to %s" %(limit, self.limits[limit]))
log.debug(_("self.limit[%s] set to %s") %(limit, self.limits[limit]))
if limit.isdigit() or (len(limit) > 2 and (limit[-2:] == 'nl' or limit[-2:] == 'fl' or limit[-2:] == 'pl')):
if self.limits[limit]:
if self.cbNoLimits is not None:
@ -529,13 +529,13 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
def __set_seat_select(self, w, seat):
#print "__set_seat_select: seat =", seat, "active =", w.get_active()
self.seats[seat] = w.get_active()
log.debug( "self.seats[%s] set to %s" %(seat, self.seats[seat]) )
log.debug( _("self.seats[%s] set to %s") %(seat, self.seats[seat]) )
#end def __set_seat_select
def __set_group_select(self, w, group):
#print "__set_seat_select: seat =", seat, "active =", w.get_active()
self.groups[group] = w.get_active()
log.debug( "self.groups[%s] set to %s" %(group, self.groups[group]) )
log.debug( _("self.groups[%s] set to %s") %(group, self.groups[group]) )
def fillPlayerFrame(self, vbox, display):
top_hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
self.sbGroups['allplayers'] = cb
self.groups['allplayers'] = False
lbl = gtk.Label('Min # Hands:')
lbl = gtk.Label(_('Min # Hands:'))
lbl.set_alignment(xalign=1.0, yalign=0.5)
hbox.pack_start(lbl, expand=True, padding=3)
@ -634,8 +634,8 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
vbox1.pack_start(hbox, False, True, 0)
self.createTourneyTypeLine(hbox, line[0])
print "INFO: No tourney types returned from database""No tourney types returned from database")
print _("INFO: No tourney types returned from database")"No tourney types returned from database"))
#end def fillTourneyTypesFrame
def fillGamesFrame(self, vbox):
@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
vbox1.pack_start(hbox, False, True, 0)
self.createGameLine(hbox, line[0])
print "INFO: No games returned from database""No games returned from database")
print _("INFO: No games returned from database")"No games returned from database"))
#end def fillGamesFrame
def fillLimitsFrame(self, vbox, display):
@ -750,8 +750,8 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
self.cbPL = self.createLimitLine(hbox, 'pl', self.filterText['limitsPL'])
dest = vbox2 # for ring/tour buttons
print "INFO: No games returned from database""No games returned from database")
print _("INFO: No games returned from database")"No games returned from database"))
if "Type" in display and display["Type"] == True and self.found['ring'] and self.found['tour']:
rb1 = gtk.RadioButton(None, self.filterText['ring'])
@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
btn_end.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_INDEX, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON))
btn_end.connect('clicked', self.__calendar_dialog, self.end_date)
btn_clear = gtk.Button(label=' Clear Dates ')
btn_clear = gtk.Button(label=_(' Clear Dates '))
btn_clear.connect('clicked', self.__clear_dates)
hbox.pack_start(lbl_end, expand=False, padding=3)
@ -926,13 +926,13 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
def __calendar_dialog(self, widget, entry):
d = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
d.set_title('Pick a date')
d.set_title(_('Pick a date'))
vb = gtk.VBox()
cal = gtk.Calendar()
vb.pack_start(cal, expand=False, padding=0)
btn = gtk.Button('Done')
btn = gtk.Button(_('Done'))
btn.connect('clicked', self.__get_date, cal, entry, d)
vb.pack_start(btn, expand=False, padding=4)