Add query from Eleatic Stranger on 2+2

Preliminary query for analysing hole cards
This commit is contained in:
Worros 2009-03-10 00:34:07 +09:00
parent 7f63ef7cfe
commit b062ed6e70

View File

@ -1054,6 +1054,137 @@ class FpdbSQLQueries:
elif(self.dbname == 'SQLite'): elif(self.dbname == 'SQLite'):
self.query['playerStatsByPosition'] = """ """ self.query['playerStatsByPosition'] = """ """
if(self.dbname == 'MySQL InnoDB'):
self.query['playerStatsByPositionAndHoleCards'] = """
concat(upper(stats.limitType), ' '
,concat(upper(substring(stats.category,1,1)),substring(stats.category,2) ), ' '
,, ' $'
,cast(trim(leading ' ' from
case when stats.bigBlind < 100 then format(stats.bigBlind/100.0,2)
else format(stats.bigBlind/100.0,0)
end ) as char)
) AS Game
,case when stats.PlPosition = -2 then 'BB'
when stats.PlPosition = -1 then 'SB'
when stats.PlPosition = 0 then 'Btn'
when stats.PlPosition = 1 then 'CO'
when stats.PlPosition = 2 then 'MP'
when stats.PlPosition = 5 then 'EP'
else '??'
end AS PlPosition
/* if you have handsactions data the next 3 fields should give same answer as
following 3 commented out fields */
,format(hprof2.sum_profit/100.0,2) AS Net
/*,format((hprof2.sum_profit/(stats.bigBlind+0.0)) / (stats.n/100.0),2)*/,0
AS BBlPer100
,hprof2.profitperhand AS Profitperhand
,format(hprof2.variance,2) AS Variance
(select /* stats from hudcache */
,upper(gt.limitType) as limitType
,case when hc.position = 'B' then -2
when hc.position = 'S' then -1
when hc.position = 'D' then 0
when hc.position = 'C' then 1
when hc.position = 'M' then 2
when hc.position = 'E' then 5
else 9
end as PlPosition
,sum(HDs) AS n
,format(100.0*sum(street0VPI)/sum(HDs),1) AS vpip
,format(100.0*sum(street0Aggr)/sum(HDs),1) AS pfr
,format(100.0*sum(street1Seen)/sum(HDs),1) AS saw_f
,format(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(HDs),1) AS sawsd
,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then 'oo'
else format(100.0*sum(sawShowdown)/sum(street1Seen),1)
end AS wtsdwsf
,case when sum(sawShowdown) = 0 then 'oo'
end AS wtsdwsf
,case when sum(sawShowdown) = 0 then 'oo'
else format(100.0*sum(wonAtSD)/sum(sawShowdown),1)
end AS wmsd
,case when sum(street1Seen) = 0 then 'oo'
else format(100.0*sum(street1Aggr)/sum(street1Seen),1)
end AS FlAFq
,case when sum(street2Seen) = 0 then 'oo'
else format(100.0*sum(street2Aggr)/sum(street2Seen),1)
end AS TuAFq
,case when sum(street3Seen) = 0 then 'oo'
else format(100.0*sum(street3Aggr)/sum(street3Seen),1)
end AS RvAFq
,case when sum(street1Seen)+sum(street2Seen)+sum(street3Seen) = 0 then 'oo'
else format(100.0*(sum(street1Aggr)+sum(street2Aggr)+sum(street3Aggr))
end AS PoFAFq
,format(sum(totalProfit)/100.0,2) AS Net
,format((sum(totalProfit)/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) / (sum(HDs)/100.0),2)
AS BBper100
,format( (sum(totalProfit)/100.0) / sum(HDs), 4) AS Profitperhand
from Gametypes gt
inner join Sites s on s.Id = gt.siteId
inner join HudCache hc on hc.gameTypeId = gt.Id
where hc.playerId in <player_test>
# use <gametype_test> here ?
group by gt.base
) stats
inner join
( select # profit from handsplayers/handsactions
case when hprof.position = 'B' then -2
when hprof.position = 'S' then -1
when hprof.position in ('3','4') then 2
when hprof.position in ('6','7') then 5
else hprof.position
end as PlPosition,
sum(hprof.profit) as sum_profit,
avg(hprof.profit/100.0) as profitperhand,
variance(hprof.profit/100.0) as variance,
count(*) as n
(select hp.handId, h.gameTypeId, hp.position, hp.winnings, SUM(ha.amount)
costs, hp.winnings - SUM(ha.amount) profit
from HandsPlayers hp
inner join Hands h ON = hp.handId
left join HandsActions ha ON ha.handPlayerId =
where hp.playerId in <player_test>
# use <gametype_test> here ?
and hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL
and ((hp.card1Value = <first_card> and hp.card2Value = <second_card>) or (hp.card1Value = <second_card> and hp.card2Value = <first_card>))
group by hp.handId, h.gameTypeId, hp.position, hp.winnings
) hprof
group by hprof.gameTypeId, PlPosition
) hprof2
on ( hprof2.gameTypeId = stats.gameTypeId
and hprof2.PlPosition = stats.PlPosition)
order by stats.category, stats.limittype, stats.bigBlind, cast(stats.PlPosition as signed)
if __name__== "__main__": if __name__== "__main__":
from optparse import OptionParser from optparse import OptionParser