remove another near-duplicate from TourneyFilters

This commit is contained in:
steffen123 2010-07-27 19:14:23 +02:00
parent 0266a707ac
commit acbe15fadd
2 changed files with 1 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -578,6 +578,7 @@ class Filters(threading.Thread):
hbox.pack_start(phands, False, False, 0)
phands.connect("changed", self.__set_num_hands, site)
top_hbox.pack_start(showb, expand=False, padding=1)
#end def fillPlayerFrame
def fillSitesFrame(self, vbox):
top_hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)

View File

@ -86,49 +86,6 @@ class TourneyFilters(Filters.Filters):
#end def __toggle_box
def fillPlayerFrame(self, vbox, display):
top_hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
vbox.pack_start(top_hbox, False, False, 0)
lbl_title = gtk.Label(self.filterText['playerstitle'])
lbl_title.set_alignment(xalign=0.0, yalign=0.5)
top_hbox.pack_start(lbl_title, expand=True, padding=3)
showb = gtk.Button(label="refresh", stock=None, use_underline=True)
showb.set_alignment(xalign=1.0, yalign=0.5)
showb.connect('clicked', self.__refresh, 'players')
vbox1 = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
vbox.pack_start(vbox1, False, False, 0)
self.boxes['players'] = vbox1
for site in self.conf.get_supported_sites():
hBox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
vbox1.pack_start(hBox, False, True, 0)
player = self.conf.supported_sites[site].screen_name
_pname = Charset.to_gui(player)
self.createPlayerLine(hBox, site, _pname)
hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
vbox1.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 0)
#cb = gtk.CheckButton(self.filterText['groupsall'])
#cb.connect('clicked', self.__set_group_select, 'allplayers')
#hbox.pack_start(cb, False, False, 0)
#self.sbGroups['allplayers'] = cb
#self.groups['allplayers'] = False
#lbl = gtk.Label('Min # Hands:')
#lbl.set_alignment(xalign=1.0, yalign=0.5)
#hbox.pack_start(lbl, expand=True, padding=3)
#phands = gtk.Entry()
#hbox.pack_start(phands, False, False, 0)
#phands.connect("changed", self.__set_num_hands, site)
top_hbox.pack_start(showb, expand=False, padding=1)
#end def fillPlayerFrame
def make_filter(self):
self.tourneyTypes = {}
#self.tourneys = {}