fpdb: remove error trap on "Recreate Tables" menu option - trapping should be much more localized.

This commit is contained in:
Eric Blade 2009-08-16 04:46:41 -05:00
parent a90415bc84
commit aa0610dcfa

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@ -243,30 +243,27 @@ class fpdb:
if self.obtain_global_lock(): # returns true if successful
#lock_released = False
dia_confirm = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, flags=0, type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING,
buttons=(gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO), message_format="Confirm deleting and recreating tables")
diastring = "Please confirm that you want to (re-)create the tables. If there already are tables in the database " \
+self.db.fdb.database+" on "+self.db.fdb.host+" they will be deleted."
dia_confirm.format_secondary_text(diastring)#todo: make above string with bold for db, host and deleted
dia_confirm = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, flags=0, type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING,
buttons=(gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO), message_format="Confirm deleting and recreating tables")
diastring = "Please confirm that you want to (re-)create the tables. If there already are tables in the database " \
+self.db.fdb.database+" on "+self.db.fdb.host+" they will be deleted."
dia_confirm.format_secondary_text(diastring)#todo: make above string with bold for db, host and deleted
response = dia_confirm.run()
if response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
#if self.db.fdb.backend == self.fdb_lock.fdb.MYSQL_INNODB:
# mysql requires locks on all tables or none - easier to release this lock
# than lock all the other tables
# ToDo: lock all other tables so that lock doesn't have to be released
# self.release_global_lock()
# lock_released = True
# for other dbs use same connection as holds global lock
# self.fdb_lock.fdb.recreate_tables()
elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_NO:
print 'User cancelled recreating tables'
response = dia_confirm.run()
if response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
#if self.db.fdb.backend == self.fdb_lock.fdb.MYSQL_INNODB:
# mysql requires locks on all tables or none - easier to release this lock
# than lock all the other tables
# ToDo: lock all other tables so that lock doesn't have to be released
# self.release_global_lock()
# lock_released = True
# for other dbs use same connection as holds global lock
# self.fdb_lock.fdb.recreate_tables()
elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_NO:
print 'User cancelled recreating tables'
#if not lock_released:
#end def dia_recreate_tables