add queries for player stats

This commit is contained in:
sqlcoder 2009-07-18 20:41:20 +01:00
parent 96376e7421
commit a1e0e0539a

View File

@ -576,6 +576,178 @@ class Sql:
select coalesce(greatest(max(id),%s)-%s,0)
from Hands"""
# used in GuiPlayerStats:
self.query['getPlayerId'] = """SELECT id from Players where name = %s"""
# used in Filters:
self.query['getSiteId'] = """SELECT id from Sites where name = %s"""
self.query['getGames'] = """SELECT DISTINCT category from Gametypes"""
self.query['getLimits'] = """SELECT DISTINCT bigBlind from Gametypes ORDER by bigBlind DESC"""
if db_server == 'mysql':
self.query['playerDetailedStats'] = """
select <hgameTypeId> AS hgametypeid
,upper(gt.limitType) AS limittype
,min(gt.bigBlind) AS minbigblind
,max(gt.bigBlind) AS maxbigblind
/*,<hcgametypeId> AS gtid*/
,<position> AS plposition
,count(1) AS n
,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0VPI as <signed>integer))/count(1) AS vpip
,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0Aggr as <signed>integer))/count(1) AS pfr
,case when sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bchance as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bdone as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bchance as <signed>integer))
end AS pf3
,case when sum(cast(hp.stealattemptchance as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.stealattempted as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.stealattemptchance as <signed>integer))
end AS steals
,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer))/count(1) AS saw_f
,100.0*sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as <signed>integer))/count(1) AS sawsd
,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer))
end AS wtsdwsf
,case when sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.wonAtSD as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as <signed>integer))
end AS wmsd
,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street1Aggr as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer))
end AS flafq
,case when sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street2Aggr as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as <signed>integer))
end AS tuafq
,case when sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street3Aggr as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as <signed>integer))
end AS rvafq
,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*(sum(cast(hp.street1Aggr as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Aggr as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Aggr as <signed>integer)))
/(sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as <signed>integer)))
end AS pofafq
,sum(hp.totalProfit)/100.0 AS net
,sum(hp.rake)/100.0 AS rake
,100.0*avg(hp.totalProfit/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) AS bbper100
,avg(hp.totalProfit)/100.0 AS profitperhand
,100.0*avg((hp.totalProfit+hp.rake)/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) AS bb100xr
,avg((hp.totalProfit+hp.rake)/100.0) AS profhndxr
,avg(h.seats+0.0) AS avgseats
,variance(hp.totalProfit/100.0) AS variance
from HandsPlayers hp
inner join Hands h on ( = hp.handId)
inner join Gametypes gt on (gt.Id = h.gameTypeId)
inner join Sites s on (s.Id = gt.siteId)
where hp.playerId in <player_test>
and hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL
and h.seats <seats_test>
and date_format(h.handStart, '%Y-%m-%d') <datestest>
group by hgameTypeId
order by hp.playerId
,case <position> when 'B' then 'B'
when 'S' then 'S'
else concat('Z', <position>)
,maxbigblind desc
else: # assume postgresql
self.query['playerDetailedStats'] = """
select <hgameTypeId> AS hgametypeid
,upper(gt.limitType) AS limittype
,min(gt.bigBlind) AS minbigblind
,max(gt.bigBlind) AS maxbigblind
/*,<hcgametypeId> AS gtid*/
,<position> AS plposition
,count(1) AS n
,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0VPI as <signed>integer))/count(1) AS vpip
,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0Aggr as <signed>integer))/count(1) AS pfr
,case when sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bchance as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bdone as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.street0_3Bchance as <signed>integer))
end AS pf3
,case when sum(cast(hp.stealattemptchance as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.stealattempted as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.stealattemptchance as <signed>integer))
end AS steals
,100.0*sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer))/count(1) AS saw_f
,100.0*sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as <signed>integer))/count(1) AS sawsd
,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer))
end AS wtsdwsf
,case when sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.wonAtSD as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.sawShowdown as <signed>integer))
end AS wmsd
,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street1Aggr as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer))
end AS flafq
,case when sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street2Aggr as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as <signed>integer))
end AS tuafq
,case when sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*sum(cast(hp.street3Aggr as <signed>integer))/sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as <signed>integer))
end AS rvafq
,case when sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as <signed>integer)) = 0 then -999
else 100.0*(sum(cast(hp.street1Aggr as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Aggr as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Aggr as <signed>integer)))
/(sum(cast(hp.street1Seen as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street2Seen as <signed>integer))+sum(cast(hp.street3Seen as <signed>integer)))
end AS pofafq
,sum(hp.totalProfit)/100.0 AS net
,sum(hp.rake)/100.0 AS rake
,100.0*avg(hp.totalProfit/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) AS bbper100
,avg(hp.totalProfit)/100.0 AS profitperhand
,100.0*avg((hp.totalProfit+hp.rake)/(gt.bigBlind+0.0)) AS bb100xr
,avg((hp.totalProfit+hp.rake)/100.0) AS profhndxr
,avg(h.seats+0.0) AS avgseats
,variance(hp.totalProfit/100.0) AS variance
from HandsPlayers hp
inner join Hands h on ( = hp.handId)
inner join Gametypes gt on (gt.Id = h.gameTypeId)
inner join Sites s on (s.Id = gt.siteId)
where hp.playerId in <player_test>
and hp.tourneysPlayersId IS NULL
and h.seats <seats_test>
and to_char(h.handStart, 'YYYY-MM-DD') <datestest>
group by hgameTypeId
order by hp.playerId
,case <position> when 'B' then 'B'
when 'S' then 'S'
when '0' then 'Y'
else 'Z'||<position>
,maxbigblind desc
#elif(self.dbname == 'SQLite'):
# self.query['playerDetailedStats'] = """ """
if __name__== "__main__":
# just print the default queries and exit
s = Sql(game = 'razz', type = 'ptracks')