Merge branch 'master' of git:// into eric

This commit is contained in:
Steffen Schaumburg 2011-03-18 09:50:06 +01:00
commit 8f7b01616d
27 changed files with 1327 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
Create MySqlPython version 1.2.3 windows installer for Python26
This walkthrough is derived from excellent installation instructions released under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2. The original work is here ... The Wiki author appears to be "Irondesk"
This version by Gimick on 29th June 2010
Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2
The FPDB exe needs to build against the MySql-Python project. Unfortunately, for python 2.6 there is no official installer for windows, and none is ever likely to be provided.
Community builds are available, but to reduce third-party dependencies, we will build our own here.
Step 0 Get a fresh XP installation
0.1/ Using XPhome 32bit
Step 1, VisualStudio 2008 express install
1.1/ Get the ISO CD from here ...
1.2/ Run and install Visual C++ only, don't bother with the additional packages offered
This package will run 30 days before registration is needed
Step 2, setup Mysql Server
2.1/ Install MySQL server runtime ...
Choose Typical, choose configure, choose Standard Configuration, choose all defaults, supply admin username/password.
Step 3, more installs
3.1/ install the following in sequence (accept all default options) there should be no errors !
Python 2.7 ...
7zip 914 ...
Step 4, grab Mysql server Source
4.1/ Download ...
4.2/ Unpacking Desktop\mysqlsource (use 7zip)
4.3/ Copy the following source directories to the MySql installation:
dos> xcopy Desktop\mysqlsource\mysql-5.1.34-win32\data\* "c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data" /I/E/F/H
dos> xcopy Desktop\mysqlsource\mysql-5.1.34-win32\Embedded\* "c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\Embedded" /I/E/F/H
dos> xcopy Desktop\mysqlsource\mysql-5.1.34-win32\include\* "c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\include" /I/E/F/H
dos> xcopy Desktop\mysqlsource\mysql-5.1.34-win32\lib\* "c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\lib" /I/E/F/H
dos> xcopy Desktop\mysqlsource\mysql-5.1.34-win32\mysql-test\* "c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\mysql-test" /I/E/F/H
dos> xcopy Desktop\mysqlsource\mysql-5.1.34-win32\sql-bench\* "c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\sql-bench" /I/E/F/H
4.4/ You can delete Destop\mysqlsource, is no longer needed.
Step 5, grab Mysql-python source
5.1/ get download
MySql for python ...
5.2/ extract MySQL-python-1.2.3 directory to the Desktop using 7zip
(note: use 7zip, open the gz, then open the tar, then extract the directory found inside there)
Desktop\MySQL-python-1.2.3 should now exist
Step 6, get python build tools
6.1/ get Easy Setup installer
Easy setup installer ...
6.2/ Check the DEFAULT VERSION specified in Easy Setup and get the corresponding setuptools (version c11 in this case)
Setuptools version 11 ...
6.3/ Put both of these files into Desktop\MySQL-python-1.2.3, overwriting any existing files
Step 7, install the build tool
dos> cd Desktop\MySQL-python-1.2.3
dos> c:\Python27\python.exe setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg
Step 8, Tweak the configuration
dos> cd Desktop\MySQL-python-1.2.3
8.1/ dos> write site.cfg
Change registry_key = SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.0
to registry_key = SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.1
Step 9, build
dos> cd Desktop\MySQL-python-1.2.3
9.1/ dos> c:\python27\python.exe build
* Note: You will probably get a bunch of warnings and maybe a manifest error status 31, these are ok as long as there are no errors in compiling or linking.
* Note: This will generate the "MySQL-python-1.2.3/build" folder
9.2/ dos> c:\python27\python.exe bdist_wininst
Step 10, done
10.1/ the \dist directory will contain MySQL-python-1.2.3.win32-py2.7.exe !!!!!
10.2/ upload this file to sourceforge

View File

@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
This is a list of download links of Windows packages for Python 2.7 of our dependencies.
This is a list of download links of Windows32 packages for Python 2.7 of our dependencies.
These are as of 26Feb2011:
matplotlib 1.0.1 ...
pygtk 2.22 ...
pycairo 1.8.10 ...
pyGobject X ...
These are as of 27Feb2011:
The below are from Aug2010, and should probably be updated to newer versions:
Python 2.7 ...
pywin 214 ...
py2exe 0.6.9 ...
psycopg2 ...
gtk+ allinone...
matplotlib 1.0.1 ...
pygtk 2.22 ...
pycairo 1.8.10 ...
pyGobject X ...
pywin 216 ...
numpy 1.5.1 ...
pypokereval 138 ...
cdecimal 2.2 ...
mysql-python 1.2.3 ...
psycopg2 ...
Developers only:
py2exe 0.6.9 ...

View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
PY2EXE walkthrough for Python 2.7 & FPDB 0.2x
created on 27th Feb 2011 by Gimick
This walkthrough is derived from comments in the py2exe script made by Ray and SqlCoder
Additional information, formatting, updating to Python 2.6 and Python 2.7 and sequencing added by Gimick
Content is available under the the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
Step 0 Get a fresh XP installation
0.1/ Using XPhome or Pro 32bit
0.2/ Ensure the CPU supports SSE2 instruction set or better.
Step 1, dependency install
1.1/ install the following in sequence (accept all default options) there should be no errors !
Python 2.7 ...
matplotlib 1.0.1 ...
pygtk 2.22 ...
pycairo 1.8.10 ...
pyGobject X 2.26 ...
pywin 216 ...
pypokereval 138 ...
cdecimal 2.2 ...
psycopg2 ...
(Note: stickpeople is the offical repository, not a community build)
py2exe 0.6.9 ...
1.2/ MySQL
Install the following file:
mysql-python 1.2.3 ...
1.3/ pytz fixup to work in an executable package
pytz needs runtime access to timezone definition files. pytz is hard-coded to search in the directory from which the pytz .py modules are being run.
In a py2exe package, this directory is actually a container file, so windows cannot find the timezone definitions, and will crash the app.
We need to make a one-line change to pytz to search in the current working directory (which is not a container), and not the application directory.
The py2exe script copies the timezone datafiles into the package folder pyfpdb/zoneinfo.
Thanks to Jeff Peck <peck.jeff <at>> on the py2exe mailing list for documenting this problem and solution.
1.3.1/ Navigate to C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pytz
1.3.2/ Edit
1.3.3/ At line 55 replace the following line(s):
filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
'zoneinfo', *name_parts)
with this line:
filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'zoneinfo', *name_parts)
1.3.4/ Save and exit
1.4/ Patch py2exe to stop popup runtime error message
see for technical info.
dos> write C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\py2exe\
atexit.register(alert, 0,
"See the logfile '%s' for details" % fname,
"Errors occurred")
#atexit.register(alert, 0,
# "See the logfile '%s' for details" % fname,
# "Errors occurred")
1.4.2/ save and exit
Step 2 Setup GTK
There are quite a few GTK packages needed, and rather than install them individually, I used the official AllinOne from the GTK project.
2,1/ Create a new folder c:\GTK
2.2/ Extract the following zip file into c:\GTK
gtk+ allinone 2.22.1 ...
2.3/ If everything has worked, you should have c:\GTK\bin \etc \lib \src and so on created.
2.4/ The /share/doc and /share/gtk-doc folders are huge, so can be emptied now (leave the /doc and /gtk-doc folders
in place, but delete the content)
Step 3 Set GTK into the PATH variable
The path for GTK isn't set by default, so need to let the o/s know where the GTK stuff is.
3.1/ Rightclick on mycomputer to show system properties
3.2/ select advanced/environment Variables
3.3/ in "system variables" NOT "user variables" do the following
3.3.1/ create a new item as name: GTK_BASEPATH value: c:\GTK
3.3.2/ edit the item "path", press home to get to the first character and insert the following text, (no quotes, including semicolon) %GTK_BASEPATH%\bin;
3.4/ to check, open command prompt and do:
dos>path ... system should respond with ... PATH=c:\GTK\bin;C:\WIN........
3.5/ Give it a spin to test (hopefully an application will start, if not, something has gone wrong)
dos> gtk-demo
Step 4 Get the fpdb GIT tree
4.1/ Best to take a copy to work with; following steps will assume that the fpdb folder is on the Desktop
4.2/ Edit the script in packaging/windows/ to set the fpdbver variable for this release
5.3/ Install correct Numpy for this build
Numpy needs special handling, as by default it will install an optimised version for the SSE level of your CPU (SSE3, SSE2 or noSSE). This means that the completed package will not run on an older CPU.
For this reason, do not just run the installer downloaded. We will force a nosse version, to minimise problems on
older client PC's
5.3.1/ download the package to the Desktop
numpy 1.5.1 ...
5.3.3/ If you are wanting to build a package which works on all CPU's, install noSSE as follows:
dos> cd Desktop
dos> numpy-1.5.1-win32-superpack-python2.7.exe /arch nosse
5.3.4/ At the end of the installation, click on "show details" to confirm the installation.
"Target CPU handles SSE2"
"Target CPU handles SSE3"
"nosse install (arch value: nosse)"
"Install NO SSE"
Extract: numpy-1.5.1-nosse.exe... 100%
Execute: "C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\numpy-1.5.1-nosse.exe"
Step 6 Run py2exe to generate fpdb.exe
6.1/ Run the script to create the fpdb.exe bundle
dos> cd Desktop\fpdb\packaging\windows
dos> c:\python27\python.exe py2exe
wait a while, watch lots of copying and whatever.
6.2/ You should next get prompted for the GTK folder.
6.3/ If there are no errors reported, it has probably worked, we will test soon.
Build notes:
There is a warning about dll's not included "umath.pyd - c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\umath.pyd"
- reason for this is not understood at present. (Umath is apparently included in the built package).
Step 7 not currently used
Has been deleted
Step 8 Drag out the completed bundle
py2exe creates a new folder for the created software bundle, drag this out to the desktop for ease of working.
8.1/ Drag Desktop\fpdb\packaging\windows\fpdb-n.nn.nnn to Desktop\
Step 9 Initial run
9.1/ Open the Desktop\fpdb-n.nn.nnn folder
9.2/ In options...View uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types"
9.3/ Double click run_fpdb.bat
9.4/ check the contents of pyfpdb\fpdb.exe.log, deal with any errors thrown
9.5/ hopefully, fpdb will run
9.6/ Try out a few options, deal with any errors reported
Observe that the msvcp90.dll was provided by the python runtime package, so we don't have to install the separate package from Microsoft. End-users will, however need the dependency.
Step 11 pruning
11.1/ The generated folder is 100+MB and can be pruned by removing the following directories:
Step 12 rename folder
If needed, rename the folder to something meaningful to the community. If you have built for NoSSE, append anyCPU to the directory name.
Step 13 Compress to executable archive
13.1/ Download and install 7zip 914 ...
13.2/ Rightclick on fpdb executable folder, select 7zip Add to archive... select SFX archive option switch
13.3/ Test the created exe file
Step 14 If you need to build again for a different SSE level
Go back to step 5 and run again.

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
Py2exe script for fpdb.
# Copyright 2009-2011, Ray E. Barker
# Copyright 2009-2010, Ray E. Barker
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ import py2exe
import glob
import matplotlib
import shutil
#from datetime import date
import cdecimal
def isSystemDLL(pathname):
#dwmapi appears to be vista-specific file, not XP
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def copy_file(source,destination):
shutil.copy( source, destination )
fpdbver = '0.21.rc1'
fpdbver = '0.21'
distdir = r'fpdb-' + fpdbver
rootdir = r'../../' #cwd is normally /packaging/windows
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ setup(
print "*** py2exe build phase complete ***"
# copy zone info and fpdb translation folders
copy_tree (r'c:\python26\Lib\site-packages\pytz\zoneinfo', os.path.join(r'dist', 'zoneinfo'))
copy_tree (r'c:\python27\Lib\site-packages\pytz\zoneinfo', os.path.join(r'dist', 'zoneinfo'))
copy_tree (pydir+r'locale', os.path.join(r'dist', 'locale'))
# create distribution folder and populate with gfx + bat

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ pypokereval build for windows stepbystep guide
Created by Gimick on 3rd December 2010
Updated for py27 by Gimick 27th Feb 2011
This walkthrough is derived with the assistance of EricBlade and the build notes
supplied by Loic Dachary <>
@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ Content is available under the the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
0. Build environ
We are building against the 2008 runtime because Python 2.6
We are building against the 2008 runtime because Python 2.7
has the same dependency (msvcr90.dll version 9.0.21022.8)
Using winXPhome 32 bit
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ This package will run 30 days before registration is needed
2.1/ Install python runtime from here ...
Python 2.6.5 ...
Python 2.7 ...
3. Source install
@ -62,11 +63,29 @@ change this:
to be this:
#define VERSION_NAME(W) W##2_6
#define PYTHON_VERSION "2_6"
#define VERSION_NAME(W) W##2_7
#define PYTHON_VERSION "2_7"
- - - - - -
Move this block of code:
#ifdef _DEBUG // for Windows python23_d.lib is not in distribution... ugly but works
#undef _DEBUG
#include <Python.h>
#define _DEBUG
#include <Python.h>
To be after this line:
#include "enumdefs.h"
4.2/ save and exit
- - - - -
4.3/ dos> write c:/pypoker-eval/
Comment-out this line:
@ -75,7 +94,7 @@ _pokereval = __import__('_pokereval_' + sys.version[0] + '_' + sys.version[2])
Insert this one in its' place:
import _pokereval_2_6 as _pokereval
import _pokereval_2_7 as _pokereval
4.4/ save and exit
@ -112,7 +131,7 @@ import _pokereval_2_6 as _pokereval
6.2.5 In the pythonpoker-eval properties dialog,
change references to "python24" to "python26" in the following:
change references to "python24" to "python27" in the following:
= C/C++/Additional Include Directories/
= linker/general/Additional library directories
@ -121,7 +140,6 @@ change references to "python24" to "python26" in the following:
Change the following
= linker/generate debug info - set to No
= linker/debugging/Generate debug info - set to No
6.2.6 Apply all changes to the properties dialog and close
@ -154,38 +172,39 @@ Change the following
8.4 Exit from visual studio
9. packaging
9. Wrap-up
9.1 Navigate to c:/pypoker-eval/release
9.2 the output file is pypokereval.dll
9.3 rename this file to _pokereval_2_6.pyd
9.3 rename this file to _pokereval_2_7.pyd
9.4 create a zip file containing :
_pokereval_2_6.pyd from releases
_pokereval_2_7.pyd from releases from pypoker-eval-138.0 from pypoker-eval-138.0
poker-eval.vcproj from c:\poker-eval
pypoker-eval.vcproj from c:\pypoker-eval
pypokereval.c from c:\pypoker-eval
Remember to include the version (138), python 265 and win32 in the package filename
Remember to include the version (138), python 27 and win32 in the package filename
10. Installation and Testing
10. Testing
Python 2.6.5 must be installed
Python 2.7 must be installed
10.1 Extract this package to directory
10.1 Extract the zip file created in 9.4 into a new directory
10.2 Change directory to the directory in 10.1
10.3 execute dos> c:\Python26\python.exe
10.3 execute dos> c:\Python27\python.exe
10.4 hand-output should scroll down the screen
10.5 start the python interpreter
10.6 >>> import pokereval
10.7 No errors should be seen
11. Packaging
Please follow pypokereval-win32-packaging-walkthrough.txt in the same directory as this walkthrough.

View File

@ -55,8 +55,9 @@ class Absolute(HandHistoryConverter):
(?P<LIMIT>No\ Limit|Pot\ Limit|Normal|)\s?
(?P<DATETIME>\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)\s+
((?P<DATETIME>\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)(\.\d+)?)\s+
(?: \( (?P<TZ>[A-Z]+) \)\s+ )?
(Table:\ (?P<TABLE>.*?)\ \(Real\ Money\))?

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@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def twoStartCardString(card):
if x == y: ret = s[x] + s[y]
elif x > y: ret = s[x] + s[y] + 's'
else: ret = s[y] + s[x] + 'o'
print "twoStartCardString(", card ,") = " + ret
#print "twoStartCardString(", card ,") = " + ret
return ret
def fourStartCards(value1, suit1, value2, suit2, value3, suit3, value4, suit4):

pyfpdb/Cards02.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 98 KiB

View File

@ -2359,8 +2359,9 @@ class Database:
def createOrUpdateTourney(self, hand, source):#note: this method is used on Hand and TourneySummary objects
cursor = self.get_cursor()
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['getTourneyByTourneyNo'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(hand.siteId, hand.tourNo))
q = self.sql.query['getTourneyByTourneyNo'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
cursor.execute(q, (hand.siteId, hand.tourNo))
columnNames=[desc[0] for desc in cursor.description]
@ -2385,9 +2386,12 @@ class Database:
# if (resultDict[ev] < hand.startTime):
# hand.startTime=resultDict[ev]
if updateDb:
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['updateTourney'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(hand.entries, hand.prizepool, hand.startTime, hand.endTime, hand.tourneyName,
hand.matrixIdProcessed, hand.totalRebuyCount, hand.totalAddOnCount, hand.comment, hand.commentTs, tourneyId))
q = self.sql.query['updateTourney'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
row = (hand.entries, hand.prizepool, hand.startTime, hand.endTime, hand.tourneyName,
hand.matrixIdProcessed, hand.totalRebuyCount, hand.totalAddOnCount, hand.comment,
hand.commentTs, tourneyId
cursor.execute(q, row)
if source=="HHC":
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['insertTourney'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
@ -2436,9 +2440,19 @@ class Database:
elif getattr(hand, handAttribute)[player]!=None and resultDict[ev]==None:#object has this value but DB doesnt, so update DB
if updateDb:
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['updateTourneysPlayer'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),
(hand.ranks[player], hand.winnings[player], hand.winningsCurrency[player],
hand.rebuyCounts[player], hand.addOnCounts[player], hand.koCounts[player], tourneysPlayersIds[player[1]]))
q = self.sql.query['updateTourneysPlayer'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder'])
inputs = (hand.ranks[player],
#print q
#pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
cursor.execute(q, inputs)
if source=="HHC":
cursor.execute (self.sql.query['insertTourneysPlayer'].replace('%s', self.sql.query['placeholder']),

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class Fulltilt(HandHistoryConverter):
''' % substitutions, re.VERBOSE)
re_SplitHands = re.compile(r"\n\n\n+")
re_TailSplitHands = re.compile(r"(\n\n+)")
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class Fulltilt(HandHistoryConverter):
''' % substitutions, re.VERBOSE)
@ -198,11 +198,6 @@ class Fulltilt(HandHistoryConverter):
def determineGameType(self, handText):
# Full Tilt Poker Game #10777181585: Table Deerfly (deep 6) - $0.01/$0.02 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 2:24:44 ET - 2009/02/22
# Full Tilt Poker Game #10773265574: Table Butte (6 max) - $0.01/$0.02 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 21:33:46 ET - 2009/02/21
# Full Tilt Poker Game #9403951181: Table CR - tay - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 9:40:20 ET - 2008/12/09
# Full Tilt Poker Game #10809877615: Table Danville - $0.50/$1 Ante $0.10 - Limit Razz - 21:47:27 ET - 2009/02/23
# Full Tilt Game #23057874034: Table DouaiLens (6 max) - €0.01/€0.02 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:59:17 CET - 2010/08/13
info = {'type':'ring'}
m =
@ -220,6 +215,7 @@ class Fulltilt(HandHistoryConverter):
'Omaha Hi' : ('hold','omahahi'),
'Omaha' : ('hold','omahahi'),
'Omaha H/L' : ('hold','omahahilo'),
'Omaha Hi/Lo' : ('hold','omahahilo'),
'Razz' : ('stud','razz'),
'Stud Hi' : ('stud','studhi'),
'Stud H/L' : ('stud','studhilo'),

View File

@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ class PartyPoker(HandHistoryConverter):
hand.fee = 0
hand.buyinCurrency = "FREE"
hand.isKO = False
if hand.tourNo != None:
elif hand.tourNo != None:
hand.buyin = 0
hand.fee = 0
hand.buyinCurrency = "FREE"

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class PokerStars(HandHistoryConverter):
re_HandInfo = re.compile("""
^Table\s\'(?P<TABLE>[-\ \#a-zA-Z\d]+)\'\s
^Table\s\'(?P<TABLE>[-\ \#a-zA-Z\d\']+)\'\s

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
#In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt
"""A script for fetching Winamax tourney results"""
import L10n
_ = L10n.get_translation()
import Configuration
import Database

View File

@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ def main(argv=None):
#CarbonErrors = FpdbError('Carbon')
#PKRErrors = FpdbError('PKR')
#iPokerErrors = FpdbError('iPoker')
#WinamaxErrors = FpdbError('Winamax')
WinamaxErrors = FpdbError('Winamax')
ErrorsList = [
FTPErrors, #PartyPokerErrors,
PokerStarsErrors, FTPErrors, WinamaxErrors,
#BetfairErrors, OnGameErrors, AbsoluteErrors,
#EverleafErrors, CarbonErrors, PKRErrors,
#iPokerErrors, WinamaxErrors, UltimateBetErrors,
#iPokerErrors, UltimateBetErrors,
sites = {
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ def main(argv=None):
#'Carbon' : True,
#'PKR' : False,
#'iPoker' : True,
#'Winamax' : True,
'Winamax' : True,
if sites['PokerStars'] == True:
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ def main(argv=None):
# walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/PKR/", compare, importer, PKRErrors, "PKR")
#if sites['iPoker'] == True:
# walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/iPoker/", compare, importer, iPokerErrors, "iPoker")
#if sites['Winamax'] == True:
# walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/Winamax/", compare, importer, WinamaxErrors, "Winamax")
if sites['Winamax'] == True:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/summaries/Winamax/", compare, importer, WinamaxErrors, "Winamax")
totalerrors = 0

View File

@ -245,13 +245,13 @@ class TourneySummary(object):
Adds a player to the tourney, and initialises data structures indexed by player.
rank (int) indicating the finishing rank (can be -1 if unknown)
name (string) player name
winnings (decimal) the money the player ended the tourney with (can be 0, or -1 if unknown)
winnings (int) the money the player ended the tourney with (can be 0, or -1 if unknown)
log.debug(_("addPlayer: rank:%s - name : '%s' - Winnings (%s)") % (rank, name, winnings))
if rank:
self.ranks.update( { name : Decimal(rank) } )
self.winnings.update( { name : Decimal(winnings) } )
self.ranks.update( { name : rank } )
self.winnings.update( { name : winnings } )
self.winningsCurrency.update( { name : winningsCurrency } )
self.ranks.update( { name : None } )

View File

@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ class WinamaxSummary(TourneySummary):
re_Prizepool = re.compile(u"""<div class="title2">.+: (?P<PRIZEPOOL>[0-9,]+)""")
re_DateTime = re.compile("\[(?P<Y>[0-9]{4})\/(?P<M>[0-9]{2})\/(?P<D>[0-9]{2})[\- ]+(?P<H>[0-9]+):(?P<MIN>[0-9]+):(?P<S>[0-9]+)")
re_Ticket = re.compile(u""" / Ticket (?P<VALUE>[0-9.]+)&euro;""")
codepage = ["utf-8"]
@ -103,13 +104,23 @@ class WinamaxSummary(TourneySummary):
self.gametype['category'] =[mg['GAME']][1]
for m in self.re_Player.finditer(str(tl[0])):
winnings = 0
mg = m.groupdict()
#print mg
winnings = mg['WINNINGS'].strip(u'').replace(u',','.')
winnings = int(100*Decimal(winnings))
rank = mg['RANK']
name = mg['PNAME']
#print "DEBUG: %s: %s" %(name, winnings)
#print "DEUBG: mg: '%s'" % mg
is_satellite =['WINNINGS'])
if is_satellite:
# Ticket
winnings = convert_to_decimal(is_satellite.groupdict()['VALUE'])
# For stallites, any ticket means 1st
if winnings > 0:
rank = 1
winnings = convert_to_decimal(mg['WINNINGS'])
winnings = int(100*Decimal(winnings))
#print "DEBUG: %s) %s: %s" %(rank, name, winnings)
self.addPlayer(rank, name, winnings, self.currency, None, None, None)
@ -117,3 +128,11 @@ class WinamaxSummary(TourneySummary):
mg = m.groupdict()
#print mg
self.tourNo = mg['TOURNO']
def convert_to_decimal(string):
dec = string.strip(u'€&euro;\u20ac')
dec = dec.replace(u',','.')
dec = dec.replace(u' ','')
dec = Decimal(dec)
return dec

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class Winamax(HandHistoryConverter):
\s-\sHandId:\s\#(?P<HID1>\d+)-(?P<HID2>\d+)-(?P<HID3>\d+).*\s # REB says: HID3 is the correct hand number
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ class Winamax(HandHistoryConverter):
if k in info.keys() and info[k]:
info[k] = info[k].replace(',','.')
if info[key] == 'Freeroll':
if info[key] == 'Gratuit' or info[key] == 'Freeroll':
hand.buyin = 0
hand.fee = 0
hand.buyinCurrency = "FREE"
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ class Winamax(HandHistoryConverter):
elif info[key].find("FPP")!=-1:
#FIXME: handle other currencies, FPP, play money
#FIXME: handle other currencies (are there other currencies?)
raise FpdbParseError(_("failed to detect currency"))
info['BIAMT'] = info['BIAMT'].strip(u'$€FPP')

View File

@ -188,6 +188,22 @@ class fpdb:
tabBox.pack_start(tabLabel, False)
# fixme: force background state to fix problem where STATE_ACTIVE
# tab labels are black in some gtk themes, and therefore unreadable
# This behaviour is probably a bug in libwimp.dll or pygtk, but
# need to force background to avoid issues with menu labels being
# unreadable
# gtk.STATE_ACTIVE is a displayed, but not selected tab
# gtk.STATE_NORMAL is a displayed, selected, focussed tab
# gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE is an inactive tab
# Insensitive/base is chosen as the background colour, because
# although not perfect, it seems to be the least instrusive.
baseNormStyle = eventBox.get_style().base[gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE]
if baseNormStyle:
print baseNormStyle
eventBox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, gtk.gdk.color_parse(str(baseNormStyle)))
if nb.get_n_pages() > 0:
tabButton = gtk.Button()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Stage #C379012708: Holdem No Limit $0.10 Turbo - 2011-02-21 05:08:53.010 (ET) [ 2011-02-21 05:08:53 ]
Table: Holmbury Rd.59 (Real Money) Seat #6 is the dealer
Seat 6 - PLAYER6 ($11.19 in chips)
Seat 7 - PLAYER7 ($1.09 in chips)
Seat 9 - PLAYER9 ($11.95 in chips)
Seat 1 - PLAYER1 ($1.60 in chips)
Seat 3 - HERO ($11.56 in chips)
Seat 4 - PLAYER4 ($2.67 in chips)
Seat 5 - PLAYER5 ($8.34 in chips)
PLAYER7 - Posts small blind $0.05
PLAYER9 - Posts big blind $0.10
Dealt to HERO [10c 4d]
PLAYER1 - Folds
HERO - Folds (Preselection)
PLAYER4 - Calls $0.10 (Preselection)
PLAYER5 - Raises $0.20 to $0.20
PLAYER6 - Calls $0.20
PLAYER7 - Folds
PLAYER9 - Calls $0.10
PLAYER4 - Raises $0.20 to $0.30 (Preselection)
PLAYER5 - Calls $0.10
PLAYER6 - Calls $0.10
PLAYER9 - Calls $0.10
*** FLOP *** [Kh 3s 5c]
PLAYER9 - Checks
PLAYER4 - Checks
PLAYER5 - Checks
PLAYER6 - Checks
*** TURN *** [Kh 3s 5c] [6c]
PLAYER9 - Checks
PLAYER4 - Checks
PLAYER5 - Bets $0.90
PLAYER6 - Folds
PLAYER9 - Folds
PLAYER4 - Calls $0.90
*** RIVER *** [Kh 3s 5c 6c] [5d]
PLAYER4 - All-In $1.47
PLAYER5 - Calls $1.47
*** SHOW DOWN ***
PLAYER4 - Shows [Qd 6d] (Two Pair, sixes and fives)
PLAYER5 - Shows [Js Jh] (Two Pair, jacks and fives)
PLAYER5 Collects $5.70 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot($5.99) | Rake ($0.29)
Board [Kh 3s 5c 6c 5d]
Seat 1: PLAYER1 Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 3: HERO Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 4: PLAYER4 HI:lost with Two Pair, sixes and fives [Qd 6d - P:6d,B:6c,B:5d,B:5c,B:Kh]
Seat 5: PLAYER5 collected Total ($5.70) HI:($5.70) with Two Pair, jacks and fives [Js Jh - P:Js,P:Jh,B:5d,B:5c,B:Kh]
Seat 6: PLAYER6 (dealer) Folded on the TURN
Seat 7: PLAYER7 (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 9: PLAYER9 (big blind) Folded on the TURN

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
Full Tilt Poker Game #1088791321: Table Vero (6 max) - $200/$400 - Limit Omaha Hi/Lo - 0:03:34 ET - 2006/10/11
Seat 1: zbubop ($10,676)
Seat 2: AllenCunningham ($6,025)
Seat 3: TexasLimitDonk ($6,816)
Seat 4: Mike Matusow ($10,689), is sitting out
Seat 5: Erick Lindgren ($4,339.50)
Seat 6: Shoe Lab ($15,968.50)
Erick Lindgren posts the small blind of $100
Shoe Lab posts the big blind of $200
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
tyler13jack (Observer): mark karr HAHAHAHAAHA
zbubop calls $200
Skylerjade (Observer): HAHAHAHA YOUR SIK CROW
AllenCunningham raises to $400
TexasLimitDonk folds
Right is Tight (Observer): phil is just nasty
Skylerjade (Observer): he does though
Erick Lindgren folds
GE1K0 (Observer): u ok there cunningham?
Crow1974 (Observer): i said looks
Shoe Lab calls $200
zbubop calls $200
*** FLOP *** [7h 8s 3s]
Crow1974 (Observer): in that pic
Shoe Lab checks
eagle604 (Observer): did they win?
zbubop checks
Crow1974 (Observer): not in real life
AllenCunningham bets $200
Skylerjade (Observer): My girlfirend thinks hes hott in real life
Shoe Lab folds
zbubop calls $200
*** TURN *** [7h 8s 3s] [4s]
crobbins92020 (Observer): he isn't that a ride home first class..w/ drinks
zbubop checks
crobbins92020 (Observer): lol
AllenCunningham bets $400
Pavel Datsyuk (Observer): hes got a dif expression at a diff table
zbubop raises to $800
AllenCunningham calls $400
*** RIVER *** [7h 8s 3s 4s] [Ah]
zbubop bets $400
AllenCunningham calls $400
*** SHOW DOWN ***
zbubop shows [3c 9h As Qs] (a flush, Ace high)
*** SHOW DOWN ***
AllenCunningham shows [7d 2c Ks Ad] (two pair, Aces and Sevens)
zbubop wins the high pot ($2,048.50) with a flush, Ace high
AllenCunningham wins the low pot ($2,048.50) with 7,4,3,2,A
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4,100 | Rake $3
Board: [7h 8s 3s 4s Ah]
Seat 1: zbubop showed [3c 9h As Qs] and won ($2,048.50) with HI: a flush, Ace high; LO: 8,7,4,3,A
Seat 2: AllenCunningham showed [7d 2c Ks Ad] and won ($2,048.50) with HI: two pair, Aces and Sevens; LO: 7,4,3,2,A
Seat 3: TexasLimitDonk (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Mike Matusow is sitting out
Seat 5: Erick Lindgren (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Shoe Lab (big blind) folded on the Flop

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(1, 'USD', 'ring', 'hold', 'omahahilo', 'fl', 's', 10000, 20000, 20000, 40000)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
{ 'boardcard1': 6,
'boardcard2': 46,
'boardcard3': 41,
'boardcard4': 42,
'boardcard5': 13,
'gametypeId': 21,
'importTime': None,
'maxSeats': 6,
'playersAtShowdown': 2,
'playersAtStreet1': 3,
'playersAtStreet2': 2,
'playersAtStreet3': 2,
'playersAtStreet4': 0,
'playersVpi': 3,
'seats': 5,
'sessionId': None,
'showdownPot': 0,
'siteHandNo': u'1088791321',
'startTime': datetime.datetime(2006, 10, 11, 4, 3, 34, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
'street0Raises': 1,
'street1Pot': 170000,
'street1Raises': 1,
'street2Pot': 330000,
'street2Raises': 2,
'street3Pot': 410000,
'street3Raises': 1,
'street4Pot': 0,
'street4Raises': 0,
'tableName': u'Vero',
'texture': None,
'tourneyId': None}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
{ u'AllenCunningham': { 'card1': 19,
'card2': 27,
'card3': 51,
'card4': 26,
'card5': 0,
'card6': 0,
'card7': 0,
'foldBbToStealChance': False,
'foldSbToStealChance': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet0': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet1': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet2': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet3': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet4': False,
'foldToStreet1CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet1CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet2CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet2CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet3CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet3CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet4CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet4CBDone': False,
'foldedBbToSteal': False,
'foldedSbToSteal': False,
'other3BStreet0': False,
'other4BStreet0': False,
'otherRaisedStreet0': False,
'otherRaisedStreet1': False,
'otherRaisedStreet2': True,
'otherRaisedStreet3': True,
'otherRaisedStreet4': False,
'position': 1,
'raiseFirstInChance': False,
'raiseToStealChance': False,
'raiseToStealDone': False,
'raisedFirstIn': False,
'rake': 150,
'sawShowdown': True,
'seatNo': 2,
'sitout': False,
'startCards': 0,
'startCash': 602500,
'street0Aggr': True,
'street0Bets': 0,
'street0Calls': 0,
'street0Raises': 0,
'street0VPI': True,
'street0_3BChance': False,
'street0_3BDone': False,
'street0_4BChance': False,
'street0_4BDone': False,
'street0_C4BChance': False,
'street0_C4BDone': False,
'street0_FoldTo3BChance': False,
'street0_FoldTo3BDone': False,
'street0_FoldTo4BChance': False,
'street0_FoldTo4BDone': False,
'street0_SqueezeChance': False,
'street0_SqueezeDone': False,
'street1Aggr': True,
'street1Bets': 1,
'street1CBChance': True,
'street1CBDone': True,
'street1Calls': 0,
'street1CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street1CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street1Raises': 0,
'street1Seen': True,
'street2Aggr': True,
'street2Bets': 1,
'street2CBChance': True,
'street2CBDone': True,
'street2Calls': 1,
'street2CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street2CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street2Raises': 0,
'street2Seen': True,
'street3Aggr': False,
'street3Bets': 0,
'street3CBChance': False,
'street3CBDone': False,
'street3Calls': 1,
'street3CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street3CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street3Raises': 0,
'street3Seen': True,
'street4Aggr': False,
'street4Bets': 0,
'street4CBChance': False,
'street4CBDone': False,
'street4Calls': 0,
'street4CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street4CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street4Raises': 0,
'street4Seen': False,
'success_Steal': False,
'totalProfit': 24850,
'tourneyTypeId': None,
'tourneysPlayersIds': None,
'winnings': 204850,
'wonAtSD': 1.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet1': 1.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet2': 1.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet3': 1.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet4': 0.0},
u'Erick Lindgren': { 'card1': 0,
'card2': 0,
'card3': 0,
'card4': 0,
'card5': 0,
'card6': 0,
'card7': 0,
'foldBbToStealChance': False,
'foldSbToStealChance': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet0': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet1': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet2': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet3': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet4': False,
'foldToStreet1CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet1CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet2CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet2CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet3CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet3CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet4CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet4CBDone': False,
'foldedBbToSteal': False,
'foldedSbToSteal': False,
'other3BStreet0': False,
'other4BStreet0': False,
'otherRaisedStreet0': False,
'otherRaisedStreet1': False,
'otherRaisedStreet2': False,
'otherRaisedStreet3': False,
'otherRaisedStreet4': False,
'position': 'S',
'raiseFirstInChance': False,
'raiseToStealChance': False,
'raiseToStealDone': False,
'raisedFirstIn': False,
'rake': 0,
'sawShowdown': False,
'seatNo': 5,
'sitout': False,
'startCards': 0,
'startCash': 433950,
'street0Aggr': False,
'street0Bets': 0,
'street0Calls': 0,
'street0Raises': 0,
'street0VPI': False,
'street0_3BChance': True,
'street0_3BDone': False,
'street0_4BChance': False,
'street0_4BDone': False,
'street0_C4BChance': False,
'street0_C4BDone': False,
'street0_FoldTo3BChance': False,
'street0_FoldTo3BDone': False,
'street0_FoldTo4BChance': False,
'street0_FoldTo4BDone': False,
'street0_SqueezeChance': False,
'street0_SqueezeDone': False,
'street1Aggr': False,
'street1Bets': 0,
'street1CBChance': False,
'street1CBDone': False,
'street1Calls': 0,
'street1CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street1CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street1Raises': 0,
'street1Seen': False,
'street2Aggr': False,
'street2Bets': 0,
'street2CBChance': False,
'street2CBDone': False,
'street2Calls': 0,
'street2CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street2CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street2Raises': 0,
'street2Seen': False,
'street3Aggr': False,
'street3Bets': 0,
'street3CBChance': False,
'street3CBDone': False,
'street3Calls': 0,
'street3CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street3CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street3Raises': 0,
'street3Seen': False,
'street4Aggr': False,
'street4Bets': 0,
'street4CBChance': False,
'street4CBDone': False,
'street4Calls': 0,
'street4CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street4CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street4Raises': 0,
'street4Seen': False,
'success_Steal': False,
'totalProfit': -10000,
'tourneyTypeId': None,
'tourneysPlayersIds': None,
'winnings': 0,
'wonAtSD': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet1': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet2': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet3': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet4': 0.0},
u'Shoe Lab': { 'card1': 0,
'card2': 0,
'card3': 0,
'card4': 0,
'card5': 0,
'card6': 0,
'card7': 0,
'foldBbToStealChance': False,
'foldSbToStealChance': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet0': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet1': True,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet2': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet3': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet4': False,
'foldToStreet1CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet1CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet2CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet2CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet3CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet3CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet4CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet4CBDone': False,
'foldedBbToSteal': False,
'foldedSbToSteal': False,
'other3BStreet0': False,
'other4BStreet0': False,
'otherRaisedStreet0': False,
'otherRaisedStreet1': True,
'otherRaisedStreet2': False,
'otherRaisedStreet3': False,
'otherRaisedStreet4': False,
'position': 'B',
'raiseFirstInChance': False,
'raiseToStealChance': False,
'raiseToStealDone': False,
'raisedFirstIn': False,
'rake': 0,
'sawShowdown': False,
'seatNo': 6,
'sitout': False,
'startCards': 0,
'startCash': 1596850,
'street0Aggr': False,
'street0Bets': 0,
'street0Calls': 1,
'street0Raises': 0,
'street0VPI': True,
'street0_3BChance': True,
'street0_3BDone': False,
'street0_4BChance': False,
'street0_4BDone': False,
'street0_C4BChance': False,
'street0_C4BDone': False,
'street0_FoldTo3BChance': False,
'street0_FoldTo3BDone': False,
'street0_FoldTo4BChance': False,
'street0_FoldTo4BDone': False,
'street0_SqueezeChance': False,
'street0_SqueezeDone': False,
'street1Aggr': False,
'street1Bets': 0,
'street1CBChance': False,
'street1CBDone': False,
'street1Calls': 0,
'street1CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street1CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street1Raises': 0,
'street1Seen': True,
'street2Aggr': False,
'street2Bets': 0,
'street2CBChance': False,
'street2CBDone': False,
'street2Calls': 0,
'street2CheckCallRaiseChance': True,
'street2CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street2Raises': 0,
'street2Seen': False,
'street3Aggr': False,
'street3Bets': 0,
'street3CBChance': False,
'street3CBDone': False,
'street3Calls': 0,
'street3CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street3CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street3Raises': 0,
'street3Seen': False,
'street4Aggr': False,
'street4Bets': 0,
'street4CBChance': False,
'street4CBDone': False,
'street4Calls': 0,
'street4CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street4CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street4Raises': 0,
'street4Seen': False,
'success_Steal': False,
'totalProfit': -40000,
'tourneyTypeId': None,
'tourneysPlayersIds': None,
'winnings': 0,
'wonAtSD': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet1': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet2': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet3': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet4': 0.0},
u'TexasLimitDonk': { 'card1': 0,
'card2': 0,
'card3': 0,
'card4': 0,
'card5': 0,
'card6': 0,
'card7': 0,
'foldBbToStealChance': False,
'foldSbToStealChance': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet0': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet1': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet2': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet3': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet4': False,
'foldToStreet1CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet1CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet2CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet2CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet3CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet3CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet4CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet4CBDone': False,
'foldedBbToSteal': False,
'foldedSbToSteal': False,
'other3BStreet0': False,
'other4BStreet0': False,
'otherRaisedStreet0': False,
'otherRaisedStreet1': False,
'otherRaisedStreet2': False,
'otherRaisedStreet3': False,
'otherRaisedStreet4': False,
'position': 0,
'raiseFirstInChance': False,
'raiseToStealChance': False,
'raiseToStealDone': False,
'raisedFirstIn': False,
'rake': 0,
'sawShowdown': False,
'seatNo': 3,
'sitout': False,
'startCards': 0,
'startCash': 681600,
'street0Aggr': False,
'street0Bets': 0,
'street0Calls': 0,
'street0Raises': 0,
'street0VPI': False,
'street0_3BChance': True,
'street0_3BDone': False,
'street0_4BChance': False,
'street0_4BDone': False,
'street0_C4BChance': False,
'street0_C4BDone': False,
'street0_FoldTo3BChance': False,
'street0_FoldTo3BDone': False,
'street0_FoldTo4BChance': False,
'street0_FoldTo4BDone': False,
'street0_SqueezeChance': False,
'street0_SqueezeDone': False,
'street1Aggr': False,
'street1Bets': 0,
'street1CBChance': False,
'street1CBDone': False,
'street1Calls': 0,
'street1CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street1CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street1Raises': 0,
'street1Seen': False,
'street2Aggr': False,
'street2Bets': 0,
'street2CBChance': False,
'street2CBDone': False,
'street2Calls': 0,
'street2CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street2CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street2Raises': 0,
'street2Seen': False,
'street3Aggr': False,
'street3Bets': 0,
'street3CBChance': False,
'street3CBDone': False,
'street3Calls': 0,
'street3CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street3CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street3Raises': 0,
'street3Seen': False,
'street4Aggr': False,
'street4Bets': 0,
'street4CBChance': False,
'street4CBDone': False,
'street4Calls': 0,
'street4CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street4CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street4Raises': 0,
'street4Seen': False,
'success_Steal': False,
'totalProfit': 0,
'tourneyTypeId': None,
'tourneysPlayersIds': None,
'winnings': 0,
'wonAtSD': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet1': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet2': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet3': 0.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet4': 0.0},
u'zbubop': { 'card1': 28,
'card2': 8,
'card3': 52,
'card4': 50,
'card5': 0,
'card6': 0,
'card7': 0,
'foldBbToStealChance': False,
'foldSbToStealChance': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet0': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet1': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet2': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet3': False,
'foldToOtherRaisedStreet4': False,
'foldToStreet1CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet1CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet2CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet2CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet3CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet3CBDone': False,
'foldToStreet4CBChance': False,
'foldToStreet4CBDone': False,
'foldedBbToSteal': False,
'foldedSbToSteal': False,
'other3BStreet0': False,
'other4BStreet0': False,
'otherRaisedStreet0': False,
'otherRaisedStreet1': True,
'otherRaisedStreet2': True,
'otherRaisedStreet3': False,
'otherRaisedStreet4': False,
'position': 2,
'raiseFirstInChance': True,
'raiseToStealChance': False,
'raiseToStealDone': False,
'raisedFirstIn': False,
'rake': 150,
'sawShowdown': True,
'seatNo': 1,
'sitout': False,
'startCards': 0,
'startCash': 1067600,
'street0Aggr': False,
'street0Bets': 0,
'street0Calls': 2,
'street0Raises': 0,
'street0VPI': True,
'street0_3BChance': True,
'street0_3BDone': False,
'street0_4BChance': False,
'street0_4BDone': False,
'street0_C4BChance': False,
'street0_C4BDone': False,
'street0_FoldTo3BChance': False,
'street0_FoldTo3BDone': False,
'street0_FoldTo4BChance': False,
'street0_FoldTo4BDone': False,
'street0_SqueezeChance': True,
'street0_SqueezeDone': False,
'street1Aggr': False,
'street1Bets': 0,
'street1CBChance': False,
'street1CBDone': False,
'street1Calls': 1,
'street1CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street1CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street1Raises': 0,
'street1Seen': True,
'street2Aggr': True,
'street2Bets': 0,
'street2CBChance': False,
'street2CBDone': False,
'street2Calls': 0,
'street2CheckCallRaiseChance': True,
'street2CheckCallRaiseDone': True,
'street2Raises': 0,
'street2Seen': True,
'street3Aggr': True,
'street3Bets': 1,
'street3CBChance': True,
'street3CBDone': True,
'street3Calls': 0,
'street3CheckCallRaiseChance': True,
'street3CheckCallRaiseDone': True,
'street3Raises': 0,
'street3Seen': True,
'street4Aggr': False,
'street4Bets': 0,
'street4CBChance': False,
'street4CBDone': False,
'street4Calls': 0,
'street4CheckCallRaiseChance': False,
'street4CheckCallRaiseDone': False,
'street4Raises': 0,
'street4Seen': False,
'success_Steal': False,
'totalProfit': 24850,
'tourneyTypeId': None,
'tourneysPlayersIds': None,
'winnings': 204850,
'wonAtSD': 1.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet1': 1.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet2': 1.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet3': 1.0,
'wonWhenSeenStreet4': 0.0}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Full Tilt Poker Game #1083884910: Table Coral Isle (6 max) - $25/$50 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:47:12 ET - 2006/10/09
cinidy lynn posts the small blind of $25
durrrr posts the big blind of $50
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
cinidy lynn raises to $1,000, and is all in
durrrr folds
Uncalled bet of $950 returned to cinidy lynn
cinidy lynn mucks
cinidy lynn wins the pot ($100)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $100 | Rake $0
Seat 3: cinidy lynn (small blind) collected ($100), mucked
Seat 4: durrrr (big blind) folded before the Flop

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Full Tilt Poker Game #1463159669: Table Pantheon (6 max) - $200/$400 - Pot Limit Omaha - 20:47:44 ET - 2006/12/23
Seat 1: tjalfe ($24,578)
Seat 2: CrazyZachary ($8,001.50)
Seat 3: sbrugby ($38,000)
Seat 4: Phil Ivey ($69,970)
Seat 5: Son-in-Law ($37,381.50)
Seat 6: Gus Hansen ($60,478.50)
Son-in-Law posts the small blind of $200
Gus Hansen posts the big blind of $400
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Hence (Observer): lolz
tjalfe raises to $1,400
Round3rr (Observer): it's tru man
CrazyZachary has 15 seconds left to act
Round3rr (Observer): if he just sent me 1 big blind look @ his stack
Stacks987 (Observer): stop begging
CrazyZachary adds $31,998.50
CrazyZachary folds
sbrugby folds
Phil Ivey calls $1,400
Stacks987 (Observer): get a job
JeremyAlan21 (Observer): y would he give u money
JeremyAlan21 (Observer): ##%
Son-in-Law calls $1,200
Stacks987 (Observer): yeah that makes no sense
Round3rr (Observer): y not
Round3rr (Observer): he has 60k in front of him
Stacks987 (Observer): why would he?
Round3rr (Observer): 80k @ the other table
Gus Hansen folds
Hence (Observer): i was talking about the hand
*** FLOP *** [Ks Ah Qh]
Son-in-Law checks
Urfo618 (Observer): cuz ur a donkey stacks
tjalfe checks
Stacks987 (Observer): stfu urf
jordanlj (Observer): rounder ur a loser
Stacks987 (Observer): lol
Phil Ivey has 15 seconds left to act
Stacks987 (Observer): im having fun leave me alone
Phil Ivey checks
*** TURN *** [Ks Ah Qh] [Jd]
jordanlj (Observer): u might get a big blind for anal or maybe not
Son-in-Law bets $3,600
Round3rr (Observer): anal ?
R U NUTZ 2 (Observer): lol
tjalfe folds
Phil Ivey folds
Uncalled bet of $3,600 returned to Son-in-Law
Son-in-Law mucks
Son-in-Law wins the pot ($4,597)
jordanlj (Observer): yeh poop sex
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4,600 | Rake $3
Board: [Ks Ah Qh Jd]
Seat 1: tjalfe folded on the Turn
Seat 2: CrazyZachary didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: sbrugby didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Phil Ivey (button) folded on the Turn
Seat 5: Son-in-Law (small blind) collected ($4,597), mucked
Seat 6: Gus Hansen (big blind) folded before the Flop

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
FullTiltPoker Game #26063988000: Table Teddy (6 max, shallow) - $25/$50 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 18:15:00 ET - 2010/12/01
Seat 1: Player1 ($1,000)
Seat 3: Player3 ($3,423)
Seat 4: Player4 ($1,611)
Seat 6: Hero ($1,835.50)
Hero posts the small blind of $25
Player1 posts the big blind of $50
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Hero [9s Jc 8c 7s]
Player3 raises to $112.50
Player4 folds
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero has requested TIME
Hero raises to $387.50
Player1 folds
Player3 calls $275
*** FLOP *** [6c Qh 3c]
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero has requested TIME
Hero bets $825
Player3 has 15 seconds left to act
Player3 raises to $3,035.50, and is all in
Hero calls $623, and is all in
Players agree to Run It Twice
Player3 shows [2s 9c Ac 5s]
Hero shows [9s Jc 8c 7s]
Uncalled bet of $1,587.50 returned to Player3
*** TURN 1 *** [6c Qh 3c] [3d]
*** RIVER 1 *** [6c Qh 3c 3d] [Th]
*** TURN 2 *** [6c Qh 3c] [9h]
*** RIVER 2 *** [6c Qh 3c 9h] [6h]
*** SHOW DOWN 1 ***
Player3 shows a pair of Threes
Hero shows a pair of Threes
*** SHOW DOWN 2 ***
Player3 shows two pair, Nines and Sixes
Hero shows two pair, Nines and Sixes
Player3 wins pot 1 ($1,859) with a pair of Threes
Player3 wins pot 2 ($1,859) with two pair, Nines and Sixes
*** SUMMARY ***
Duration 65s
Total pot $3,721 | Rake $3
*** SUMMARY 1 ***
Pot 1 $1,859
Board: [6c Qh 3c 3d Th]
Seat 1: Player1 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Player3 showed [2s 9c Ac 5s] and won ($1,859) with a pair of Threes
Seat 4: Player4 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Hero (small blind) showed [9s Jc 8c 7s] and lost with a pair of Threes
*** SUMMARY 2 ***
Pot 2 $1,859
Board: [6c Qh 3c 9h 6h]
Seat 1: Player1 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Player3 showed [2s 9c Ac 5s] and won ($1,859) with two pair, Nines and Sixes
Seat 4: Player4 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Hero (small blind) showed [9s Jc 8c 7s] and lost with two pair, Nines and Sixes