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Worros 2010-12-14 12:56:29 +08:00
commit 7165ea8d29
4 changed files with 165 additions and 341 deletions

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@ -30,14 +30,17 @@ py2exe 0.6.9 ...
psycopg2 ... psycopg2 ...
(Note: stickpeople is the offical repository, not a community build) (Note: stickpeople is the offical repository, not a community build)
(py)pokereval v138 ...
(Note: There are no official windows builds, this installer is built from source. A walkthrough is in the same directory as this walkthrough.
1.2/ MySQL 1.2/ MySQL
MySQL-python-1.2.3.win32-py2.6-fpdb0.20.exe ... Install the following file:
This is an intaller built from source by gimick. There are no official mysql-python2.6 builds for windows. MySQL-python-1.2.3.win32-py2.6-fpdb0.20.exe ...
Community builds are also available from some developers. see for example. Note: This is an intaller built from source by gimick. A walkthrough to build this installer is in the same directory as this walkthrough.
Note: There is no official mysql-python2.6 build for windows. Community builds are available from some developers. see for example.
1.3/ pytz fixup to work in an executable package 1.3/ pytz fixup to work in an executable package

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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
pypokereval packaging for fpdb project
Created by Gimick on 11th December 2010
Content is available under the the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
The walktrough builds an unoffical python installer package for pypokereval.
In a previous walkthrough, the pypokereval dll(pyd) was built from source.
In this walkthrough, we are going to generate a windows package which will allow
the sources to be installed through distutils onto a client computer
The current situation is that there is no windows build or windows installer provided
by the package authors.
Until a package is available, the fpdb project needs some method of providing a windows
installation for the pypokereval module. This walkthrough will therefore be obsolete once
an official package becomes available.
Actually, for windows fpdb users, the majority will use a pre-built fpdb executable (which contains the
pypokereval package) Therefore, pypokereval installation will only be needed for two groups of people:
i) anyone wanting to build an fpdb package using py2exe
ii) anyone wanting to run fpdb on windows from source
To at pokersource
To for the tutorial here ...
Official python reference here ...
The underlying dll(pyd) and pokereval library is built for win32 x86 platform only, so we will assume
32bit only in this walkthrough. Contributions for a x86-64 build are most welcome.
Similarly, the underlying package is built against the python 2-6 library and is valid only for that version.
The underlying package was not built with sse enabled, and therefore should work for legacy systems.
1. Install pre-requisites
System used for building is winXP home
1.1/ Install python runtime from here ...
Python 2.6.5 ...
1.2/ Grab pypokereval stuff from fpdb project here ...
pypokereval ...
1.3/ Double click the pypokereval-138-win32-py265-fpdb-1.1.exe and extract the folder to the desktop
2. Prepare a folder containing the items needing packaging
dos>cd desktop
dos>mkdir temp
dos>cd temp
dos>mkdir pokereval
dos>cd pokereval
dos>copy ..\..\pypokereval-138-win32-py265-fpdb-1.1\_pokereval_2_6.pyd
dos>copy ..\..\pypokereval-138-win32-py265-fpdb-1.1\
dos>mkdir utils
dos>cd utils
dos>copy ..\..\..\pypokereval-138-win32-py265-fpdb-1.1\
dos>cd ..
The next step is to rename the file to The reason for doing this
is that site-packages require an __init__ file to be found when the module is imported at runtime
Inserting a dummy which simply imports pokereval does not work, the reason being that the
PokerEval class is not seen by the caller. Syntax such as "from pokereval import PokerEval"
does not work unless the (which defines the PokerEval class) is renamed to
dos> rename
3. Prepare the additional packaging files
dos>cd desktop
dos>cd temp
dos> edit
Include the following python code:
from distutils.core import setup
filelist = ["utils/*", "_pokereval_2_6.pyd"]
setup(name = "pokereval",
version = "138",
description = "pypokereval installer (unofficial)",
author = "project fpdb",
author_email = "",
url = "",
packages = ['pokereval'],
package_data = {'pokereval' : filelist },
long_description = """An unofficial and experimental installer for pypokereval v138
Built for 32bit windows and python v2.6.5
pokereval official project page is at"""
3.2 / review directory tree
The following structure should now exist.
3.3 Build
Navigate to the desktop/temp directory
dos>c:\Python26\python.exe bdist_wininst --plat-name=win32 --user-access-control force
Note: UAC auto seems to cause lockup on my win7 system
3.4 Complete
The executable file pokereval-138.win32.exe will be in the newly-created dist folder.
3.5 Install and test
Double click to install
Navigate to c:\python26\lib\site-packages\pokereval\test
execute dos>c:\Python26\python.exe
Output should scroll down the screen

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Loic Dachary <>
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Mekensleep
# Mekensleep
# 24 rue vieille du temple
# 75004 Paris
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Authors:
# Loic Dachary <>
import sys
# for fpdb alter the following line from __import__ to .
# fpdb py2exe package build does no recognise __import__ statement,
# and fails at runtime with _pokereval_2_6 not found
#_pokereval = __import__('_pokereval_' + sys.version[0] + '_' + sys.version[2])
import _pokereval_2_6 as _pokereval
from types import *
class PokerEval:
Evaluate the strengh of a poker hand for a given poker variant.
In all methods, when a list of cards is to be provided (for instance
with the "hand" argument of the "best" method), each member of the
list may be a number or a string designating a card according to
the following table:
2h/00 2d/13 2c/26 2s/39
3h/01 3d/14 3c/27 3s/40
4h/02 4d/15 4c/28 4s/41
5h/03 5d/16 5c/29 5s/42
6h/04 6d/17 6c/30 6s/43
7h/05 7d/18 7c/31 7s/44
8h/06 8d/19 8c/32 8s/45
9h/07 9d/20 9c/33 9s/46
Th/08 Td/21 Tc/34 Ts/47
Jh/09 Jd/22 Jc/35 Js/48
Qh/10 Qd/23 Qc/36 Qs/49
Kh/11 Kd/24 Kc/37 Ks/50
Ah/12 Ad/25 Ac/38 As/51
The string __ (two underscore) or the number 255 are placeholders
meaning that the card is unknown.
def best(self, side, hand, board = []):
Return the best five card combination that can be made with the cards
listed in "hand" and, optionally, board. The "side" may be "hi" or
"low". The "board" argument must only be provided for variants where
knowing if a given card is taken from the board or not is significant
(such as Omaha but not Holdem).
A list is returned. The first element is the numerical value
of the hand (better hands have higher values if "side" is "hi" and
lower values if "side" is "low"). The second element is a list whose
first element is the strength of the hand among the following:
Nothing (only if "side" equals "low")
The last five elements are numbers describing the best hand properly
sorted (for instance the ace is at the end for no pair if "side" is low or
at the beginning if "side" high).
[134414336, ['StFlush', 29, 28, 27, 26, 38]] is the wheel five to ace, clubs
[475920, ['NoPair', 45, 29, 41, 39, 51]] is As, 8s, 5c, 4s, 2s
[268435455, ['Nothing']] means there is no qualifying low
if len(hand + board) >= 5:
return _pokereval.eval_hand(side, hand, board)
return False
def best_hand(self, side, hand, board = []):
Return the best five card combination that can be made with the cards
listed in "hand" and, optionaly, board. The "side" may be "hi" or
"low". The returned value is the second element of the list returned
by the "best" method.
if len(hand + board) >= 5:
return _pokereval.eval_hand(side, hand, board)[1]
return False
def best_hand_value(self, side, hand, board = []):
Return the best five card combination that can be made with the cards
listed in "hand" and, optionaly, board. The "side" may be "hi" or
"low". The returned value is the first element of the list returned
by the "best" method.
if len(hand + board) >= 5:
return _pokereval.eval_hand(side, hand, board)[0]
return False
def evaln(self, cards):
Call the poker-eval Hand_EVAL_N function with the "cards" argument.
Return the strength of the "cards" as a number. The higher the
return _pokereval.evaln(cards)
def winners(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return a list of the indexes of the best hands, relative to the "pockets"
keyword argument. For instance, if the first pocket and third pocket cards
tie, the list would be [0, 2]. Since there may be more than one way to
win a hand, a hash is returned with the list of the winners for each so
called side. For instace {'hi': [0], 'low': [1]} means pocket cards
at index 0 won the high side of the hand and pocket cards at index 1
won the low side.
See the"poker_eval" method for a detailed
explanation of the semantics of the arguments.
If the keyword argument "fill_pockets" is set, pocket cards
can contain a placeholder (i.e. 255 or __) that will be be
used as specified in the "poker_eval" method documentation.
If the keyword argument "fill_pockets" is not set, pocket cards
that contain at least one placeholder (i.e. 255 or __) are
ignored completly. For instance if winners is called as follows = 'holdem', pockets = [ [ '__', 'As' ], [ 'Ks', 'Kd'] ])
it is strictly equivalent as calling = 'holdem', pockets = [ [ 'Ks', 'Kd'] ]).
index2index = {}
normalized_pockets = []
normalized_index = 0
pockets = kwargs["pockets"][:]
for index in xrange(len(pockets)):
if not kwargs.has_key("fill_pockets"):
if 255 in pockets[index] or "__" in pockets[index]:
pockets[index] = []
if pockets[index] != []:
index2index[index] = normalized_index
normalized_index += 1
kwargs["pockets"] = normalized_pockets
results = _pokereval.poker_eval(*args, **kwargs)
(count, haslopot, hashipot) = results.pop(0)
winners = { 'low': [], 'hi': [] }
for index in xrange(len(pockets)):
if index2index.has_key(index):
result = results[index2index[index]]
if result[1] == 1 or result[3] == 1:
if result[4] == 1 or result[6] == 1:
if not haslopot or len(winners["low"]) == 0:
del winners["low"]
if not hashipot:
del winners["hi"]
return winners
def poker_eval(self, *args, **kwargs):
Provided with a description of a poker game, return the outcome (if at showdown) or
the expected value of each hand. The poker game description is provided as a set
of keyword arguments with the following meaning:
game : the variant (holdem, holdem8, omaha, omaha8, 7stud, 7stud8, razz,
5draw, 5draw8, 5drawnsq, lowball, lowball27).
Mandatory, no default.
pockets : list of pocket cards for each player still in game. Each member
of the list is a list of cards. The position of the pocket cards
in the list is meaningfull for the value returned will refer to
this position when stating which player wins, tie or loose.
Example: [ ["tc", "ac"], ["3h", "ah"], ["8c", "6h"]]
Cards do not have to be real cards like "tc" or "4s". They may also be a
placeholder, denoted by "__" or 255. When using placeholders, the
keyword argument "iterations" may be specified to use Monte Carlo instead of
exhaustive exploration of all the possible combinations.
Example2: [ ["tc", "__"], [255, "ah"], ["8c", "6h"]]
Mandatory, no default.
board : list of community cards, for games where this is meaningfull. If
specified when irrelevant, the return value cannot be predicted.
Default: []
dead : list of dead cards. These cards won't be accounted for when exloring
the possible hands.
Default: []
iterations: the maximum number of iterations when exploring the
possible outcome of a given hand. Roughly speaking, each
iteration means to distribute cards that are missing (for
which there are place holders in the board or pockets
keywords arguments, i.e. 255 or __). If the number of
iterations is not specified and there are place holders,
the return value cannot be predicted.
Default: +infinite (i.e. exhaustive exploration)
Example: object.poker_eval(game = "holdem",
pockets = [ ["tc", "ac"], ["3h", "ah"], ["8c", "6h"]],
dead = [],
board = ["7h", "3s", "2c"])
The return value is a map of two entries:
'info' contains three integers:
- the number of samples (which must be equal to the number of iterations given
in argument).
- 1 if the game has a low side, 0 otherwise
- 1 if the game has a high side, 0 otherwise
'eval' is a list of as many maps as there are pocket cards, each
made of the following entries:
'scoop': the number of time these pocket cards scoop
'winhi': the number of time these pocket cards win the high side
'losehi': the number of time these pocket cards lose the high side
'tiehi': the number of time these pocket cards tie for the high side
'winlo': the number of time these pocket cards win the low side
'loselo': the number of time these pocket cards lose the low side
'tielo': the number of time these pocket cards tie for the low side
'ev': the EV of these pocket cards as an int in the range [0,1000] with
1000 being the best.
It should be clear that if there is only one sample (i.e. because all the
cards are known which is the situation that occurs at showdown) the details
provided by the 'eval' entry is mostly irrelevant and the caller might
prefer to call the winners method instead.
result = _pokereval.poker_eval(*args, **kwargs)
return {
'info': result[0],
'eval': [ { 'scoop': x[0],
'winhi': x[1],
'losehi': x[2],
'tiehi': x[3],
'winlo': x[4],
'loselo': x[5],
'tielo': x[6],
'ev': int(x[7] * 1000) } for x in result[1:] ]
def deck(self):
Return the list of all cards in the deck.
return [ self.string2card(i + j) for i in "23456789TJQKA" for j in "hdcs" ]
def nocard(self):
"""Return 255, the numerical value of a place holder in a list of cards."""
return 255
def string2card(self, cards):
Convert card names (strings) to card numbers (integers) according to the
following map:
2h/00 2d/13 2c/26 2s/39
3h/01 3d/14 3c/27 3s/40
4h/02 4d/15 4c/28 4s/41
5h/03 5d/16 5c/29 5s/42
6h/04 6d/17 6c/30 6s/43
7h/05 7d/18 7c/31 7s/44
8h/06 8d/19 8c/32 8s/45
9h/07 9d/20 9c/33 9s/46
Th/08 Td/21 Tc/34 Ts/47
Jh/09 Jd/22 Jc/35 Js/48
Qh/10 Qd/23 Qc/36 Qs/49
Kh/11 Kd/24 Kc/37 Ks/50
Ah/12 Ad/25 Ac/38 As/51
The "cards" argument may be either a list in which case a converted list
is returned or a string in which case the corresponding number is
if type(cards) is ListType or type(cards) is TupleType:
return [ _pokereval.string2card(card) for card in cards ]
return _pokereval.string2card(cards)
def card2string(self, cards):
Convert card numbers (integers) to card names (strings) according to the
following map:
2h/00 2d/13 2c/26 2s/39
3h/01 3d/14 3c/27 3s/40
4h/02 4d/15 4c/28 4s/41
5h/03 5d/16 5c/29 5s/42
6h/04 6d/17 6c/30 6s/43
7h/05 7d/18 7c/31 7s/44
8h/06 8d/19 8c/32 8s/45
9h/07 9d/20 9c/33 9s/46
Th/08 Td/21 Tc/34 Ts/47
Jh/09 Jd/22 Jc/35 Js/48
Qh/10 Qd/23 Qc/36 Qs/49
Kh/11 Kd/24 Kc/37 Ks/50
Ah/12 Ad/25 Ac/38 As/51
The "cards" argument may be either a list in which case a converted list
is returned or an integer in which case the corresponding string is
if type(cards) is ListType or type(cards) is TupleType:
return [ _pokereval.card2string(card) for card in cards ]
return _pokereval.card2string(cards)