Everleaf update - Holecards read

This commit is contained in:
Worros 2008-11-12 14:12:18 +10:00
parent 21df5900e9
commit 6e182831ac
3 changed files with 70 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -22,36 +22,43 @@ from HandHistoryConverter import *
# Everleaf HH format
#Everleaf Gaming Game #55198191
#***** Hand history for game #55198191 *****
#Blinds $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em - 2008/09/01 - 10:02:11
# Everleaf Gaming Game #55208539
# ***** Hand history for game #55208539 *****
# Blinds $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em - 2008/09/01 - 13:35:01
# Table Speed Kuala
#Seat 8 is the button
#Total number of players: 10
#Seat 1: spicybum ( $ 77.50 USD )
#Seat 2: harrydebeng ( new player )
#Seat 3: EricBlade ( new player )
#Seat 4: dollar_hecht ( $ 16.40 USD )
#Seat 5: Apolon76 ( $ 154.10 USD )
#Seat 6: dogge ( new player )
#Seat 7: RonKoro ( $ 25.53 USD )
#Seat 8: jay68w ( $ 48.50 USD )
#Seat 9: KillerQueen1 ( $ 51.28 USD )
#Seat 10: Cheburashka ( $ 49.61 USD )
#KillerQueen1: posts small blind [$ 0.50 USD]
#Cheburashka: posts big blind [$ 1 USD]
# Seat 1 is the button
# Total number of players: 9
# Seat 1: BadBeatBox ( $ 98.97 USD )
# Seat 3: EricBlade ( $ 73.96 USD )
# Seat 4: randy888 ( $ 196.50 USD )
# Seat 5: BaronSengir ( $ 182.80 USD )
# Seat 6: dogge ( $ 186.06 USD )
# Seat 7: wings ( $ 50 USD )
# Seat 8: schoffeltje ( $ 282.05 USD )
# Seat 9: harrydebeng ( $ 109.45 USD )
# Seat 10: smaragdar ( $ 96.50 USD )
# EricBlade: posts small blind [$ 0.50 USD]
# randy888: posts big blind [$ 1 USD]
# wings: posts big blind [$ 1 USD]
# ** Dealing down cards **
#spicybum folds
#dollar_hecht calls [$ 1 USD]
#Apolon76 folds
#RonKoro folds
#jay68w raises [$ 4.50 USD]
#KillerQueen1 folds
#Cheburashka folds
#dollar_hecht folds
#jay68w does not show cards
#jay68w wins $ 3.50 USD from main pot
# Dealt to EricBlade [ qc, 3c ]
# BaronSengir folds
# dogge folds
# wings raises [$ 2.50 USD]
# schoffeltje folds
# harrydebeng calls [$ 3.50 USD]
# smaragdar raises [$ 15.50 USD]
# BadBeatBox folds
# EricBlade folds
# randy888 folds
# wings calls [$ 12 USD]
# harrydebeng folds
# ** Dealing Flop ** [ qs, 3d, 8h ]
# wings: bets [$ 34.50 USD]
# smaragdar calls [$ 34.50 USD]
# ** Dealing Turn ** [ 2d ]
# ** Dealing River ** [ 6c ]
# smaragdar wins $ 102 USD from main pot with a pair of aces [ ad, ah, qs, 8h, 6c ]
class Everleaf(HandHistoryConverter):
@ -66,6 +73,7 @@ class Everleaf(HandHistoryConverter):
self.rexx.setPlayerInfoRegex('Seat (?P<SEAT>[0-9]+): (?P<PNAME>.*) \( \$ (?P<CASH>[.0-9]+) USD \)')
self.rexx.setPostSbRegex('.*\n(?P<PNAME>.*): posts small blind \[')
self.rexx.setPostBbRegex('.*\n(?P<PNAME>.*): posts big blind \[')
self.rexx.setHeroCardsRegex('.*\nDealt\sto\s(?P<PNAME>.*)\s\[ (?P<HOLECARDS>.*) \]')
def readSupportedGames(self):
@ -78,8 +86,6 @@ class Everleaf(HandHistoryConverter):
m = self.rexx.game_info_re.search(self.obs)
gametype = gametype + [m.group('SB')]
gametype = gametype + [m.group('BB')]
# gametype = gametype + [self.float2int(m.group('SB'))]
# gametype = gametype + [self.float2int(m.group('BB'))]
return gametype
@ -87,7 +93,7 @@ class Everleaf(HandHistoryConverter):
m = self.rexx.hand_info_re.search(hand.string)
hand.handid = m.group('HID')
hand.tablename = m.group('TABLE')
# These work, but the info is already in the Hand class - should be usecd for tourneys though.
# These work, but the info is already in the Hand class - should be used for tourneys though.
# m.group('SB')
# m.group('BB')
# m.group('GAMETYPE')
@ -121,6 +127,22 @@ class Everleaf(HandHistoryConverter):
for a in m:
hand.posted = hand.posted + [a.group('PNAME')]
def readHeroCards(self, hand):
m = self.rexx.hero_cards_re.search(hand.string)
if(m == None):
#Not involved in hand
hand.involved = False
hand.hero = m.group('PNAME')
hand.holecards = m.group('HOLECARDS')
hand.holecards = hand.holecards.replace(',','')
#Must be a better way to do the following tr akqjt AKQJT
hand.holecards = hand.holecards.replace('a','A')
hand.holecards = hand.holecards.replace('k','K')
hand.holecards = hand.holecards.replace('q','Q')
hand.holecards = hand.holecards.replace('j','J')
hand.holecards = hand.holecards.replace('t','T')
def readAction(self):

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class FpdbRegex:
self.__UNCALLED_BET_REGEX='^Uncalled bet \(\$([.\d]+)\) returned to (.*)'
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class FpdbRegex:
self.summary_re = re.compile(self.__SUMMARY_REGEX)
self.uncalled_bet_re = re.compile(self.__UNCALLED_BET_REGEX)
self.collect_pot_re = re.compile(self.__COLLECT_POT_REGEX)
self.pocket_cards_re = re.compile(self.__POCKET_CARDS_REGEX)
self.hero_cards_re = re.compile(self.__HERO_CARDS_REGEX)
self.cards_shown_re = re.compile(self.__SHOWN_CARDS_REGEX)
self.summary_cards_re = re.compile(self.__SUMMARY_CARDS_REGEX)
self.summary_cards_extra_re = re.compile(self.__SUMMARY_CARDS_EXTRA_REGEX)
@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ class FpdbRegex:
def setCollectPotRegex(self, string):
self.__COLLECT_POT_REGEX = string
def setPocketCardsRegex(self, string):
self.__POCKET_CARDS_REGEX = string
def setHeroCardsRegex(self, string):
self.__HERO_CARDS_REGEX = string
def setShownCardsRegex(self, string):
self.__SHOWN_CARDS_REGEX = string

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@ -65,7 +65,11 @@ class HandHistoryConverter:
if(hand.involved == True):
self.writeHand("output file", hand)
pass #Don't write out observed hands
# Functions to be implemented in the inheriting class
def readSupportedGames(self): abstract
@ -87,6 +91,7 @@ class HandHistoryConverter:
# ['player1name', 'player2name', ...] where player1name is the sb and player2name is bb,
# addtional players are assumed to post a bb oop
def readBlinds(self, hand): abstract
def readHeroCards(self, hand): abstract
def readAction(self): abstract
def sanityCheck(self):
@ -157,7 +162,7 @@ class HandHistoryConverter:
print "*** HOLE CARDS ***"
# print "Dealt to " + hero + " [" + holecards + "]"
print "Dealt to %s [%s]" %(hand.hero ,hand.holecards)
@ -200,6 +205,9 @@ class Hand:
self.seating = []
self.players = []
self.posted = []
self.involved = True
self.hero = "Hiro"
self.holecards = "Xx Xx"
self.action = []
def printHand(self):
@ -217,3 +225,4 @@ class Hand:
print self.players
print self.posted
print self.action
print self.involved