No longer mess with sys.argv (messing with system variables is a bad thing, right), use argv to determine pathname of executeable as sys.path[0] is just the first component of the path. also all database errors except MySQL reporting "Access Denied" should now crash FPDB, so someone can fill those into Exceptions, and into the fpdb_db and the fpdb files.

Process: get crash info, add exception info to, catch generic database exception in (around the connect line), throw correct Fpdb exception, then catch it in and do the appropriate thing on the GUI end.
This commit is contained in:
Eric Blade 2009-11-22 00:00:23 -05:00
parent 14ccde73a2
commit 64d9a3582b
6 changed files with 146 additions and 128 deletions

View File

@ -55,15 +55,19 @@ def get_exec_path():
if hasattr(sys, "frozen"): # compiled by py2exe
return os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
return os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])
print "argv=", sys.argv
pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
return os.path.abspath(pathname)
def get_config(file_name, fallback = True):
"""Looks in cwd and in self.default_config_path for a config file."""
config_path = os.path.join(get_exec_path(), file_name)
print "config_path=", config_path
if os.path.exists(config_path): # there is a file in the cwd
return config_path # so we use it
else: # no file in the cwd, look where it should be in the first place
config_path = os.path.join(get_default_config_path(), file_name)
print "config path 2=", config_path
if os.path.exists(config_path):
return config_path

View File

@ -17,8 +17,15 @@ class FpdbParseError(FpdbError):
class FpdbDatabaseError(FpdbError):
class FpdbMySQLFailedError(FpdbDatabaseError):
class FpdbMySQLError(FpdbDatabaseError):
class FpdbMySQLAccessDenied(FpdbDatabaseError):
def __init__(self, value='', errmsg=''):
self.value = value
self.errmsg = errmsg
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value +" " + self.errmsg)
class DuplicateError(FpdbError):

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import os
import Options
import traceback
(options, sys.argv) = Options.fpdb_options()
(options, argv) = Options.fpdb_options()
if not options.errorsToConsole:
print "Note: error output is being diverted to fpdb-error-log.txt and HUD-error.txt. Any major error will be reported there _only_."

View File

@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ def fpdb_options():
parser.add_option("-r", "--rerunPython",
help="Indicates program was restarted with a different path (only allowed once).")
(options, sys.argv) = parser.parse_args()
return (options, sys.argv)
(options, argv) = parser.parse_args()
return (options, argv)
if __name__== "__main__":
(options, sys.argv) = fpdb_options()

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import threading
import Options
import string
cl_options = string.join(sys.argv[1:])
(options, sys.argv) = Options.fpdb_options()
(options, argv) = Options.fpdb_options()
if not options.errorsToConsole:
print "Note: error output is being diverted to fpdb-error-log.txt and HUD-error.txt. Any major error will be reported there _only_."
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ import SQL
import Database
import FpdbSQLQueries
import Configuration
from Exceptions import *
import Exceptions
VERSION = "0.12"
@ -453,21 +453,25 @@ class fpdb:
self.sql = SQL.Sql(db_server = self.settings['db-server'])
self.db = Database.Database(self.config, sql = self.sql)
except FpdbMySQLFailedError:
self.warning_box("Unable to connect to MySQL! Is the MySQL server running?!", "FPDB ERROR")
except Exceptions.FpdbMySQLAccessDenied:
self.warning_box("MySQL Server reports: Access denied. Are your permissions set correctly?")
except FpdbError:
#print "Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user'])
self.warning_box("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']), "FPDB ERROR")
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "*** Error: " + err[2] + "(" + str(err[1]) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
sys.stderr.write("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']))
#print "Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user'])
self.warning_box("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']), "FPDB ERROR")
err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
print "*** Error: " + err[2] + "(" + str(err[1]) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
sys.stderr.write("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']))
# except FpdbMySQLFailedError:
# self.warning_box("Unable to connect to MySQL! Is the MySQL server running?!", "FPDB ERROR")
# exit()
# except FpdbError:
# #print "Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user'])
# self.warning_box("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']), "FPDB ERROR")
# err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
# print "*** Error: " + err[2] + "(" + str(err[1]) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
# sys.stderr.write("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']))
# except:
# #print "Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user'])
# self.warning_box("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']), "FPDB ERROR")
# err = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
# print "*** Error: " + err[2] + "(" + str(err[1]) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
# sys.stderr.write("Failed to connect to %s database with username %s." % (self.settings['db-server'], self.settings['db-user']))
if self.db.wrongDbVersion:
diaDbVersionWarning = gtk.Dialog(title="Strong Warning - Invalid database version", parent=None, flags=0, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_OK,gtk.RESPONSE_OK))

View File

@ -100,11 +100,14 @@ class fpdb_db:
import MySQLdb
if use_pool:
MySQLdb = pool.manage(MySQLdb, pool_size=5)
# try:
self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=password, db=database, use_unicode=True)
#TODO: Add port option
# except:
# raise FpdbMySQLFailedError("MySQL connection failed")
except MySQLdb.Error, ex:
if ex.args[0] == 1045:
raise FpdbMySQLAccessDenied(ex.args[0], ex.args[1])
elif backend == fpdb_db.PGSQL:
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extensions