diff --git a/pyfpdb/GuiTableViewer.py b/pyfpdb/GuiTableViewer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8086c0a0..00000000
--- a/pyfpdb/GuiTableViewer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#Copyright 2008-2010 Steffen Schaumburg
-#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-#the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
-#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#GNU General Public License for more details.
-#You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#along with this program. If not, see .
-#In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt.
-import threading
-import pygtk
-import gtk
-import os
-import fpdb_import
-from Exceptions import *
-class GuiTableViewer (threading.Thread):
- def hudDivide (self, a, b):
- if b==0:
- return "n/a"
- else:
- return str(int((a/float(b))*100))+"%"
- #end def hudDivide
- def browse_clicked(self, widget, data):
- """runs when user clicks browse on tv tab"""
- #print "start of table_viewer.browser_clicked"
- current_path=self.filename_tbuffer.get_text(self.filename_tbuffer.get_start_iter(), self.filename_tbuffer.get_end_iter())
- dia_chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title="Please choose the file for which you want to open the Table Viewer",
- #dia_chooser.set_current_folder(pathname)
- dia_chooser.set_filename(current_path)
- #dia_chooser.set_select_multiple(select_multiple) #not in tv, but want this in bulk import
- response = dia_chooser.run()
- if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
- #print dia_chooser.get_filename(), 'selected'
- self.filename_tbuffer.set_text(dia_chooser.get_filename())
- elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL:
- print 'Closed, no files selected'
- dia_chooser.destroy()
- #end def table_viewer.browse_clicked
- def prepare_data(self):
- """prepares the data for display by refresh_clicked, returns a 2D array"""
- #print "start of prepare_data"
- arr=[]
- #first prepare the header row
- if (self.category=="holdem" or self.category=="omahahi" or self.category=="omahahilo"):
- tmp=("Name", "HDs", "VPIP", "PFR", "PF3B", "ST")
- tmp+=("FS", "FB")
- tmp+=("CB", )
- tmp+=("2B", "3B")
- tmp+=("AF", "FF", "AT", "FT", "AR", "FR")
- tmp+=("WtSD", "W$wsF", "W$SD")
- else:
- raise FpdbError("reimplement stud")
- arr.append(tmp)
- #then the data rows
- for player in range(len(self.player_names)):
- tmp=[]
- p_name = Charset.to_gui(self.player_names[player][0])
- tmp.append(p_name)
- seatCount=len(self.player_names)
- if seatCount>=8:
- minSeats,maxSeats=7,10
- elif seatCount==7:
- minSeats,maxSeats=6,10
- elif seatCount==6 or seatCount==5:
- minSeats,maxSeats=seatCount-1,seatCount+1
- elif seatCount==4:
- minSeats,maxSeats=4,5
- elif seatCount==2 or seatCount==3:
- minSeats,maxSeats=seatCount,seatCount
- else:
- FpdbError("invalid seatCount")
- self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM HudCache WHERE gametypeId=%s AND playerId=%s AND activeSeats>=%s AND activeSeats<=%s", (self.gametype_id, self.player_ids[player][0], minSeats, maxSeats))
- rows=self.cursor.fetchall()
- row=[]
- for field_no in range(len(rows[0])):
- row.append(rows[0][field_no])
- for row_no in range(len(rows)):
- if row_no==0:
- pass
- else:
- for field_no in range(len(rows[row_no])):
- if field_no<=3:
- pass
- else:
- #print "in prep data, row_no:",row_no,"field_no:",field_no
- row[field_no]+=rows[row_no][field_no]
- tmp.append(str(row[6]))#Hands
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[7],row[6])) #VPIP
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[8],row[6])) #PFR
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[10],row[9])+" ("+str(row[9])+")") #PF3B
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[31],row[30])+" ("+str(row[30])+")") #ST
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[35],row[34])+" ("+str(row[34])+")") #FS
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[33],row[32])+" ("+str(row[32])+")") #FB
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[37],row[36])+" ("+str(row[36])+")") #CB
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[39],row[38])+" ("+str(row[38])+")") #2B
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[41],row[40])+" ("+str(row[40])+")") #3B
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[16],row[11])+" ("+str(row[11])+")") #AF
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[24],row[20])+" ("+str(row[20])+")") #FF
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[17],row[12])+" ("+str(row[12])+")") #AT
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[25],row[21])+" ("+str(row[21])+")") #FT
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[18],row[13])+" ("+str(row[13])+")") #AR
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[26],row[22])+" ("+str(row[22])+")") #FR
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[15],row[11])) #WtSD
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[28],row[11])) #W$wSF
- tmp.append(self.hudDivide(row[29],row[15])+" ("+str(row[15])+")") #W$@SD
- arr.append(tmp)
- return arr
- #end def table_viewer.prepare_data
- def refresh_clicked(self, widget, data):
- """runs when user clicks refresh"""
- #print "start of table_viewer.refresh_clicked"
- arr=self.prepare_data()
- try: self.data_table.destroy()
- except AttributeError: pass
- self.data_table=gtk.Table(rows=len(arr), columns=len(arr[0]), homogeneous=False)
- self.main_vbox.pack_start(self.data_table)
- self.data_table.show()
- for row in range(len(arr)):
- for column in range (len(arr[row])):
- eventBox=gtk.EventBox()
- new_label=gtk.Label(arr[row][column])
- if row%2==0: #
- bg_col="white"
- if column==0 or (column>=5 and column<=10):
- bg_col="lightgrey"
- else:
- bg_col="lightgrey"
- if column==0 or (column>=5 and column<=10):
- bg_col="grey"
- #style = eventBox.get_style()
- #style.font.height=8
- #eventBox.set_style(style)
- eventBox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse(bg_col))
- eventBox.add(new_label)
- self.data_table.attach(child=eventBox, left_attach=column, right_attach=column+1, top_attach=row, bottom_attach=row+1)
- eventBox.show()
- new_label.show()
- #end def table_viewer.refresh_clicked
- def read_names_clicked(self, widget, data):
- """runs when user clicks read names"""
- #print "start of table_viewer.read_names_clicked"
- self.db.reconnect()
- self.cursor=self.db.get_cursor()
- #self.hands_id=self.last_read_hand_id
- self.cursor.execute("SELECT gametypeId FROM Hands WHERE id=%s", (self.hands_id, ))
- self.gametype_id=self.cursor.fetchone()[0]
- self.cursor.execute("SELECT category FROM Gametypes WHERE id=%s", (self.gametype_id, ))
- self.category=self.cursor.fetchone()[0]
- #print "self.gametype_id", self.gametype_id," category:", self.category, " self.hands_id:", self.hands_id
- self.cursor.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT Players.id FROM HandsPlayers
- INNER JOIN Players ON HandsPlayers.playerId=Players.id
- WHERE handId=%s""", (self.hands_id, ))
- self.player_ids=self.cursor.fetchall()
- #print "self.player_ids:",self.player_ids
- self.cursor.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT Players.name FROM HandsPlayers
- INNER JOIN Players ON HandsPlayers.playerId=Players.id
- WHERE handId=%s""", (self.hands_id, ))
- self.player_names=self.cursor.fetchall()
- #print "self.player_names:",self.player_names
- #end def table_viewer.read_names_clicked
- def import_clicked(self, widget, data):
- """runs when user clicks import"""
- #print "start of table_viewer.import_clicked"
- self.inputFile=self.filename_tbuffer.get_text(self.filename_tbuffer.get_start_iter(), self.filename_tbuffer.get_end_iter())
- self.importer = fpdb_import.Importer(self, self.settings, self.config)
- self.importer.setMinPrint(0)
- self.importer.setQuiet(False)
- self.importer.setFailOnError(False)
- self.importer.setHandCount(0)
- self.importer.addImportFile(self.inputFile)
- self.importer.runImport()
- self.hands_id=self.importer.handsId
- #end def table_viewer.import_clicked
- def all_clicked(self, widget, data):
- """runs when user clicks all"""
- #print "start of table_viewer.all_clicked"
- self.import_clicked(widget, data)
- self.read_names_clicked(widget, data)
- self.refresh_clicked(widget, data)
- #end def table_viewer.all_clicked
- def get_vbox(self):
- """returns the vbox of this thread"""
- return self.main_vbox
- #end def get_vbox
- def __init__(self, db, settings, config=None, debug=True):
- """Constructor for table_viewer"""
- self.debug=debug
- #print "start of table_viewer constructor"
- self.db = db
- self.cursor = db.get_cursor()
- self.settings = settings
- self.config = config
- self.main_vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
- self.main_vbox.show()
- self.settings_hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
- self.main_vbox.pack_end(self.settings_hbox, False, True, 0)
- self.settings_hbox.show()
- self.filename_label = gtk.Label("Path of history file")
- self.settings_hbox.pack_start(self.filename_label, False, False)
- self.filename_label.show()
- self.filename_tbuffer=gtk.TextBuffer()
- self.filename_tbuffer.set_text(self.settings['hud-defaultPath'])
- self.filename_tview=gtk.TextView(self.filename_tbuffer)
- self.settings_hbox.pack_start(self.filename_tview, True, True, padding=5)
- self.filename_tview.show()
- self.browse_button=gtk.Button("Browse...")
- self.browse_button.connect("clicked", self.browse_clicked, "Browse clicked")
- self.settings_hbox.pack_start(self.browse_button, False, False)
- self.browse_button.show()
- self.button_hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
- self.main_vbox.pack_end(self.button_hbox, False, True, 0)
- self.button_hbox.show()
- #self.import_button = gtk.Button("Import")
- #self.import_button.connect("clicked", self.import_clicked, "Import clicked")
- #self.button_hbox.add(self.import_button)
- #self.import_button.show()
- #self.read_names_button = gtk.Button("Read Names")
- #self.read_names_button.connect("clicked", self.read_names_clicked, "Read clicked")
- #self.button_hbox.add(self.read_names_button)
- #self.read_names_button.show()
- #self.refresh_button = gtk.Button("Show/Refresh data")
- #self.refresh_button.connect("clicked", self.refresh_clicked, "Refresh clicked")
- #self.button_hbox.add(self.refresh_button)
- #self.refresh_button.show()
- self.all_button = gtk.Button("Import&Read&Refresh")
- self.all_button.connect("clicked", self.all_clicked, "All clicked")
- self.button_hbox.add(self.all_button)
- self.all_button.show()
- #end of table_viewer.__init__
diff --git a/pyfpdb/fpdb.pyw b/pyfpdb/fpdb.pyw
index 67262ba7..85519afc 100755
--- a/pyfpdb/fpdb.pyw
+++ b/pyfpdb/fpdb.pyw
@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ import ImapFetcher
import GuiRingPlayerStats
import GuiTourneyPlayerStats
import GuiPositionalStats
-import GuiTableViewer
import GuiAutoImport
import GuiGraphViewer
import GuiSessionViewer
@@ -798,7 +797,6 @@ class fpdb: