Update GuiSessionViewer.

Still horribly broken, but on its way
This commit is contained in:
Worros 2009-10-21 17:22:47 +08:00
parent 4f754fa881
commit 58707d2022
2 changed files with 170 additions and 138 deletions

pyfpdb/GuiSessionViewer.py Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#In the "official" distribution you can find the license in
#agpl-3.0.txt in the docs folder of the package.
import sys
import threading
import pygtk
@ -22,7 +23,10 @@ import gtk
import os
from time import time, strftime, localtime
from numpy import diff, nonzero
from numpy import diff, nonzero, sum
# from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter, WeekdayLocator, HourLocator, \
# DayLocator, MONDAY, timezone
print """Failed to load numpy in Session Viewer"""
print """This is of no consequence as the module currently doesn't do anything."""
@ -34,10 +38,13 @@ import Filters
import FpdbSQLQueries
class GuiSessionViewer (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, config, querylist, debug=True):
def __init__(self, config, querylist, mainwin, debug=True):
self.debug = debug
self.conf = config
self.sql = querylist
self.liststore = None
self.PGSQL = 3
self.SQLITE = 4
@ -56,55 +63,63 @@ class GuiSessionViewer (threading.Thread):
self.filterText = {'handhead':'Hand Breakdown for all levels listed above'
filters_display = { "Heroes" : True,
"Sites" : True,
"Games" : False,
"Limits" : True,
"LimitSep" : True,
"Seats" : True,
"SeatSep" : True,
"Dates" : False,
"Groups" : True,
"Button1" : True,
"Button2" : True
filters_display = { "Heroes" : True,
"Sites" : True,
"Games" : False,
"Limits" : True,
"LimitSep" : True,
"LimitType" : True,
"Type" : True,
"Seats" : True,
"SeatSep" : True,
"Dates" : True,
"Groups" : True,
"GroupsAll" : True,
"Button1" : True,
"Button2" : True
self.filters = Filters.Filters(self.db, self.conf, self.sql, display = filters_display)
# ToDo: store in config
# ToDo: create popup to adjust column config
# columns to display, keys match column name returned by sql, values in tuple are:
# is column displayed, column heading, xalignment, formatting
self.columns = [ ("game", True, "Game", 0.0, "%s")
self.columns = [ ("sid", True, "SID", 0.0, "%s")
, ("hand", False, "Hand", 0.0, "%s") # true not allowed for this line
, ("n", True, "Hds", 1.0, "%d")
, ("avgseats", True, "Seats", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("vpip", True, "VPIP", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("pfr", True, "PFR", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("pf3", True, "PF3", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("steals", True, "Steals", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("saw_f", True, "Saw_F", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("sawsd", True, "SawSD", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("wtsdwsf", True, "WtSDwsF", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("wmsd", True, "W$SD", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("flafq", True, "FlAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("tuafq", True, "TuAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("rvafq", True, "RvAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("pofafq", False, "PoFAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f")
, ("net", True, "Net($)", 1.0, "%6.2f")
, ("bbper100", True, "BB/100", 1.0, "%4.2f")
, ("rake", True, "Rake($)", 1.0, "%6.2f")
, ("variance", True, "Variance", 1.0, "%5.2f")
, ("start", True, "Start", 1.0, "%d")
, ("end", True, "End", 1.0, "%d")
, ("hph", True, "Hands/h", 1.0, "%d")
, ("profit", True, "Profit", 1.0, "%s")
#, ("avgseats", True, "Seats", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("vpip", True, "VPIP", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("pfr", True, "PFR", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("pf3", True, "PF3", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("steals", True, "Steals", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("saw_f", True, "Saw_F", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("sawsd", True, "SawSD", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("wtsdwsf", True, "WtSDwsF", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("wmsd", True, "W$SD", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("flafq", True, "FlAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("tuafq", True, "TuAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("rvafq", True, "RvAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("pofafq", False, "PoFAFq", 1.0, "%3.1f")
#, ("net", True, "Net($)", 1.0, "%6.2f")
#, ("bbper100", True, "BB/100", 1.0, "%4.2f")
#, ("rake", True, "Rake($)", 1.0, "%6.2f")
#, ("variance", True, "Variance", 1.0, "%5.2f")
self.stats_frame = None
self.stats_vbox = None
self.detailFilters = [] # the data used to enhance the sql select
self.main_hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
#self.main_hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
self.main_hbox = gtk.HPaned()
self.stats_frame = gtk.Frame()
@ -112,21 +127,46 @@ class GuiSessionViewer (threading.Thread):
self.stats_vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
self.main_hbox.pack_start(self.stats_frame, expand=True, fill=True)
# self.fillStatsFrame(self.stats_vbox)
#self.main_hbox.pack_start(self.stats_frame, expand=True, fill=True)
# make sure Hand column is not displayed
[x for x in self.columns if x[0] == 'hand'][0][1] == False
#[x for x in self.columns if x[0] == 'hand'][0][1] = False
def get_vbox(self):
"""returns the vbox of this thread"""
return self.main_hbox
def generateGraph(self):
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
#plot_day_summary(ax, quotes, ticksize=3)
# candlestick(ax, quotes, width=0.6)
# candlestick2(ax, opens, closes, highs, lows, width=4, colorup='k', colordown='r', alpha=0.75)
# Represent the open, close as a bar line and high low range as a vertical line.
# ax : an Axes instance to plot to
# width : the bar width in points
# colorup : the color of the lines where close >= open
# colordown : the color of the lines where close < open
# alpha : bar transparency
# return value is lineCollection, barCollection
setp( gca().get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right')
def refreshStats(self, widget, data):
try: self.stats_vbox.destroy()
except AttributeError: pass
@ -209,105 +249,97 @@ class GuiSessionViewer (threading.Thread):
if not flags: holecards = False
else: holecards = flags[0]
# pre-fetch some constant values:
cols_to_show = [x for x in self.columns if x[colshow]]
self.stats_table = gtk.Table(1, 1, False)
self.db.cursor.execute("""select UNIX_TIMESTAMP(handStart) as time, id from Hands ORDER BY time""")
self.liststore = gtk.ListStore(*([str] * len(cols_to_show)))
view = gtk.TreeView(model=self.liststore)
textcell = gtk.CellRendererText()
textcell50 = gtk.CellRendererText()
textcell50.set_property('xalign', 0.5)
numcell = gtk.CellRendererText()
numcell.set_property('xalign', 1.0)
listcols = []
# Create header row eg column: ("game", True, "Game", 0.0, "%s")
for col, column in enumerate(cols_to_show):
s = column[colheading]
if column[colformat] == '%s':
if column[colxalign] == 0.0:
listcols[col].pack_start(textcell, expand=True)
listcols[col].add_attribute(textcell, 'text', col)
listcols[col].pack_start(textcell50, expand=True)
listcols[col].add_attribute(textcell50, 'text', col)
listcols[col].pack_start(numcell, expand=True)
listcols[col].add_attribute(numcell, 'text', col)
# Get a list of all handids and their timestampts
# FIXME: Will probably want to be able to filter this list eventually
# FIXME: Join on handsplayers for Hero to get other useful stuff like total profit?
q = """
select UNIX_TIMESTAMP(h.handStart) as time, hp.handId, hp.startCash, hp.winnings, hp.totalProfit
from HandsPlayers hp
inner join Hands h on (h.id = hp.handId)
inner join Gametypes gt on (gt.Id = h.gameTypeId)
inner join Sites s on (s.Id = gt.siteId)
inner join Players p on (p.Id = hp.playerId)
where hp.playerId in (2)
order by time
hands = self.db.cursor.fetchall()
# Take that list and create an array of the time between hands
times = map(lambda x:long(x[0]), hands)
handids = map(lambda x:int(x[1]), hands)
winnings = map(lambda x:int(x[4]), hands)
print "DEBUG: len(times) %s" %(len(times))
diffs = diff(times)
print "DEBUG: len(diffs) %s" %(len(diffs))
index = nonzero(diff(times) > THRESHOLD)
print "DEBUG: len(index[0]) %s" %(len(index[0]))
print "DEBUG: index %s" %(index)
print "DEBUG: index[0][0] %s" %(index[0][0])
diffs = diff(times) # This array is the difference in starttime between consecutive hands
index = nonzero(diff(times) > THRESHOLD) # This array represents the indexes into 'times' for start/end times of sessions
# ie. times[index[0][0]] is the end of the first session
#print "DEBUG: len(index[0]) %s" %(len(index[0]))
#print "DEBUG: index %s" %(index)
#print "DEBUG: index[0][0] %s" %(index[0][0])
total = 0
last_idx = 0
lowidx = 0
uppidx = 0
results = []
# Take all results and format them into a list for feeding into gui model.
for i in range(len(index[0])):
print "Hands in session %4s: %4s Start: %s End: %s Total: %s" %(i, index[0][i] - last_idx, strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", localtime(times[last_idx])), strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", localtime(times[index[0][i]])), times[index[0][i]] - times[last_idx])
sid = i # Session id
hds = index[0][i] - last_idx # Number of hands in session
stime = strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", localtime(times[last_idx])) # Formatted start time
etime = strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", localtime(times[index[0][i]])) # Formatted end time
hph = (times[index[0][i]] - times[last_idx])/60 # Hands per hour
won = sum(winnings[last_idx:index[0][i]])
print "DEBUG: range: %s - %s" %(last_idx, index[0][i])
results.append([sid, hds, stime, etime, hph, won])
print "Hands in session %4s: %4s Start: %s End: %s HPH: %s Profit: %s" %(sid, hds, stime, etime, hph, won)
total = total + (index[0][i] - last_idx)
last_idx = index[0][i] + 1
print "Total: ", total
# colnames = [desc[0].lower() for desc in self.cursor.description]
# # pre-fetch some constant values:
# cols_to_show = [x for x in self.columns if x[colshow]]
# hgametypeid_idx = colnames.index('hgametypeid')
# liststore = gtk.ListStore(*([str] * len(cols_to_show)))
# view = gtk.TreeView(model=liststore)
# view.set_grid_lines(gtk.TREE_VIEW_GRID_LINES_BOTH)
# vbox.pack_start(view, expand=False, padding=3)
# textcell = gtk.CellRendererText()
# numcell = gtk.CellRendererText()
# numcell.set_property('xalign', 1.0)
# listcols = []
# # Create header row eg column: ("game", True, "Game", 0.0, "%s")
# for col, column in enumerate(cols_to_show):
# if column[colalias] == 'game' and holecards:
# s = [x for x in self.columns if x[colalias] == 'hand'][0][colheading]
# else:
# s = column[colheading]
# listcols.append(gtk.TreeViewColumn(s))
# view.append_column(listcols[col])
# if column[colformat] == '%s':
# if col == 1 and holecards:
# listcols[col].pack_start(textcell, expand=True)
# else:
# listcols[col].pack_start(textcell, expand=False)
# listcols[col].add_attribute(textcell, 'text', col)
# else:
# listcols[col].pack_start(numcell, expand=False)
# listcols[col].add_attribute(numcell, 'text', col)
# rows = len(result) # +1 for title row
# while sqlrow < rows:
# treerow = []
# if(row%2 == 0):
# bgcolor = "white"
# else:
# bgcolor = "lightgrey"
# for col,column in enumerate(cols_to_show):
# if column[colalias] in colnames:
# value = result[sqlrow][colnames.index(column[colalias])]
# else:
# if column[colalias] == 'game':
# if holecards:
# value = Card.twoStartCardString( result[sqlrow][hgametypeid_idx] )
# else:
# minbb = result[sqlrow][colnames.index('minbigblind')]
# maxbb = result[sqlrow][colnames.index('maxbigblind')]
# value = result[sqlrow][colnames.index('limittype')] + ' ' \
# + result[sqlrow][colnames.index('category')].title() + ' ' \
# + result[sqlrow][colnames.index('name')] + ' $'
# if 100 * int(minbb/100.0) != minbb:
# value += '%.2f' % (minbb/100.0)
# else:
# value += '%.0f' % (minbb/100.0)
# if minbb != maxbb:
# if 100 * int(maxbb/100.0) != maxbb:
# value += ' - $' + '%.2f' % (maxbb/100.0)
# else:
# value += ' - $' + '%.0f' % (maxbb/100.0)
# else:
# continue
# if value and value != -999:
# treerow.append(column[colformat] % value)
# else:
# treerow.append(' ')
# iter = liststore.append(treerow)
# sqlrow += 1
# row += 1
for row in results:
iter = self.liststore.append(row)
def main(argv=None):
config = Configuration.Config()
i = GuiBulkImport(settings, config)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -155,12 +155,6 @@ class fpdb:
def dia_database_stats(self, widget, data=None):
self.warning_box("Unimplemented: Database Stats")
def dia_database_sessions(self, widget, data=None):
new_sessions_thread = GuiSessionViewer.GuiSessionViewer(self.config, self.sql)
self.add_and_display_tab(sessions_tab, "Sessions")
def dia_delete_db_parts(self, widget, data=None):
self.warning_box("Unimplemented: Delete Database Parts")
@ -368,6 +362,7 @@ class fpdb:
<menuitem action="playerdetails"/>
<menuitem action="playerstats"/>
<menuitem action="posnstats"/>
<menuitem action="sessionstats"/>
<menuitem action="sessionreplay"/>
<menuitem action="tableviewer"/>
@ -377,7 +372,6 @@ class fpdb:
<menuitem action="createtabs"/>
<menuitem action="rebuildhudcache"/>
<menuitem action="stats"/>
<menuitem action="sessions"/>
<menu action="help">
<menuitem action="Abbrev"/>
@ -409,6 +403,7 @@ class fpdb:
('playerdetails', None, 'Player _Details (todo)', None, 'Player Details (todo)', self.not_implemented),
('playerstats', None, '_Player Stats (tabulated view)', '<control>P', 'Player Stats (tabulated view)', self.tab_player_stats),
('posnstats', None, 'P_ositional Stats (tabulated view)', '<control>O', 'Positional Stats (tabulated view)', self.tab_positional_stats),
('sessionstats', None, 'Session Stats', None, 'Session Stats', self.tab_session_stats),
('sessionreplay', None, '_Session Replayer (todo)', None, 'Session Replayer (todo)', self.not_implemented),
('tableviewer', None, 'Poker_table Viewer (mostly obselete)', None, 'Poker_table Viewer (mostly obselete)', self.tab_table_viewer),
('database', None, '_Database'),
@ -417,7 +412,6 @@ class fpdb:
('createtabs', None, 'Create or Recreate _Tables', None, 'Create or Recreate Tables ', self.dia_recreate_tables),
('rebuildhudcache', None, 'Rebuild HUD Cache', None, 'Rebuild HUD Cache', self.dia_recreate_hudcache),
('stats', None, '_Statistics (todo)', None, 'View Database Statistics', self.dia_database_stats),
('sessions', None, 'Sessions', None, 'View Sessions', self.dia_database_sessions),
('help', None, '_Help'),
('Abbrev', None, '_Abbrevations (todo)', None, 'List of Abbrevations', self.tab_abbreviations),
('About', None, 'A_bout', None, 'About the program', self.dia_about),
@ -554,6 +548,12 @@ class fpdb:
self.add_and_display_tab(ps_tab, "Positional Stats")
def tab_session_stats(self, widget, data=None):
new_ps_thread = GuiSessionViewer.GuiSessionViewer(self.config, self.sql, self.window)
self.add_and_display_tab(ps_tab, "Session Stats")
def tab_main_help(self, widget, data=None):
"""Displays a tab with the main fpdb help screen"""
mh_tab=gtk.Label("""Welcome to Fpdb!