diff --git a/packaging/windows/py2exeWalkthroughPython26.txt b/packaging/windows/py2exeWalkthroughPython26.txt
index 7ad865c0..2762699e 100644
--- a/packaging/windows/py2exeWalkthroughPython26.txt
+++ b/packaging/windows/py2exeWalkthroughPython26.txt
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ psycopg2 ... http://www.stickpeople.com/projects/python/win-psycopg/psycopg2-2.2
(py)pokereval v138 ... http://sourceforge.net/projects/fpdb/files/fpdb/pypoker-eval-win32/pokereval-138.win32.exe/download
(Note: There are no official windows builds, this installer is built from source. A walkthrough is in the same directory as this walkthrough.
1.2/ MySQL
Install the following file:
@@ -67,6 +68,26 @@ with this line:
1.3.4/ Save and exit
+1.4/ Patch py2exe to stop popup runtime error message
+see http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/StderrLog for technical info.
+dos> write C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\py2exe\boot_common.py
+ atexit.register(alert, 0,
+ "See the logfile '%s' for details" % fname,
+ "Errors occurred")
+ #atexit.register(alert, 0,
+ # "See the logfile '%s' for details" % fname,
+ # "Errors occurred")
+1.4.2/ save and exit
Step 2 Setup GTK
diff --git a/pyfpdb/GuiRingPlayerStats.py b/pyfpdb/GuiRingPlayerStats.py
index 86ba1aad..f061322e 100644
--- a/pyfpdb/GuiRingPlayerStats.py
+++ b/pyfpdb/GuiRingPlayerStats.py
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ onlinehelp = {'Game':_('Type of Game'),
'Saw_F':_('% Saw Flop vs hands dealt'),
'SawSD':_('Saw Show Down / River'),
'WtSDwsF':_('Went To Show Down When Saw Flop'),
- 'W$SD':_('Amount Won when Show Down seen'),
+ 'W$SD':_('% Won some money at showdown'),
'FlAFq':_('Flop Aggression\n% Bet or Raise after seeing Flop'),
'TuAFq':_('Turn Aggression\n% Bet or Raise after seeing Turn'),
'RvAFq':_('River Aggression\n% Bet or Raise after seeing River'),
diff --git a/pyfpdb/RushNotesAux.py b/pyfpdb/RushNotesAux.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..312de6d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyfpdb/RushNotesAux.py
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Auxilliary process to push HUD data into the FullTilt player notes XML
+This will allow a rudimentary "HUD" in rush games
+The existing notes file will be altered by this function
+# Copyright 2010, "Gimick" of the FPDB project fpdb.sourceforge.net
+#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+#along with this program. If not, see .
+#In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt.
+##########for each hand processed, attempts to create update for player notes in FullTilt
+##########based upon the AW howto notes written by Ray E. Barker (nutomatic) at fpdb.sourceforge.net
+##########Huge thanks to Ray for his guidance and encouragement to create this !!
+#debugmode will write logfiles for the __init__ and update_data methods
+# writes into ./pyfpdb/~Rushdebug.*
+debugmode = False
+# Standard Library modules
+import os
+import sys
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from datetime import datetime
+from time import *
+# FreePokerDatabase modules
+from Mucked import Aux_Window
+from Mucked import Seat_Window
+from Mucked import Aux_Seats
+import Stats
+import Card
+# overload minidom methods to fix bug where \n is parsed as " ".
+# described here: http://bugs.python.org/issue7139
+def _write_data(writer, data, isAttrib=False):
+ "Writes datachars to writer."
+ if isAttrib:
+ data = data.replace("\r", "
").replace("\n", "
+ data = data.replace("\t", " ")
+ writer.write(data)
+minidom._write_data = _write_data
+def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
+ # indent = current indentation
+ # addindent = indentation to add to higher levels
+ # newl = newline string
+ writer.write(indent+"<" + self.tagName)
+ attrs = self._get_attributes()
+ a_names = attrs.keys()
+ a_names.sort()
+ for a_name in a_names:
+ writer.write(" %s=\"" % a_name)
+ _write_data(writer, attrs[a_name].value, isAttrib=True)
+ writer.write("\"")
+ if self.childNodes:
+ writer.write(">%s"%(newl))
+ for node in self.childNodes:
+ node.writexml(writer,indent+addindent,addindent,newl)
+ writer.write("%s%s>%s" % (indent,self.tagName,newl))
+ else:
+ writer.write("/>%s"%(newl))
+# For an introduction to overriding instance methods, see
+# http://irrepupavel.com/documents/python/instancemethod/
+instancemethod = type(minidom.Element.writexml)
+minidom.Element.writexml = instancemethod(
+ writexml, None, minidom.Element)
+class RushNotes(Aux_Window):
+ def __init__(self, hud, config, params):
+ self.hud = hud
+ self.config = config
+ #
+ # following line makes all the site params magically available (thanks Ray!)
+ #
+ site_params_dict = self.hud.config.get_site_parameters(self.hud.site)
+ heroname = site_params_dict['screen_name']
+ sitename = site_params_dict['site_name']
+ notepath = site_params_dict['site_path'] # this is a temporary hijack of site-path
+ self.heroid = self.hud.db_connection.get_player_id(self.config, sitename, heroname)
+ self.notefile = notepath + "/" + heroname + ".xml"
+ self.rushtables = ("Mach 10", "Lightning", "Celerity", "Flash", "Zoom")
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.notefile):
+ self.active = False
+ return
+ else:
+ self.active = True
+ #
+ # read in existing notefile and backup with date/time in name
+ # todo change to not use dom
+ #
+ now = datetime.now()
+ notefilebackup = self.notefile + ".backup." + now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+ xmlnotefile = minidom.parse(self.notefile)
+ outputfile = open(notefilebackup, 'w')
+ xmlnotefile.writexml(outputfile)
+ outputfile.close()
+ xmlnotefile.unlink
+ #
+ # Create a fresh queue file with skeleton XML
+ #
+ self.queuefile = self.notefile + ".queue"
+ queuedom = minidom.Document()
+ pld=queuedom.createElement("PLAYERDATA")
+ queuedom.appendChild(pld)
+ nts=queuedom.createElement("NOTES")
+ pld.appendChild(nts)
+ nte = queuedom.createElement("NOTE")
+ nte = queuedom.createTextNode("\n")
+ nts.insertBefore(nte,None)
+ outputfile = open(self.queuefile, 'w')
+ queuedom.writexml(outputfile)
+ outputfile.close()
+ queuedom.unlink
+ if (debugmode):
+ #initialise logfiles
+ debugfile=open("~Rushdebug.init", "w")
+ debugfile.write("conf="+str(config)+"\n")
+ debugfile.write("spdi="+str(site_params_dict)+"\n")
+ debugfile.write("para="+str(params)+"\n")
+ debugfile.write("hero="+heroname+" "+str(self.heroid)+"\n")
+ debugfile.write("back="+notefilebackup+"\n")
+ debugfile.write("queu="+self.queuefile+"\n")
+ debugfile.close()
+ open("~Rushdebug.data", "w").close()
+ def update_data(self, new_hand_id, db_connection):
+ #this method called once for every hand processed
+ # self.hud.stat_dict contains the stats information for this hand
+ if not self.active:
+ return
+ if (debugmode):
+ debugfile=open("~Rushdebug.data", "a")
+ debugfile.write(new_hand_id+"\n")
+ now = datetime.now()
+ debugfile.write(now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")+ " update_data begins"+ "\n")
+ debugfile.write("hero="+str(self.heroid)+"\n")
+ #debugfile.write(str(self.hud.stat_dict)+"\n")
+ debugfile.write("table="+self.hud.table.name+"\n")
+ debugfile.write("players="+str(self.hud.stat_dict.keys())+"\n")
+ debugfile.write("db="+str(db_connection)+"\n")
+ if self.hud.table.name not in self.rushtables:
+ return
+ #
+ # Grab a list of player id's
+ #
+ handplayers = self.hud.stat_dict.keys()
+ #
+ # build a dictionary of stats text for each player in the hand (excluding the hero)
+ # xmlqueuedict contains {playername : stats text}
+ #
+ xmlqueuedict = {}
+ for playerid in handplayers:
+ # ignore hero, no notes available for hero at Full Tilt
+ if playerid == self.heroid: continue
+ playername=unicode(str(Stats.do_stat(self.hud.stat_dict, player = playerid, stat = 'playername')[1]))
+ # Use index[3] which is a short description
+ n=str(Stats.do_stat(self.hud.stat_dict, player = playerid, stat = 'n')[3] + " ")
+ vpip=str(Stats.do_stat(self.hud.stat_dict, player = playerid, stat = 'vpip')[3] + " ")
+ pfr=str(Stats.do_stat(self.hud.stat_dict, player = playerid, stat = 'pfr')[3] + " ")
+ three_B=str(Stats.do_stat(self.hud.stat_dict, player = playerid, stat = 'three_B')[3] + " ")
+ cbet=str(Stats.do_stat(self.hud.stat_dict, player = playerid, stat = 'cbet')[3] + " ")
+ fbbsteal=str(Stats.do_stat(self.hud.stat_dict, player = playerid, stat = 'f_BB_steal')[3] + " ")
+ steal=str(Stats.do_stat(self.hud.stat_dict, player = playerid, stat = 'steal')[3] + " ")
+ ffreq1=str(Stats.do_stat(self.hud.stat_dict, player = playerid, stat = 'ffreq1')[3] + " ")
+ agg_freq=str(Stats.do_stat(self.hud.stat_dict, player = playerid, stat = 'agg_freq')[3] + " ")
+ BBper100=str(Stats.do_stat(self.hud.stat_dict, player = playerid, stat = 'BBper100')[3])
+ if BBper100[6] == "-": BBper100=BBper100[0:6] + "(" + BBper100[7:] + ")"
+ #
+ # grab villain known starting hands
+ # only those where they VPIP'd, so limp in the BB will not be shown
+ # sort by hand strength. Output will show position too,
+ # so KK.1 is KK from late posn etc.
+ # ignore non-rush hands (check against known rushtablenames)
+ # cards decoding is hard-coded for holdem, so that's tuff atm
+ # three categories of known hands are shown:
+ # agression preflop hands
+ # non-aggression preflop hands
+ # bigblind called to defend hands
+ #
+ # This isn't perfect, but it isn't too bad a starting point
+ #
+ PFcall="PFcall"
+ PFaggr="PFaggr"
+ PFdefend="PFdefend"
+ c = db_connection.get_cursor()
+ c.execute(("SELECT handId, position, startCards, street0Aggr, tableName " +
+ "FROM hands, handsPlayers " +
+ "WHERE handsplayers.handId = hands.id " +
+ "AND street0VPI = 1 " +
+ "AND startCards > 0 " +
+ "AND playerId = %d " +
+ "ORDER BY startCards DESC " +
+ ";")
+ % int(playerid))
+ for (qid, qposition, qstartcards, qstreet0Aggr, qtablename) in c.fetchall():
+ if (debugmode):
+ debugfile.write("pid, hid, pos, cards, aggr, table player"+
+ str(playerid)+"/"+str(qid)+"/"+str(qposition)+"/"+
+ str(qstartcards)+"/"+str(qstreet0Aggr)+"/"+
+ str(qtablename)+"/"+str(playername)+
+ "\n")
+ humancards = Card.decodeStartHandValue("holdem", qstartcards)
+ if qtablename not in self.rushtables:
+ pass
+ elif qposition == "B" and qstreet0Aggr == False:
+ PFdefend=PFdefend+"/"+humancards
+ elif qstreet0Aggr == True:
+ PFaggr=PFaggr+"/"+humancards+"."+qposition
+ else:
+ PFcall=PFcall+"/"+humancards+"."+qposition
+ c.close
+ #
+ # build up final text package (top/tail with ~fpdb~ ~ends~
+ # for later search/replace by Merge module
+ #
+ xmlqueuedict[playername] = ("~fpdb~" + "\n" +
+ n + vpip + pfr + three_B + fbbsteal + "\n" +
+ steal + cbet + ffreq1 + "\n" +
+ agg_freq + BBper100 + "\n" +
+ PFcall+"\n"+PFaggr+"\n"+PFdefend +"\n"
+ "~ends~")
+ if (debugmode):
+ now = datetime.now()
+ debugfile.write(now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")+" villain data has been processed" + "\n")
+ debugfile.write(str(xmlqueuedict)+"\n")
+ #
+ # delaying processing of xml until now. Grab current queuefile contents and
+ # read each existing NOTE element in turn, if matched to a player in xmlqueuedict
+ # update their text in the xml and delete the dictionary item
+ #
+ xmlnotefile = minidom.parse(self.queuefile)
+ notelist = xmlnotefile.getElementsByTagName('NOTE')
+ for noteentry in notelist: #for each note in turn
+ noteplayer = noteentry.getAttribute("PlayerId") #extract the playername from xml
+ if noteplayer in xmlqueuedict: # does that player exist in the queue?
+ noteentry.setAttribute("Text",xmlqueuedict[noteplayer])
+ del xmlqueuedict[noteplayer] #remove from list, does not need to be added later on
+ #
+ #create entries for new players (those remaining in the dictionary)
+ #
+ if len(xmlqueuedict) > 0:
+ playerdata=xmlnotefile.lastChild #move to the PLAYERDATA node (assume last one in the list)
+ notesnode=playerdata.childNodes[0] #Find NOTES node
+ for newplayer in xmlqueuedict:
+ newentry = xmlnotefile.createElement("NOTE")
+ newentry.setAttribute("PlayerId", newplayer)
+ newentry.setAttribute("Text", xmlqueuedict[newplayer])
+ notesnode.insertBefore(newentry,None)
+ newentry = xmlnotefile.createTextNode("\n")
+ notesnode.insertBefore(newentry,None)
+ if (debugmode):
+ now = datetime.now()
+ debugfile.write(now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")+" xml pre-processing complete"+ "\n")
+ #
+ # OverWrite existing xml file with updated DOM and cleanup
+ #
+ updatednotes = open(self.queuefile, 'w')
+ xmlnotefile.writexml(updatednotes)
+ updatednotes.close()
+ xmlnotefile.unlink
+ if (debugmode):
+ now = datetime.now()
+ debugfile.write(now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")+" dom written, process finished"+ "\n")
+ debugfile.close()
diff --git a/pyfpdb/RushNotesMerge.py b/pyfpdb/RushNotesMerge.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7bfec3df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyfpdb/RushNotesMerge.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Merge .queue file with hero's note to generate fresh .merge file
+normal usage
+$> ./pyfpdb/RushNotesMerge.py "/home/foo/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Full Tilt Poker/heroname.xml"
+The generated file can then replace heroname.xml (if all is well).
+# Copyright 2010, "Gimick" of the FPDB project fpdb.sourceforge.net
+#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+#along with this program. If not, see .
+#In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt.
+# Standard Library modules
+import os
+import sys
+from xml.dom import minidom
+# overload minidom methods to fix bug where \n is parsed as " ".
+# described here: http://bugs.python.org/issue7139
+def _write_data(writer, data, isAttrib=False):
+ "Writes datachars to writer."
+ if isAttrib:
+ data = data.replace("\r", "
").replace("\n", "
+ data = data.replace("\t", " ")
+ writer.write(data)
+minidom._write_data = _write_data
+def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
+ # indent = current indentation
+ # addindent = indentation to add to higher levels
+ # newl = newline string
+ writer.write(indent+"<" + self.tagName)
+ attrs = self._get_attributes()
+ a_names = attrs.keys()
+ a_names.sort()
+ for a_name in a_names:
+ writer.write(" %s=\"" % a_name)
+ _write_data(writer, attrs[a_name].value, isAttrib=True)
+ writer.write("\"")
+ if self.childNodes:
+ writer.write(">%s"%(newl))
+ for node in self.childNodes:
+ node.writexml(writer,indent+addindent,addindent,newl)
+ writer.write("%s%s>%s" % (indent,self.tagName,newl))
+ else:
+ writer.write("/>%s"%(newl))
+# For an introduction to overriding instance methods, see
+# http://irrepupavel.com/documents/python/instancemethod/
+instancemethod = type(minidom.Element.writexml)
+minidom.Element.writexml = instancemethod(
+ writexml, None, minidom.Element)
+def cleannote(textin):
+ if textin.find("~fpdb~") == -1: return textin
+ if textin.find("~ends~") == -1: return textin
+ if textin.find("~fpdb~") > textin.find("~ends~"): return textin
+ return textin[0:textin.find("~fpdb~")] + textin[textin.find("~ends~")+6:]
+# get out now if parameter not passed
+ sys.argv[1] <> ""
+ print "A parameter is required, quitting now"
+ print "normal usage is something like:"
+ print '$> ./pyfpdb/RushNotesMerge.py "/home/foo/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Full Tilt Poker/myhero.xml"'
+ quit()
+if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):
+ print "Hero notes file not found, quitting"
+ print "normal usage is something like:"
+ print '$> ./pyfpdb/RushNotesMerge.py "/home/foo/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Full Tilt Poker/myhero.xml"'
+ quit()
+if not os.path.isfile((sys.argv[1]+".queue")):
+ print "Nothing found to merge, quitting"
+ print "Did the HUD not get started during the last session?"
+ print "Has the HUD been stopped and started without merging?"
+ quit()
+print "***************************************************************"
+print "IMPORTANT: *** Before running this merge: ***"
+print "Closedown the FullTiltClient and wait for it to completely stop"
+print "If FullTiltClient was running, run the merge again once it"
+print "has stopped completely"
+print "***************************************************************"
+print "read from: ", sys.argv[1]
+print "merge with: ", sys.argv[1]+".queue"
+#read queue and turn into a dict
+queuedict = {}
+xmlqueue = minidom.parse(sys.argv[1]+".queue")
+notelist = xmlqueue.getElementsByTagName('NOTE')
+for noteentry in notelist:
+ noteplayer = noteentry.getAttribute("PlayerId")
+ notetext = noteentry.getAttribute("Text")
+ queuedict[noteplayer] = notetext
+ statqueue = statqueue + 1
+#read existing player note file
+xmlnotefile = minidom.parse(sys.argv[1])
+notelist = xmlnotefile.getElementsByTagName('NOTE')
+#for existing players, empty out existing fpdbtext and refill
+for noteentry in notelist:
+ noteplayer = noteentry.getAttribute("PlayerId")
+ if noteplayer in queuedict:
+ existingnote = noteentry.getAttribute("Text")
+ newnote=cleannote(existingnote)
+ newnote = newnote + queuedict[noteplayer]
+ noteentry.setAttribute("Text",newnote)
+ statupdated = statupdated + 1
+ del queuedict[noteplayer]
+#create entries for new players (those remaining in the dictionary)
+if len(queuedict) > 0:
+ playerdata=xmlnotefile.lastChild #move to the PLAYERDATA node (assume last one in the list)
+ notesnode=playerdata.childNodes[1] #Find NOTES node
+for newplayer in queuedict:
+ newentry = xmlnotefile.createElement("NOTE")
+ newentry.setAttribute("PlayerId", newplayer)
+ newentry.setAttribute("Text", queuedict[newplayer])
+ notesnode.insertBefore(newentry,None)
+ newentry = xmlnotefile.createTextNode("\n")
+ notesnode.insertBefore(newentry,None)
+ statadded=statadded+1
+#print xmlnotefile.toprettyxml()
+mergednotes = open(sys.argv[1]+".merged", 'w')
+print "Merged file has been written to: ", sys.argv[1]+".merged"
+print ""
+print "number in queue: ", statqueue
+print "existing players updated: ", statupdated
+print "new players added: ", statadded
+print "\n"
+print "Use a viewer to check the contents of the merge file."
+print "If you are happy, carry out the following steps:"
+print "1 Rename or delete the existing notes file (normally .xml"
+print "2 Rename the .merged file to become the new notes file"
diff --git a/pyfpdb/RushNotesReadMe.txt b/pyfpdb/RushNotesReadMe.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43475536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyfpdb/RushNotesReadMe.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+aux to write fpdb data to player notes on Full Tilt
+by Gimick 30th Dec 2010
+RushNotesAux - auxillary processed attached to the full tilt hud
+ builds up fpdb notes "queue" for each villain met while the autoimport is running
+ uses HUD aggregation stats to do this
+RushNotesMerge - stand alone process to merge the existing ftp notes, together with queue
+ produced by Aux.
+ the output file can then be renamed to become the new ftp notes file
+Important info:
+The Merge process can only be run when ftp client is shutdown
+ - otherwise ftp overwrites the xml on exit.
+Restarting the autoimport will empty the notes"queue" so avoid restarting
+ autoimport until the previous notes "queue" has been merged. You will
+ lose all the queued notes, but these will be regenerated the next time
+ the villian is at your table, so it isn't the end of the world.
+Existing ftp notes _SHOULD_ be preserved, but this isn't guaranteed,
+ you have been warned!
+Existing colour codings should be preserved,
+ this process does not change or set colourcodings.
+Copies of the live ftp notes file should be preserved everytime
+ RushNotesAux (i.e. the HUD is started)
+The AW is hard-coded with just the table names of Micro Rush Poker,
+ and should ignore all other hands.
+What might not work?
+This isn't tested with Windows, and probably won't work, feedback welcome.
+Hasn't been tested for co-existance with other sites, feedback welcome.
+Whenever FTP change their notes file format, this will all break rather spectacularly,
+ you have been warned!
+Getting started:
+1. Set the Hero aggregation to alltime. hero_stat_range="A"
+ This overcomes a sqlite "bug" which has nothing to do with auxillary windows
+ not doing this will slow processing down to about 1 hand per minute.
+2. Set the site_path to be the folder containing the FTP notes xml file
+(on wine this is normally site_path="/home/blah/.wine/Program Files/Full Tilt Poker/")
+Wire-up the aux process:
+or whatever works for you.
+Play some poker
+Start Autoimport, and rearrange the on-screen stats out of the way
+ (the full HUD must run, killing the HUD kills the AW updates)
+Play whatever you want
+Stop the autoimport
+Exit the Full tilt poker client (ensure it has fully stopped with ps -A)
+execute the following:
+./pyfpdb/RushNotesMerge.py "/home/foo/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Full Tilt Poker/myname.xml"
+A revised notes file (blah.merge) should automagically appear in the full tilt root directory.
+If you are happy with it, replace the existing (myname.xml file)
+Since the updates aren't real time, it would be ok to play the rush
+ session with fpdb inactive, but before quitting any of the tables,
+ start the HUD and wait for it to catch-up processing all the hands played.
+This is very rough and ready, but it does what I set-out to achieve.
+All feedback welcome, and if this is useful as a basis for general notes
+ processing in future, then thats great.
+As I find bugs and make improvements, I will push to git.
+Much more information below:
+When playing rush poker, some sort of rudimentary HUD would answer simple questions
+like "is this allin overbet being made by a nit, or a maniac". Although some
+notes may have been made previously, some statistics would help to backup the decision.
+Currently fpdb cannot support rush because the HUD is always 1 hand or more
+behind the current action.
+The only way to do this at the moment is to switch to GuiPlayerStats and make a quick
+enquiry by player name. However, this effectively times you out of all other
+action if multitabling.
+Full Tilt situation
+Full Tilt notes are stored in xml format ("hero.xml"). Previously these could
+be updated while the game was in progress, however, FullTilt now cache the
+notes and write them out when the application exits. This makes it impossible
+to use the notes as a real-time HUD, and therefore real-time huds are now
+forced to screen-scrape or poke around in the client memory.
+Accepting this a limitation, this implementation updates the notes only once
+the FullTilt client has been closed. Obviously, the villain HUD stats are only
+as at the end of the last session, however, it is hoped this is significantly
+better than having nothing at all. As the hero's hand history increases, the
+notes should progressively mature in accuracy.
+Note that this implementation was written purely to be "good enough" to work
+for the author, and is not intended as package or production quality. It
+is contributed as a starting point for others, or for experimental use.
+Thanks to Ray Barker who gave a great deal of help throughout.
+The implementation
+RushNotesAux is an fpdb auxilliary process, and is called for every hand
+processed by autoimport. Each villain has a note prepared based on the current
+fpdb data, and this note (in XML format) is stored in a queue file.
+Auxilliary windows were chosen because
+a) the author has limited fpdb and programming skill
+b) the auxillary windows handler is well documented and supported
+c) any code created has access to the full range of stats with little or no extra work
+d) runs within the HUD, so the aggregation parameters are already available
+The notes are only regenerated if a hand is played against the villain. The
+process does not "bulk load" notes based upon all the player stats in FPDB.
+It is hoped that due to the relatively large hand volume and relatively small
+ player pools, this limitation will be largely overcome after a few sessions
+although there will obviously be a number of players with no fpdb note.
+The aggregation parameters used for the notes are based upon the HUD parameters.
+ (with the exception of the hand-ranges, which uses its' own criteria (see source)
+Stopping and starting the HUD will erase the previously created notes queue file.
+The HUD must run, so the individual player popups need to be manually relocated.
+Although hard-coded for micro RUSH tablenames, the auxilliary window could
+probably happily update notes of all cash and tournament players.
+Process overview
+1/ The HUD process is started.
+1.1/ when the first hand is received, h fresh holding file is created, and
+a copy of the current live xml note file is created as a security backup.
+2/ For every hand played, the auxillary window is called
+3/ Based upon the players in the hand, fpdb will be interrogated
+and key stats are formatted in xml-style and written out to a holding file.
+4/ At the end of the session, the HUD is stopped and the poker client closed
+5/ The user can then review the contents of the holding file.
+6/ A process is begun to "merge" the holding file into the existing player notes
+7/ A new "merged" file is created. The process attempts to preserve any
+existing notes, but this cannot be guaranteed.
+8/ The user can review this merged file, and if they are happy,
+they replace the existing note file.
+9/ Note that this process never updates the live notes file in situ, but
+there is a risk that something goes wrong, and that existing notes could be destroyed.