p70 - it displays GUI error message for missing config file

This commit is contained in:
steffen123 2008-08-31 03:06:24 +01:00
parent 700ce6c8f5
commit 0b96d49b23
3 changed files with 44 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -4,46 +4,46 @@ Please also see db-todo.txt
alpha3 (release by 31Aug)
update website for dropping profile subfolder and add dedicated update page
add dedicated update page
update status or make a support matrix table for website
add instructions for mailing list to contacts
(fixed by ray) auto import only runs on one file per start
find correct sf logo link
show database version error in GUI and use fpdb_db class const for it, add it to title
hud displayed 0/3 but a 2 digit percentage for W$SD?
anonymiser script to generate testdata without making a dozen find&replace all... remember to replace hand no with running no
update PrintPlayerHudData to take position and all the new fields into account
specify NOT NULL on almost all table columns
ebuild: symlink doesnt work, USE gtk, more automation, update install-in-gentoo.txt, set permissions in it, copy docs to correct place, use games eclass or whatever to get games group notice, print notice about install-in-gentoo.txt and mysql --config
auto import only runs on one file per start
make windows use correct language version of Appdata, e.g. Anwendungdaten
make 3 default HUD configs (easy (4-5 fields), advanced (10ish fields), crazy (20 or so))
store raw hand in db and write reimport function using the raw hand field
make it work with postgres
expand instructions for profile file
make windows use correct language version of Appdata, e.g. Anwendungdaten. http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2005-September/341702.html
ebuild: symlink doesnt work, USE gtk, more automation, update install-in-gentoo.txt, set permissions in it, copy docs to correct place, use games eclass or whatever to get games group notice, print notice about install-in-gentoo.txt and mysql --config
ftp: read maxSeats
add sf.net logo to webpage
separate db table design version and last bugfix in importer
change tabledesign VALIGN
finish updating filelist
finish todos in git instructions
make sure totalProfit shows actual profit rather than winnings.
update abbreviations.txt
(steffen) finish bringing back tourney
export settings[hud-defaultInterval] to conf
fix up bg colours in tv
fill the fold to CB/2B/3B cache fields
verify the totalProfit cache field
fill the check-/call-raise cache fields
move version into seperate file for fpdb gui and db
fill the fold to CB/2B/3B, check-/call-raise cache fields
table with data for graphs for SD/F, W$wSF, W$@SD
SD/F, W$wsF, W$@SD too low as reported by daedal in 2+2 forum on 12/13aug
show database version error in GUI and use fpdb_db class const for it, add it to title
split hud data generation into separate for loops and make it more efficient
fix bug that sawFlop/Turn/River gets miscalculated if someone is allin - might as well add all-in recognition for this
verify positionalness of HudData
printhand each and the 2/3 relevant printplayerflags respectively on ps-lhe-ring-successful-steal-by-cutoff.txt and ps-lhe-ring-call-3B-preflop-cb-no2b.txt
before beta
separate db table design version and last bugfix in importer
change tabledesign VALIGN
finish updating filelist
finish todos in git instructions
fix up bg colours in tv
move version into seperate file for fpdb gui and db
SD/F, W$wsF, W$@SD too low as reported by daedal in 2+2 forum on 12/13aug
create little test script for people to run to verify successful installation of pydeps
split hud data generation into separate for loops and make it more efficient
fix bug that sawFlop/Turn/River gets miscalculated if someone is allin - might as well add all-in recognition for this
make 3 default HUD configs (easy (4-5 fields), advanced (10ish fields), crazy (20 or so))
make it work with postgres
expand instructions for profile file
maybe remove siteId from gametypes
?change most cache fields to bigint to allow extremely big databases in excess of 2 or 4 million hands per stake and position?
rakeback/frequent player points

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@ -200,11 +200,26 @@ class fpdb:
print "todo: implement dia_save_profile"
#end def dia_save_profile
def dia_setup_wizard(self, path):
def diaSetupWizard(self, path):
print "todo: implement setup wizard"
print "setup wizard not implemented - please create the default configuration file:", path
diaSetupWizard = gtk.Dialog(title="Fatal Error - Config File Missing", parent=None, flags=0, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_QUIT,gtk.RESPONSE_OK))
label = gtk.Label("Please copy the config file from the docs folder to:")
label = gtk.Label(path)
label = gtk.Label("and edit it according to the install documentation at http://fpdb.sourceforge.net")
response = diaSetupWizard.run()
#end def dia_setup_wizard
#end def diaSetupWizard
def get_menu(self, window):
"""returns the menu for this program"""
@ -225,12 +240,12 @@ class fpdb:
defaultpath+=("Application Data"+os.sep)
else:#ie. if real OS prefix fpdb with a . as it is convention
if os.path.exists(defaultpath):
#end def load_default_profile
def load_profile(self, filename):