TourneySummary: SQLite complaining about Decimal format.

Variables were already passed in as int - allow them to remain so
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Worros 2011-03-10 18:03:21 +08:00
parent e0124d2d11
commit 07d2d5733c

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@ -245,13 +245,13 @@ class TourneySummary(object):
Adds a player to the tourney, and initialises data structures indexed by player.
rank (int) indicating the finishing rank (can be -1 if unknown)
name (string) player name
winnings (decimal) the money the player ended the tourney with (can be 0, or -1 if unknown)
winnings (int) the money the player ended the tourney with (can be 0, or -1 if unknown)
log.debug(_("addPlayer: rank:%s - name : '%s' - Winnings (%s)") % (rank, name, winnings))
if rank:
self.ranks.update( { name : Decimal(rank) } )
self.winnings.update( { name : Decimal(winnings) } )
self.ranks.update( { name : rank } )
self.winnings.update( { name : winnings } )
self.winningsCurrency.update( { name : winningsCurrency } )
self.ranks.update( { name : None } )