2010-07-04 03:05:16 +02:00
; Copyright 2008-2010 Michael
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; In the "official" distribution you can find the license in agpl-3.0.txt.
2008-10-09 01:54:50 +02:00
;"%programfiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqld" --remove
; Includes
#include < GUIConstantsEx . au3 >
; Variables
Dim $rootPwd = " "
Dim $fpdbUserPwd = " "
; Welcome message and option to abort. Change of working dir to \fpdbEnv
Dim $welcomeBox = MsgBox ( 4100 , " fpdb environment installation " , " This installer will automatically create the environment which is needed to run fpdb. " & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
" This means installing and configuring MySQL and Python including some special modules, " & @CRLF & " creating a directory for your fpdb user profile and adding gtk to your path. " & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
" You are advised to close all aplications before you proceed. " & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
" DON'T use the keyboard or the mouse during installation unless you are asked to! Just WAIT until the message box 'End of Installation' pops up! " & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
" If you want to continue the installation click 'Yes'. " & @CRLF & " If you want to abort the installation click 'No'. " )
If $welcomeBox == 7 Then
Exit ;Exit Installation if 'No' button is clicked in message box
; Ask user for mysql root password
GUICreate ( " FPDB Environment Installation " , 600 , 400 )
GUICtrlCreateLabel ( " For the installation of the FPDB Environment the MySQL root password and your poker database password are needed. " , 20 , 25 )
GUICtrlCreateLabel ( " In case MySQL and/or your fpdb poker database aren't installed on your computer, just pick a password. " , 20 , 50 )
GUICtrlCreateLabel ( " MySQL Root Password: " , 20 , 100 )
$rootPw = GUICtrlCreateInput ( " your password here " , 150 , 100 , 100 , 20 )
GUICtrlCreateLabel ( " Retype password: " , 290 , 100 )
$rootPwR = GUICtrlCreateInput ( " " , 420 , 100 , 100 , 20 )
GUICtrlCreateLabel ( " Poker DB User Password: " , 20 , 150 )
$userPw = GUICtrlCreateInput ( " your password here " , 150 , 150 , 100 , 20 )
GUICtrlCreateLabel ( " Retype password: " , 290 , 150 )
$userPwR = GUICtrlCreateInput ( " " , 420 , 150 , 100 , 20 )
$okbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton ( " OK " , 270 , 200 , 60 , 20 )
$status = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( " This is the status line. It describes what the installer is doing at the moment. " , 20 , 250 , 560 )
GUISetState ( @SW_SHOW )
While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg ( )
Case $msg = $okbutton
If Not ( GUICtrlRead ( $rootPw ) == GUICtrlRead ( $rootPwR ) ) OR GUICtrlRead ( $rootPw ) == " " Then
MsgBox ( 16 , " " , " The passwords don't macht! Try again! " , 20 , 250 )
ElseIf Not ( GUICtrlRead ( $userPw ) == GUICtrlRead ( $userPwR ) ) OR GUICtrlRead ( $userPw ) == " " Then
MsgBox ( 16 , " " , " The passwords don't macht! Try again! " , 20 , 250 )
$rootPwd = GUICtrlRead ( $rootPw )
$fpdbUserPwd = GUICtrlRead ( $userPw )
GUICtrlSetState ( $okbutton , $GUI_DISABLE )
; Files Needed
FileInstall ( " fpdb\7za.exe " , " 7za.exe " )
FileInstall ( " fpdb\MySQL Server 5.0.7z " , " MySQL Server 5.0.7z " )
FileInstall ( " fpdb\gtk.7z " , " gtk.7z " )
FileInstall ( " fpdb\python-2.5.2.msi " , " python-2.5.2.msi " )
FileInstall ( " fpdb\pymysql.7z " , " pymysql.7z " )
FileInstall ( " fpdb\pycairo.7z " , " pycairo.7z " )
FileInstall ( " fpdb\pygobject.7z " , " pygobject.7z " )
FileInstall ( " fpdb\pygtk.7z " , " pygtk.7z " )
FileInstall ( " fpdb\psykopg2.7z " , " psykopg2.7z " )
FileInstall ( " fpdb\pywin32.7z " , " pywin32.7z " )
; MySQL Install and configuration
If NOT FileExists ( EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & " \MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql.exe " ) Then
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Installing MySQL Database Management System and creating MySQL windows service. " )
RunWait ( ' 7za.exe x "MySQL Server 5.0.7z" -o" ' & EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & ' \MySQL\" -aoa ' , " " , @SW_HIDE )
RunWait ( ' " ' & EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & ' \MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqld" --install ' , " " , @SW_HIDE )
RunWait ( " net start mysql " , " " , @SW_HIDE )
ProcessWait ( " mysqld.exe " )
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Securing important MySQL user accounts. " )
Sleep ( 5000 )
FileWrite ( EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & " \MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql1.txt " , " DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = ''; " & @CRLF )
FileWrite ( EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & " \MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql1.txt " , " UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD(' " & $rootPwd & " ') WHERE User = 'root'; " & @CRLF )
FileWrite ( EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & " \MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql1.txt " , " FLUSH PRIVILEGES; " & @CRLF )
RunWait ( @ComSpec & ' /c mysql --user=root -e "source mysql1.txt" ' , EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & ' \MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\ ' , @SW_HIDE )
If NOT FileExists ( EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & " \MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\data\fpdb " ) Then
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Creating fpdb database. " )
FileWrite ( EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & " \MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql2.txt " , " create database fpdb; " & @CRLF )
RunWait ( @ComSpec & ' /c mysql --user=root --password= ' & $rootPwd & ' -e "source mysql2.txt" ' , EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & ' \MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\ ' , @SW_HIDE )
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Creating MySQL user 'fpdb' and granting privileges. " )
FileWrite ( EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & " \MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql3.txt " , " GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON fpdb.* TO 'fpdb'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ' " & $fpdbUserPwd & " ' WITH GRANT OPTION; " & @CRLF )
RunWait ( @ComSpec & ' /c mysql --user=root --password= ' & $rootPwd & ' -e "source mysql3.txt" ' , EnvGet ( " programfiles " ) & ' \MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\ ' , @SW_HIDE )
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Installing GTK. " )
RunWait ( ' 7za.exe x "gtk.7z" -oc:\ -aoa ' , " " , @SW_HIDE )
; Python 2.5 Installation
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Installing Python 2.5.2 " )
RunWait ( " msiexec /quiet /i python-2.5.2.msi " , " " , @SW_HIDE ) ;Install Python without user interaction
; pymysql
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Installing pymysql " )
RunWait ( ' 7za.exe x "pymysql.7z" -oC:\Python25\Lib\site-packages -aoa ' , " " , @SW_HIDE )
; pycairo
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Installing pycairo " )
RunWait ( ' 7za.exe x "pycairo.7z" -oC:\ -aoa ' , " " , @SW_HIDE )
; pygobject
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Installing pygobject " )
RunWait ( ' 7za.exe x "pygobject.7z" -oC:\ -aoa ' , " " , @SW_HIDE )
RunWait ( @ComSpec & ' /c C:\Python25\python.exe pygobject_postinstall.py -install ' , " C:\Python25\SCRIPTS " , @SW_HIDE )
; pygtk
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Installing pygtk " )
RunWait ( ' 7za.exe x "pygtk.7z" -oC:\ -aoa ' , " " , @SW_HIDE )
RunWait ( @ComSpec & ' /c C:\Python25\python.exe pygtk_postinstall.py -install ' , " C:\Python25\SCRIPTS " , @SW_HIDE )
; psykopg2
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Installing psykopg2 " )
RunWait ( ' 7za.exe x "psykopg2.7z" -oC:\ -aoa ' , " " , @SW_HIDE )
; pywin32
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Installing pywin32 for Python 2.5 " )
RunWait ( ' 7za.exe x "pywin32.7z" -oC:\ -aoa ' , " " , @SW_HIDE )
RunWait ( @ComSpec & ' /c C:\Python25\python.exe pywin32_postinstall.py -install ' , " C:\Python25\SCRIPTS " , @SW_HIDE )
; Creating directory for default.conf and coping the file into it
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Creating and installing default.conf file. " )
$file = FileOpen ( " default.conf " , 1 )
FileWriteLine ( $file , " db-backend=2 " & @CRLF )
FileWriteLine ( $file , " db-host=localhost " & @CRLF )
FileWriteLine ( $file , " db-databaseName=fpdb " & @CRLF )
FileWriteLine ( $file , " db-user=fpdb " & @CRLF )
FileWriteLine ( $file , " db-password= " & $fpdbUserPwd & @CRLF )
FileWriteLine ( $file , " tv-combinedStealFold=True " & @CRLF )
FileWriteLine ( $file , " tv-combined2B3B=True " & @CRLF )
FileWriteLine ( $file , " tv-combinedPostflop=True " & @CRLF )
FileWriteLine ( $file , " bulkImport-defaultPath=default " & @CRLF )
FileWriteLine ( $file , " hud-defaultPath=default " & @CRLF )
FileWriteLine ( $file , " imp-callFpdbHud=True " & @CRLF )
FileClose ( $file )
FileCopy ( " default.conf " , EnvGet ( " appdata " ) & " \fpdb\ " , 9 )
; Registry
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Creating backup of path variable and adding GTK and Python to path variable. " )
RegWrite ( " HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment " , " PathBackup " , " REG_SZ " , RegRead( " HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Environment " , " path " ))
RegWrite ( " HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment " , " path " , " REG_SZ " , RegRead ( " HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment " , " path " ) & ' ;C:\gtk\bin;C:\Python25 ' )
; Delete installation files
GUICtrlSetData ( $status , " Deleting temporary installation files. " )
FileDelete ( " 7za.exe " )
FileDelete ( " MySQL Server 5.0.7z " )
FileDelete ( " gtk.7z " )
FileDelete ( " python-2.5.2.msi " )
FileDelete ( " pymysql.7z " )
FileDelete ( " pycairo.7z " )
FileDelete ( " pygobject.7z " )
FileDelete ( " pygtk.7z " )
FileDelete ( " psykopg2.7z " )
FileDelete ( " pywin32.7z " )
FileDelete ( " default.conf " )
$goodbyeBox = MsgBox ( 4100 , " End of Installation " , " The Computer needs to be restarted for the installation to be complete. " & @CRLF & _
" After that you can start fpdb by double clicking the file fpdb.py which is located in the folder pyfpdb of the fpdb build you downloaded. " & @CRLF & _
" If you haven't downloaded fpdb yet you can do it here: http://ovh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/fpdb/fpdb-alpha2-p68.zip " & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
" If you want to restart the computer now click 'Yes'. " & @CRLF & _
" If you want to restart the computer later click 'No'. " )
If $goodbyeBox == 7 Then
Exit ;Exit Installation if 'No' button is clicked in message box
Run ( " shutdown.exe -r -t 0 " )