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Raw Normal View History

todolist (db=database, imp=importer, tv=tableviewer)
before alpha
add back turn, river and stud functionality to hud and import-HudData
db+imp+tv WtSD (went to showdown)
db+imp+tv W$SD (won $ when seeing showdown - partial win counts partially here)
db+imp+tv WwSF (Won when seen flop - partial taken into account)
change action_no to be total for this street rather than just for one player
properly read 3B/4B percentage
fix load profile
fix tv browse button size
tourney bug: sometimes truncuates position on store -> possibly indicates much bigger problem
tourney bug: fails recognisePlayer
tourney bug: fails with tuple error in recogniseplayerid
config wizard
catch index error, type error, file not found error
update install instructions
implement error file in importer
remove mysql/myisam support.
before beta
change stud street storage from 3-7 to 0-4 throughout
make bulk importer display a grand total in the GUI
change save_to_db into one method and probably move into parse_logic
Any comment or print with "todo" in it in the sourcecode except what is marked todo in the menu
make a quick benchmark of mysql and postgresql: import of my whole db, some tableviewer refreshes with and without updated file
db+imp+tv steal blind from btn, co, lmp. fold SB/BB/BI to steal
Make tab and enter work as sensible in GUIs and implement Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+X and Alt+F4 for close.
use profile file for bulk import and table viewer settings and pathes
handle errors properly, in particular wrt to SQL rollback.
check that we read sitout correctly in: Full Tilt Poker Game #6150325318: Table Bogside
setup database, database-user and permission from GUI.
update prepare-git to check for license header and copyright.
change/expand print_hand to cover everything new and update verified hands' .found file
verify at least 2 or 3 sng hands
no rush but before 1.0RC
cut down action_types array size to appropriate length
make tv work with ftp e.g. by making importer return site as well (easy)
make the gui display errors
log file
move directory import code from gui to backend
convert fpdb_import to not require passing "self", generally clean the parameter passing
(tedious general stability improvement for unusual playernames): change all the str.find so they dont accidentially count player names containing the searched phrase. e.g. with rfind.
Doesn't handle Daylight Saving Time (I don't think at least)
Need to store if someone goes all-in, particularly for better NL/PL support.
verify at least 3 hands per category per site per limit_type (when cap then do 2 normal and one 1 capped) incl tv display
put lines in tv to make it easier to read
speed up so that refresh after importing my whole DB takes no more than 10 seks on my P3M-800 (a quick run on git5+ indicates this is ok now), or 5 with remote DB
select range of stakes and sng/mtt values and types for tv
change "for i" to more sensible var name instead of i
in all importer: stop doing if site=="ftp", make class constants for site_id instead
recognise somewhere if a file is still active and if so keep it open and only read new hands rather than detecting dupes
gentoo ebuild
separate all gui and all processing into files that are named accordingly
ensure that there is only one db handle flying around and that its state is handled properly, ie. by the GUI. i think that might be why we have to reconnect the DB in tableviewer.
why do we have to reconnect in tv.read_names_clicked?
HUD for PokerStars
HTMLify docs
can wait till 1.x
finish cleaning tabledesign html code
It treats fold due to disconnect as voluntary fold which is not ideal
check for unnecessary db.commit()
Probably PartyPoker for all or most supported games
repair hands where the seat lines are missing, happens when observing at FTP
flags for storing the reason for winning (best hi, tie for best low, etc.) to DB. not sure actually if this is such a good idea remember that there can be multiple reasons for the same player in the same hand
windows integrated installer
benchmark properly on mysql innodb, mysql myisam, postgresql, sqlite, more?
rename things like this: ClassName.methodName and variableName. do this on tables too. update codingstyle
CLI (not ncurses, proper CLI) equivalent for fpdb.py
optimise/simplify storing by creating the SQL statements depending on hand rather than calling different methods
Trademarks of third parties have been used under Fair Use or similar laws.
Copyright 2008 Steffen Jobbagy-Felso
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
Version 1.2 as published by the Free Software Foundation; with
no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover
Texts. A copy of the license can be found in fdl-1.2.txt
The program itself is licensed under AGPLv3, see agpl-3.0.txt