made them in XP Pro, if you discover any differences or problems please let me know. If you're still on Win3/95/98/ME then you should switch to GNU/Linux, *BSD or WinXP.
Set a root password. Note that this is NOT the account/pw that fpdb will use. Also note that this is NOT a system account - you can't login to Windows with this, it is only for the database.
Type (replacing yourPassword with the root password for MySQL you specified during installation):
mysql --user=root --password=yourPassword
It should say something like this:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4
Server version: 5.0.60-log Gentoo Linux mysql-5.0.60-r1
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
Now create the actual database. The default name is fpdb, I recommend you keep it. Type this:
Next you need to create a user. I recommend you use the default fpdb. Type this (replacing newPassword with the password you want the fpdb user to have - this can, but for security shouldn't, be the same as the root mysql password):
Then add the bin folder to your PATH. Make sure you have no other
versions of GTK+ in PATH.
To do that:
Right click on "My Computer" ("Arbeitsplatz" in German Windows) on the Desktop or in (Windows) Explorer. Select Properties. Then click on the tab Advanced and then you should see Environment Variables. Simply append GTK's bin folder to the existing PATH (make sure to put a ; between the old PATH and GTK's folder to seperate the entries in this list).
6. Copy the default.conf from the docs folder to the appropriate folder in your system, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\Nick\Application Data\fpdb\profiles\default.conf
Now edit the file, in particular you will always have to type in the correct password (insecure, I know) and if you differ from the default setup you may need to change host, database or user.
A word on privelege separation: fpdb should not require root/Administrator rights to run. If it does it is a bug or serious misconfiguration, please let us know.