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2010-08-30 17:24:28 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2010-08-30 17:24:28 +02:00
# Copyright 2010, Carl Gherardi
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import sys
import os
import codecs
import pprint
import PokerStarsToFpdb
from Hand import *
import Configuration
import Database
import SQL
import fpdb_import
import Options
import datetime
import pytz
class FpdbError:
2010-08-28 10:43:05 +02:00
def __init__(self, sitename):
self.site = sitename
self.errorcount = 0
self.histogram = {}
2010-09-04 07:11:35 +02:00
self.statcount = {}
def error_report(self, filename, hand, stat, ghash, testhash, player):
print "Regression Test Error:"
print "\tFile: %s" % filename
print "\tStat: %s" % stat
print "\tPlayer: %s" % player
if filename in self.histogram:
self.histogram[filename] += 1
self.histogram[filename] = 1
2010-09-04 07:11:35 +02:00
if stat in self.statcount:
self.statcount[stat] += 1
self.statcount[stat] = 1
self.errorcount += 1
def print_histogram(self):
2010-08-28 10:43:05 +02:00
print "%s:" % self.site
for f in self.histogram:
idx = f.find('regression')
print "(%3d) : %s" %(self.histogram[f], f[idx:])
def compare_gametypes_file(filename, importer, errors):
hashfilename = filename + '.gt'
in_fh = codecs.open(hashfilename, 'r', 'utf8')
whole_file = in_fh.read()
testhash = eval(whole_file)
hhc = importer.getCachedHHC()
handlist = hhc.getProcessedHands()
lookup = {
7:'Small Blind',
8:'Big Blind',
9:'Small Bet',
10:'Big Bet',
for hand in handlist:
ghash = hand.gametyperow
for i in range(len(ghash)):
2011-02-21 07:08:53 +01:00
#print "DEBUG: about to compare: '%s' and '%s'" %(ghash[i], testhash[i])
if ghash[i] == testhash[i]:
# The stats match - continue
errors.error_report(filename, hand, lookup[i], ghash, testhash, None)
def compare_handsplayers_file(filename, importer, errors):
hashfilename = filename + '.hp'
in_fh = codecs.open(hashfilename, 'r', 'utf8')
whole_file = in_fh.read()
testhash = eval(whole_file)
hhc = importer.getCachedHHC()
handlist = hhc.getProcessedHands()
#We _really_ only want to deal with a single hand here.
for hand in handlist:
ghash = hand.stats.getHandsPlayers()
for p in ghash:
#print "DEBUG: player: '%s'" % p
pstat = ghash[p]
teststat = testhash[p]
for stat in pstat:
#print "pstat[%s][%s]: %s == %s" % (p, stat, pstat[stat], teststat[stat])
if pstat[stat] == teststat[stat]:
# The stats match - continue
if stat == 'tourneyTypeId' or stat == 'tourneysPlayersIds':
# Not and error
errors.error_report(filename, hand, stat, ghash, testhash, p)
except KeyError, e:
errors.error_report(filename, False, "KeyError: '%s'" % stat, False, False, p)
def compare_hands_file(filename, importer, errors):
hashfilename = filename + '.hands'
in_fh = codecs.open(hashfilename, 'r', 'utf8')
whole_file = in_fh.read()
testhash = eval(whole_file)
hhc = importer.getCachedHHC()
handlist = hhc.getProcessedHands()
for hand in handlist:
ghash = hand.stats.getHands()
for datum in ghash:
#print "DEBUG: hand: '%s'" % datum
if ghash[datum] == testhash[datum]:
# The stats match - continue
# Stats don't match.
if datum == "gametypeId" or datum == 'sessionId' or datum == 'tourneyId':
# Not an error. gametypeIds are dependent on the order added to the db.
#print "DEBUG: Skipping mismatched gamtypeId"
errors.error_report(filename, hand, datum, ghash, testhash, None)
except KeyError, e:
errors.error_report(filename, False, "KeyError: '%s'" % datum, False, False, None)
def compare(leaf, importer, errors, site):
filename = leaf
#print "DEBUG: fileanme: %s" % filename
# Test if this is a hand history file
if filename.endswith('.txt'):
# test if there is a .hp version of the file
print "Site: %s" % site
print "Filename: %s" % filename
importer.addBulkImportImportFileOrDir(filename, site=site)
(stored, dups, partial, errs, ttime) = importer.runImport()
2010-09-02 07:42:40 +02:00
if errs > 0:
errors.error_report(filename, False, "Parse", False, False, False)
if os.path.isfile(filename + '.hp'):
compare_handsplayers_file(filename, importer, errors)
if os.path.isfile(filename + '.hands'):
compare_hands_file(filename, importer, errors)
if os.path.isfile(filename + '.gt'):
compare_gametypes_file(filename, importer, errors)
def walk_testfiles(dir, function, importer, errors, site):
"""Walks a directory, and executes a callback on each file """
dir = os.path.abspath(dir)
for file in [file for file in os.listdir(dir) if not file in [".",".."]]:
nfile = os.path.join(dir,file)
if os.path.isdir(nfile):
walk_testfiles(nfile, compare, importer, errors, site)
function(nfile, importer, errors, site)
except OSError as (errno, strerror):
if errno == 20:
# Error 20 is 'not a directory'
function(dir, importer, errors, site)
raise OSError(errno, strerror)
def usage():
print "USAGE:"
2011-01-18 07:31:13 +01:00
print "Run all tests:"
print "\t./TestHandsPlayers.py"
print "Run tests for a sinlge site:"
print "\t./TestHandsPlayers -s <Sitename>"
print "Run tests for a sinlge file in a site:"
print "\t./TestHandsPlayers -s <Sitename> -f <filename>"
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
(options, argv) = Options.fpdb_options()
test_all_sites = True
if options.usage == True:
single_file_test = False
if options.sitename:
options.sitename = Options.site_alias(options.sitename)
if options.sitename == False:
if options.filename:
print "Testing single hand: '%s'" % options.filename
single_file_test = True
print "Only regression testing '%s' files" % (options.sitename)
test_all_sites = False
config = Configuration.Config(file = "HUD_config.test.xml")
db = Database.Database(config)
sql = SQL.Sql(db_server = 'sqlite')
settings = {}
2010-09-04 19:12:31 +02:00
importer = fpdb_import.Importer(False, settings, config, None)
importer.setDropIndexes("don't drop")
PacificPokerErrors= FpdbError('PacificPoker')
2010-09-03 06:05:22 +02:00
PokerStarsErrors = FpdbError('PokerStars')
FTPErrors = FpdbError('Full Tilt Poker')
PartyPokerErrors = FpdbError('Party Poker')
BetfairErrors = FpdbError('Betfair')
OnGameErrors = FpdbError('OnGame')
AbsoluteErrors = FpdbError('Absolute Poker')
UltimateBetErrors = FpdbError('Ultimate Bet')
EverleafErrors = FpdbError('Everleaf Poker')
2011-02-10 05:22:59 +01:00
EverestErrors = FpdbError('Everest Poker')
CarbonErrors = FpdbError('Carbon')
2010-09-03 12:01:16 +02:00
PKRErrors = FpdbError('PKR')
2010-10-07 09:12:06 +02:00
iPokerErrors = FpdbError('iPoker')
2010-11-11 11:31:10 +01:00
Win2dayErrors = FpdbError('Win2day')
2010-10-07 09:12:06 +02:00
WinamaxErrors = FpdbError('Winamax')
2010-09-04 07:11:35 +02:00
ErrorsList = [
PacificPokerErrors, PokerStarsErrors, FTPErrors, PartyPokerErrors,
2010-09-04 07:11:35 +02:00
BetfairErrors, OnGameErrors, AbsoluteErrors,
2010-09-06 11:24:08 +02:00
EverleafErrors, CarbonErrors, PKRErrors,
iPokerErrors, WinamaxErrors, UltimateBetErrors,
2011-02-10 05:22:59 +01:00
Win2dayErrors, EverestErrors,
2010-09-04 07:11:35 +02:00
sites = {
'PacificPoker' : False,
'PokerStars' : False,
'Full Tilt Poker' : False,
'PartyPoker' : False,
'Betfair' : False,
'OnGame' : False,
'Absolute' : False,
'UltimateBet' : False,
'Everleaf' : False,
'Carbon' : False,
#'PKR' : False,
'iPoker' : False,
'Win2day' : False,
'Winamax' : False,
2011-02-10 05:22:59 +01:00
'Everest' : False,
if test_all_sites == True:
for s in sites:
sites[s] = True
sites[options.sitename] = True
if sites['PacificPoker'] == True and not single_file_test:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/PacificPoker/", compare, importer, PacificPokerErrors, "PacificPoker")
elif sites['PacificPoker'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, PacificPokerErrors, "PacificPoker")
if sites['PokerStars'] == True and not single_file_test:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/Stars/", compare, importer, PokerStarsErrors, "PokerStars")
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/tour/Stars/", compare, importer, PokerStarsErrors, "PokerStars")
elif sites['PokerStars'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, PokerStarsErrors, "PokerStars")
if sites['Full Tilt Poker'] == True and not single_file_test:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/FTP/", compare, importer, FTPErrors, "Full Tilt Poker")
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/tour/FTP/", compare, importer, FTPErrors, "Full Tilt Poker")
elif sites['Full Tilt Poker'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, FTPErrors, "Full Tilt Poker")
if sites['PartyPoker'] == True and not single_file_test:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/PartyPoker/", compare, importer, PartyPokerErrors, "PartyPoker")
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/tour/PartyPoker/", compare, importer, PartyPokerErrors, "PartyPoker")
elif sites['PartyPoker'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, PartyPokerErrors, "PartyPoker")
if sites['Betfair'] == True and not single_file_test:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/Betfair/", compare, importer, BetfairErrors, "Betfair")
elif sites['Betfair'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, BetfairErrors, "Betfair")
if sites['OnGame'] == True and not single_file_test:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/OnGame/", compare, importer, OnGameErrors, "OnGame")
elif sites['OnGame'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, OnGameErrors, "OnGame")
if sites['Absolute'] == True and not single_file_test:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/Absolute/", compare, importer, AbsoluteErrors, "Absolute")
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/tour/Absolute/", compare, importer, AbsoluteErrors, "Absolute")
elif sites['Absolute'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, AbsoluteErrors, "Absolute")
if sites['UltimateBet'] == True and not single_file_test:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/UltimateBet/", compare, importer, UltimateBetErrors, "Absolute")
elif sites['UltimateBet'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, UltimateBetErrors, "Absolute")
if sites['Everleaf'] == True and not single_file_test:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/Everleaf/", compare, importer, EverleafErrors, "Everleaf")
elif sites['Everleaf'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, EverleafErrors, "Everleaf")
if sites['Carbon'] == True and not single_file_test:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/Carbon/", compare, importer, CarbonErrors, "Carbon")
elif sites['Carbon'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, CarbonErrors, "Carbon")
#if sites['PKR'] == True and not single_file_test:
# walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/PKR/", compare, importer, PKRErrors, "PKR")
if sites['iPoker'] == True and not single_file_test:
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/iPoker/", compare, importer, iPokerErrors, "iPoker")
elif sites['iPoker'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, iPokerErrors, "iPoker")
if sites['Winamax'] == True and not single_file_test:
2010-10-07 09:12:06 +02:00
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/Winamax/", compare, importer, WinamaxErrors, "Winamax")
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/tour/Winamax/", compare, importer, WinamaxErrors, "Winamax")
elif sites['Winamax'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, WinamaxErrors, "Winamax")
if sites['Win2day'] == True and not single_file_test:
2010-11-11 11:31:10 +01:00
walk_testfiles("regression-test-files/cash/Win2day/", compare, importer, Win2dayErrors, "Win2day")
elif sites['Win2day'] == True and single_file_test:
walk_testfiles(options.filename, compare, importer, Win2dayErrors, "Win2day")
2010-08-28 10:43:05 +02:00
2010-09-04 07:11:35 +02:00
totalerrors = 0
for i, site in enumerate(ErrorsList):
totalerrors += ErrorsList[i].errorcount
print "---------------------"
2010-08-28 10:43:05 +02:00
print "Total Errors: %d" % totalerrors
print "---------------------"
2010-09-04 07:11:35 +02:00
for i, site in enumerate(ErrorsList):
# Merge the dicts of stats from the various error objects
statdict = {}
for i, site in enumerate(ErrorsList):
tmp = ErrorsList[i].statcount
for stat in tmp:
if stat in statdict:
statdict[stat] += tmp[stat]
statdict[stat] = tmp[stat]
print "\n"
print "---------------------"
print "Errors by stat:"
print "---------------------"
#for stat in statdict:
# print "(%3d) : %s" %(statdict[stat], stat)
sortedstats = sorted([(value,key) for (key,value) in statdict.items()])
for num, stat in sortedstats:
print "(%3d) : %s" %(num, stat)
if __name__ == '__main__':